
I have a Goal...

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This all started with a dream I had.


I was a commander on a short-grassed plain where a violent battle was occurring between men,women, horses and some Green Skinned creatures (whatever they were)

I was butchering my enemies left right and centre with ease, to the point where I was enjoying the primal brutality of my victory, which was giving me a deep primal sense of actualization, I was good at what I was doing, enjoying it to the point where I felt like an artist. Beauty.

However, the joy came from my pure fearlessness in the battle. I was NOT afraid to DIE! this impacted me massively the next day, I was joyful, confident and at peace, a stark contrast to my usual anxiety fuelled days.



So, silly as it may be.. here is my goal:


To become FEARLESS.

I have become acutely aware that most of my problems/failures in life have stemmed from fear, fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of confrontation, fear of death. This fear must be transcended if I am to actualize myself.

I meditate daily, are there any specific methods of meditation or other practices that can move me towards reaching this state of being that anyone is aware of? 



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At my current point, I cannot even preview lack of fear

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What is your direct experience with problems/failures, loss, confrontation, and death? Take a look at these things you fear, and you will find they are thoughts. Keep investigating, and you will find the one who fears is also a thought. You have nothing to fear, you have always been perfectly safe, you have literally never moved. Thoughts can be very convincing to the contrary. 

Thoughts which you are aware of. Thoughts which came and went. Thoughts which come and go now. Notice, you do not come & go, you are always present, here, now. 

If you are determined, simply meditate twice a day for 30 minutes. Return your focus to breathing from your stomach, over and over. 

If the emotional attachment to thoughts overwhelms, sit and write about the sensations in detail. Do not write about your self, past, future, or another person. Only write about the sensations, the feelings. The critical key, is not writing about self, past, future. In doing this practice, you will realize how you go into thought stories of a separate self, using self, past, future - simply by not doing it. 

The perspective of fear you’re experiencing arises only in the experiential separation between your mind and heart, beliefs and awareness of beliefs as beliefs. The experience of fear requires that you first invent, in thoughts, a false, separate, temporary, self. A self which comes and goes, is born and dies. So in this practice, because you will not entertain the separate self any longer with such thought stories, what you currently believe yourself to be - will dissolve.  Awareness alone is curative. Nothing is hidden. Godspeed ♥️




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Thankyou Nahm <3

Edited by Iksander

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