
i did self-inquiry in a dream

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Last night I had one of those awful nights of such a poor sleep rest and full of weird, intense, vivid dreams. At this point almost all of my dreams are always Lucid, meaning "I know" I am in a dreaming and I can´t wait to get the fuck out of it because im so tired of them. 

So last night in one dream (lucid dream) the "reality" of the dream was so intense that I was going really shocked at how that could be possible. I then woke up and I had this sense of, "fuuuck me" how this is possible. I went again to sleep. Then In the following 2 dreams I was so LUCID, I started doing self-INQUIRY in the dreaming, asking "Who is the one who is dreaming right now"? I tried to totally ignore the "narrative" of the dream (someone chasing me, someone to fight etc) to try to focus on the feeling of "I" i was having in the dream. Just like in "real" awake life. I couldn´t get anywhere however. (meaning i didnt get any insights)

This seems totally insane but happened lol. I obviously couldn´t figured out shit. I had a sense that the "I" behind the experience it was awareness also, just like in awake life. The fact that when you are also dreaming there´s the untouchable awarenss also there seems to me absolutely crazy. I´ve never thought about awareness being also in dreams. 

Edited by Javfly33

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If there was no awareness in a dream, there would be no dream.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Javfly33 that's awesome. Keep trying. Have you meditated in the dream? Or tried having a wake induced lucid dream(WILD) inside the dream, going deeper in? Is there a deeper in?  You may be tired of your lucid dreams but unless you've exhausted possibilities of LD, you could still consider it a blessing

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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I even got enlightenment in tonight dream. So I think it's time to rest like:


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23 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Javfly33 that's awesome. Keep trying. Have you meditated in the dream? Or tried having a wake induced lucid dream(WILD) inside the dream, going deeper in? Is there a deeper in?  You may be tired of your lucid dreams but unless you've exhausted possibilities of LD, you could still consider it a blessing

Lol, that´s seems quite insane. I don´t know if that would be possible but yeah, I will update if i keep having so much lucid dreams. I guess i´ll have to try to take advantage of 

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I always try self inquiry during dreams. Never got anywhere except extreme anxiety.

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I also did self inquiry while dreaming once. Did not even realize it was a dream. Now tell me what are my chances of waking up from this "not dreaming" state if I cant do it even in my sleep LOL

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