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Ibn Sina

Which spiral dynamic Stage was Buddha at?

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Spiral dynamics is a complex model.

I wouldn't expect a clear answer to this question since Buddha lived over 2000 years ago and he was supposedly enlightened.

Siddartha's ancient society was likely in the very low stages like purple and red. This would have likely limited his growth in all lines of development.


Don't ask these types of black and white questions about spiral dynamics unless you are willing to research all of the material. 

Leo has said that the model's value lies in its complexity and nuance and I would agree. 

Many beginners have this notion that enlightened people are automatically stage turquoise and that's just not true...furthermore, spiral dynamics as a model does not do a good job of incorporating awakened conciousness where apparently Ken Wilber's integral models (which I havent studied much myself) do.


To conclude, I understand your curiosity but ultimately your question can be answered by studying the model yourself. Watch all of Leo's content on the topic it's very comprehensive. 

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@Adam M where can I find information about Ken Wilbers integral models? From where did you study them?

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8 minutes ago, Neorez said:

@Adam M where can I find information about Ken Wilbers integral models? From where did you study them?

I have read them recently in Integral Life Practice, the AQAL integral framework is a model where you can be a high levels of spiritual development as the Buddha was, but in his relations to others he could be much lower. But they also state that sometimes the development in one subject (or quadrant) can improve the rest, which I agree.

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To be honest the Buddha or any enlightened being is beyond stages in that stages are dualistic.  So from a dualistic perspective you could place him or any enlightened person into a stage but that will always be relative.  The Buddha became the Absolute.  Stages cannot go there.

Edited by Inliytened1


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