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Affirmations or Afformations?

3 posts in this topic

Hey guys, 

I came across another concept then using affirmations. 

It's very similar to affirmations but instead of saying something like:

"I am confident" 

It's formed into a why question like:

"Why am I confident" 

I didn't really try afformations and have to find out more about it but I still did a short experiment and also realized that by doing my daily affirmations the brain tries in the background to neglect the affirmation by saying things like:

"No you aren't" 

"Are you sure" 

"I don't believe that"

When I use afformations in form of a why question, this resistance is not there. I feel the mind can't neglect the afformation because it is already busy with finding reasons why what is said is true and there by is accepting it as reality. 

Would be great someone has already experimented and tested both methods long term and compared them. 


Edited by Eminent11

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5 hours ago, Stenne said:

@Eminent11 youre brain is like google so it answer every question that you ask. If you ask why am i such a loser its gonna answer thing like youre ugly, studid, youre a failure etc.. if you ask a positive question like why should a have self confidence or what am i gratefull for, what do i love about myself or life its gonna find an answer two.

I asked if someone has experience with affirmations in comparison to afformations, whether someone knows what works better. 

Your answer is to tell me the mind can answer questions? 


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I would do subliminals if I was you.  You can easily find a confidence subliminal on youtube. The law of attraction is so powerful that I listened to a bigger dick subliminal and it fucking worked in less than a week. It's crazy what the mind is capable of. 

Edited by Cody_Atzori

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