
Holotropic Breathwork Experience

23 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, ElenaO said:

Interesting, I'll have to read on it. From what I've heard earlier Wim Hf's method is meant for shorter periods not a 3 hour session and it's more specific about how you have to breath. I've been in a short session and it definitely didn't look the same to me.

there aren't really any "meant" or "shoulds" with either of these modalities. they're very open and the only hard rules for them is safety, not doing them in a dangerous place or standing, etc. both are basically just about building some momentum up with the breath, following it and letting go. wim hof adds a little more structure to it sometimes and holotropic takes more structure away but that's about it. there is a video course on the wim hof site and through the various guided recording they sometimes prioritize a sort of breath sprint experience and others it's just kinda going along with the feeling. you can do it sitting, with music, without, for just a few rounds, or as many rounds totally 3 hours.   

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I think Wim Hof's method doesn't promote emotional healing or any sort of spiritual development. It's done just for a few rounds and I doubt you can achieve any breakthroughs in such a short session. So they have perhaps different goals. 

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@ElenaO They do longer sessions if you go on their retreats. I have seen clips of people guided by Wim himself doing at least 45min breath work. They do promote emotional healing but I think the shorter sessions are good to get in to it. Long breath work is quit scary for those that have no experience with meditation. For the spiritual development part, Wim hoff oftens speaks about the DMT release you can get from doing his breath work. I think he tries to appeal to a larger crowd than holotropic breath work does. Just my two cents.

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