
What to do when completely and utterly confused?

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What to do when your completely and utterly confused about everything? Like "how do I know anyone's advice towards this question is valid" levels of confused. Like "how can I be certain of anything?" levels of confused. Like "how do we know experiementation even reveals truth" levels of confused.

I have started and quit habits (concentration, meditation, self-inquiry, lifting, etc) many times due to uncertainty over if I am on the right path or if this is just unnecessary suffering/effort or if this effort is even worth it. Honestly been stuck like this for over a year now and feeling hopeless.

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What winterknight said is good advice.

However, if for some reason you are unable to get psychoanalytic therapy, I think you should start listening to your own intuition. Not your thoughts, but your intuition, what some people refer to as your Higher Self. It is this deep sense of groundedness that isn't connected to neurotic thoughts. Follow that intuition and don't look back, trust that everything will be alright. It will!

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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@winterknight I have tried therapy twice (idk if that's different from specialized psychoanalysis). Both therapists knew little on enlightement, epistomelogy, metaphysics and I couldn't articulate my confusions in a sane or clear manner. But I will try giving it another go though.

I have a 225-250ug of LSD which I am probably going to take soon to finally get some fucking clarity, have a mystical/no-self/blahblah experience

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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Type "How To Deal With Confusion" into Youtube.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Haha I watched that video and took full notes. I'm embracing the confusion but still stagnating

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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@Leo Gura How do you take action even while confused? Like which one of the several actions should I take? I'm confused...

Edited by AlphaAbundance

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25 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

@winterknight I have tried therapy twice (idk if that's different from specialized psychoanalysis). Both therapists knew little on enlightement, epistomelogy, metaphysics and I couldn't articulate my confusions in a sane or clear manner. But I will try giving it another go though.

I have a 225-250ug of LSD which I am probably going to take soon to finally get some fucking clarity, have a mystical/no-self/blahblah experience

Yes, analysis is far more specialized and intense than regular therapy. Contact the William Alanson White Institute or NYU Postdoc and ask for a referral to one of their candidates (or if you can afford $$$, to a training analyst).

And since you have specific philosophical questions about epistemology and metaphysics, feel free to ask on my thread and we can chat about it.

Edited by winterknight

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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49 minutes ago, AlphaAbundance said:

@Leo Gura How do you take action even while confused? Like which one of the several actions should I take? I'm confused...

See my video: Balancing Theory vs Practice

It's an important one.

You need to get good at just taking an action when you find yourself paralyzed by indecision.

You can take an issue which confuses and compartmentalize it, setting it aside for another day. But in the meantime you can take some kind of action.

And also sometimes it okay to be lost & lazy. That's a normal phase of life. See my video about: Chapter & Phases Of Life

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes when I am very confused and I have to take a decision I just flip a coin

Lol... and it works!!!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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On 13/06/2019 at 5:16 AM, Leo Gura said:

Type "How To Deal With Confusion" into Youtube.

Your not the only one on this forum...

Hmm, I wonder where I've heard that before.


I think the thread starter was asking everyone not just you.

Your snobby ego is showing again.


My point is, talk to the poster on the forum not divert the poster to make it all about your opinion only.

It's  not only your opinion, I know you like that only word.


I typed How to deal with confusion into google and guess what was at the top of the list...yep, it was our Leo, pride of place.

Edited by Umar_uk

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Surrender (to) your desires, and lose yourself in the moment.

Follow your heart, do whatever makes you feel better even if that means feeling confused. Accept confusion and embrace it.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Everyone is allowed to have an ego, including Leo and other teachers. Ego is okay, do you think it's not? Well, that's your ego.

Without Leo, I was/would still have been completely lost. I appreciate what he's doing.

It's called freedom of speech. You can't impose your opinions on others or shut them up.

Talk, let others talk, and listen.

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26 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


Everyone is allowed to have an ego, including Leo and other teachers. Ego is okay, do you think it's not? Well, that's your ego.

Without Leo, I was/would still have been completely lost. I appreciate what he's doing.

It's called freedom of speech. You can't impose your opinions on others or shut them up.

Talk, let others talk, and listen.

Listen to others but don't idolise or follow them, always make up your own mind about what's being spoken


Dont make  Leo a guru. You are your own guru. Leo calls the ones that ''get it'' a nondual snob....he's confused, he want's people to 'get it' then calls them a nondual snob, what a charming confused man ..but then hes just a man not God at the end of the day...we've all got assholes, and they all stink. If Leo can't handle other peoples opinions by calling them a nondual snob then he's the one who should practice shutting himself the fuck up.




Edited by Umar_uk

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When someone calls someone else a snob or any other name, they're in fact just stating their opinions. That doesn't mean they're either right or wrong.

Leo is not perfect, but your criticism of him here is very biased. He was just giving an advice for someone who's asking for help. No need for reacting to that.

Notice that you've mixed up valid criticism with invalid criticism. That can lead you to confusion.

I agree that Leo sometimes sounds like a jerk, but I know that he means good. But here I don't see Leo's advice wrong or arrogant in any sort of way.

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1 hour ago, Truth Addict said:


When someone calls someone else a snob or any other name, they're in fact just stating their opinions. That doesn't mean they're either right or wrong.

Leo is not perfect, but your criticism of him here is very biased. He was just giving an advice for someone who's asking for help. No need for reacting to that.

Notice that you've mixed up valid criticism with invalid criticism. That can lead you to confusion.

I agree that Leo sometimes sounds like a jerk, but I know that he means good. But here I don't see Leo's advice wrong or arrogant in any sort of way.

So what if it's a reaction, there is no reaction without an action, a reaction is the sound of our own echo....get over yourself.

It's like taking a dump in outer space, it's going to come right back at ya and hit you in the face. That's just the gravity of the situation...pardon the contradiction.

Leo was the one who started being uppity with me for choosing to speak in a nondual context...I said nothing wrong neither was I being arrogant to him, so why does he think it's ok to call me a nondual snob... if he wants to cry like baby just because I choose to write the words I write, then he can't handle his own forum can that's not my problem. It takes two to tango, where there's smoke there's fire.


What's all this got to do with you anyway...I was in conversation with Leo, not you.


Stop preaching to me what is none of your business.




Edited by Umar_uk

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1 hour ago, Truth Addict said:


When someone calls someone else a snob or any other name, they're in fact just stating their opinions. That doesn't mean they're either right or wrong.

Leo is not perfect, but your criticism of him here is very biased. He was just giving an advice for someone who's asking for help. No need for reacting to that.

Notice that you've mixed up valid criticism with invalid criticism. That can lead you to confusion.

I agree that Leo sometimes sounds like a jerk, but I know that he means good. But here I don't see Leo's advice wrong or arrogant in any sort of way.

Do you not see the shit that comes out of the mouth of the knowledgeable one...Leo is preaching nonduality in a dualist context, the only context available, and I'm assuming he does this because he wants others to see and know to ''get'' this shit too.... but then gets all high and mighty when someone gets it the question is, now that we ''get it'' does that make us a nondual snob?

Leo is two faced, he comes across as an amazing speaker on his videos, but on the forum, he's sloppy...just sayin...imho


There's no such thing as an invalid criticism ...that's like saying oh I didn't mean to spill the milk, lets just put it all back in the bottle again and that'll make it better...well it too late for that. 



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Invalid criticism was when you criticised him for a good neutral advice. That shows how biased the criticism is.

Again, I'm not saying Leo is perfect. I'm just saying he's a good person.

I'm not sure, but it seems to me like you are so triggered by Leo's opinions of you. Notice that by doing that you're subtly giving him power over your life. So in a sense, you are subtly putting him on a pedestal.

If I'd care for other people's opinions, then I'd be doomed. If I care so much about one person's opinion, then that means their opinions are important to me. The question is: why would they be?

In my experience, if you want best results, consider other people's opinions interesting, not critical.

I will respect your request and stop "preaching" to you unless you tell me to continue the discussion.

I was just trying to help. I apologise.

Edited by Truth Addict

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