
Effortless awakening without doing anything at all to induce it.

1 post in this topic

Y (our) true nature — Awareness.

Despite the innumerable names that are tagged on to it, 
Know that the real meaning is as follows: 
Let your mind spontaneously relax and rest. 

When left to itself, ordinary mind is fresh and naked.
If observed, it is a vivid clarity without anything to see, 
A direct awareness, sharp and awake.
Possessing no existence, it is empty and pure, 
A clear openness of nondual luminosity and emptiness.

It is not permanent, since it does not exist at all. 
It is not nothingness, since it is vividly clear and awake.
It is not oneness, since many things are cognized and known.
It is not plurality, since the many things known are inseparable in one taste.
It is not somewhere else; it is your own awareness itself.

~Lama Shabkar, Tsogdruk Rangdrol

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