
Spiritualism Is Hidden Everywhere

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I seem to be the only one who noticed this but Spiritualism is hidden everywhere in our lives. Most notably the bands of the 60s-70s would sing a great deal about Spirituality. Whether they were talking about enlightenment or not I don't know. Some bands like this are Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath.

Steve Jobs was actually quite spiritual as well. He used to go to the Hare Krishna Temple and even went on a spiritual pilgrimage to India. I'm not sure if I remember correctly but he preached self actualization. 

Even in tv shows like "Avatar the Last Airbender", Spiritualism such as the yogi teaching Ang how to open his 7 chakras was shown. 



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I've noticed it as well mate and it's not only shown in the most obvious ways with people singing about humbling yourself etc (which is also fucking awesome) but the symbolism is hidden everywhere in plain sight.

I made a thread about it named " Symbolism & The Truth of Everything reflected in Everything " and even though I mostly brought up the bible it can be seen everywhere around us in video games, movies and all kinds of art etc etc.

Maleficent is a fantastic and incredibly simple example of this when you can see that Aurora and Maleficent are the same person and they are both you, the Lego Movie is another favorite of mine. 
As for music videos my favorite is by far Katy Perry - Wide Awake, I'd hate to spoil the learning experience but once you can see it you're mind is blown.

Here's a playlist with some of my other favorite music videos just in case anyone is interessted: 


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I agree whole heartedly with you Progress. I grew up in that era and it's true. Many, many songs from the 60's, 70's and maybe early / mid 80's had lyrics and rhythm with a spiritual feel to them. Maybe that's why I was so entrenched in these bands without even realizing it. Back then this was main-stream stuff. You could turn on your radio or throw on an album and lose yourself. Learning these songs word for word was easy for me, even natural.

I'd like to add some bands to that list; Styx, Boston, Kansas, Rush and Bowie come to mind off the top of my head.

Where did that go? What happened? Was it because of the era? Was it because of the peace and love phenomenon? Was it the innocents of the time? I don't know but it seems to me that what we hear nowadays is nothing but popcorn love songs and wanna get in your pants crap. Maybe I'm just getting too old to appreciate the current trends in music but it's not the same as the old days.

Lyrics in fact seem to be secondary now to catchy beats and rhythms that you can dance too. Not to mention that appearance and stage presents are now more important than talent and hard work. Get noticed, become viral, and your then considered a great artist. Do you think in todays society a guy like Joe Cocker could have ever made it. I don't think so.   


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