
is it true that if i reveal my goals i will less likely to them?

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I hear that phrase a lot. Is it true? Does revealing my goals really de-motivates me from working to achieve those goals?

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I'm not a psychologist, but my experience makes me feel that it depends on the individual. Some people, myself included, have found a quick loss in motivation from telling friends/family their goals likely because the goal was inauthentic from the start and just to get attention and feel good in the moment.

However, other people find that they can hack motivation by creating social pressure. For example, posting to Facebook that you are you will never drink alcohol again is a big claim and you now have all your friends who will keep you in check. 

Trying both is the only way you'll know for sure. Also type "intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation" into Google for a better explanation of all this.

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2 hours ago, capriciousduck said:

I hear that phrase a lot. Is it true? Does revealing my goals really de-motivates me from working to achieve those goals?

@capriciousduck Hi the reasing behind this "phrases" about not speaking about your goals is that when you do... People around will naturally give you praise and motivation just for making the decision for yourself. This will boost your self esteem almost immediately something that naturally should occur after you accomplish a goal not when you first plan the idea.

So it is said that when you get this immediate gratification you loose some of that impulse or longing that first pushed you into making the goal in the first place. The original praise might be enough for some people and they will forget about the goal. 


Plus to me it just seems like added presure. If you are the type of persone that thrives under pressure I'd say tell the whole world.


Tu amigo

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3 hours ago, capriciousduck said:

I hear that phrase a lot. Is it true? Does revealing my goals really de-motivates me from working to achieve those goals?

No, not really. You can still talk about your goals to people and then go out and achieve them. If anything it creates more motivation because there's added pressure to not look like a failure. But the point is, is that there's really no point in telling people, particularly if you haven't even taken any action towards the goal. Unless it's conducive towards achieving the goal, just keep things to yourself and let your actions speak for themselves. The action itself is always much more valuable and impressive than the words. 

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Yes. Absolutely. People will bring you down, ask you difficult questions, and tell you that is not possible. That is better to play it safe and bla bla bla.

This will de-motivate you and make you doubt yourself and your abilities. 

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