Leo Gura

Total Omniscience Awakening Video

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@Aakash In all seriousness though i think what Leo was referring to that someone who already actually believes he saw an alien due to insanity or some type of delusion, that it literally is real because it is real to them.

I can conceptualize that I met this alien in my mind like a story, but i can't then go meta on that and make myself belief that i wasn't imagining it, no.

So if it's not what i said above then maybe i'm not there yet or I need to do some serious tripping for that. 

I don't see how needing to do that would gain me anything in this work though.  I'm perfectly liberated just the way I am.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Okay, i guess the only way i can put this is leo is talking about developing the TRUE EGO. 

Nevermind, it's not like i expected it to prove it in this lifetime lol. Its sad to see man, your all enlightened people and your no different to all non enlightened people. You all lack imagination, 



I AINT GOT TIME FOR THAT LOL!, no time to read hundreds of books,  



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52 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

In all seriousness though i think what Leo was referring to that someone who already actually believes he saw an alien due to insanity or some type of delusion, that it literally is real because it is real to them.

I can conceptualize that I met this alien in my mind like a story, but i can't then go meta on that and make myself belief that i wasn't imagining it, no.

So if it's not what i said above then maybe i'm not there yet or I need to do some serious tripping for that. 

I don't see how needing to do that would gain me anything in this work though.  I'm perfectly liberated just the way I am.

exactly because omniscent conscious is unfathomable, if this is possible, it changes EVERYTHING WE KNOW 

You don't need to go meta! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS ALTER YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS and BE the perfect paradox, to create it and believe it --- over and over and over and over and over again, 

what benefits do you get: SHIT MAN, FUCK PEACE, FUCK LOVE, FUCK EVERYTHING, IF THIS IS TRUE, IT WOULD BE INSANE, nothing like you've ever experienced and this would be even greater than enlightenment in my eyes, You would stop doing every activity your doing, BUT i would say you would kill your body inside of consciousness, your consciousness will go to infinity and you'll never been seen again, another thing just happening inside enlightenment. Meaning there's no way to talk about it or know about it at the highest levels of this omniscient, your imagining inside infinite consciousness. But this is not about dieing this time, its about becoming god. 

but again it doesn't matter, because again the highest consciousness is enlightenment 

its just how a single person defines highest consciousness themselves

disclaimer: i'm not going to do it myself lol. so i'm speaking bullshit, 

edit: in the hood we would call this trillin, leo a triller LOL  (translation: adventurous until you die or live fast, die young) 

Edit 2 : anyway it is what it is, i don't really care lol, i only care about finding nothingness ahaha i don't care what it is. everything is going to unfold anyhow, everythings perfect in the end, so its not like any of us are wrong lol. 

Edit 3: Just a side joke, explaining omniscient consciousness to a enlightened person would be like an enlightened person persuading these people they are god, and then telling them there was no such thing as omniscient consciousness LOL, you were always omniscent, you just weren't aware how lol- the irony


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13:00 “Anything I imagine and create becomes true that’s what reality is”

13:44 “whatever you say is real, becomes real for you”

How are there limits on the physical body, if i create everything? - is that because i created the rules that dictate my human form like gravity and matter and solidy etc? Why can’t I regrow a limb for example – Is this the ultimate “law of attraction” stuff – where if I put my mind to it I can achieve it?


21:00 – “there is no evil everything is love, everything is exactly as it should be”

Is this like what Katie Byron talks about in the work? How there is only a story and nothing else. And if you erase the story there nothing left but what is…

Even Jed McKenna talked about this in his books – how he could not imagine something as wrong….. I think he used the example in the third book when talking to the lady who was staying with him

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56 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

No. It's actual, right now.

Thinking about it and trying to understand it is the abstraction.

Sure.  If I must touch a concept of truth, that's the one I prefer when used in Enlightenment talk.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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its ironic, what your actually seeing actualised.org forum is the emergent of the first enlightened society, so its no wonder politics are involved now, we've turned into our own society, not a community. Thats what we're not understanding here, when we say why is actualised.org forum run this way and people are too non-dual in their way of talking. Its actually because we all underestimated, what is happening here. I thought this would have to be in person for this to happen. But i never considered it to be an online society, i didn't think of that definition. This is what i meant, when an enlightened society establishes, everything will change. EVERYTHING. 

Edit: sorry i'm letting 6 months of contemplation out!, all i wanted to do was talk about it to people, to see the validity of it, so i'm putting all my theory out there. 

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@Aakash Yes, you can experience an alien, ‘sober’, without mind, just beyond radical open mindedness, among other “previously impossible real” things.


I hear what you’re saying there. I see it too. I like “community”. It is Radical indeed. 



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But can you consciously do it! LIKE can you do it right now if i asked you to! 

ill trust you if you do it. 

i got no reason not to not trust you, because its about experiencing consciousness for yourself

Edit: The part your all missing out, is you can only be as conscious as you know what it is , you don't have any reference point. THats why its only possible with drug induced conscious, its simple drugs were how our ancestors crossed the sacreds path and meditation was second. Why? because their reference points were always what ever they were able to max out at, hence you can't know for sure what buddah experienced or whether it was the highest. Its simply just the case that it would have to be one of either two ways DRUGS for instant access OR MEDITATE AND DO PRACTICES FOR 60 YEARS, CONSTANTLY FINDING THE "I" Everyday and never taking what consciousness level you understand it at to be, what you know as self inquiry. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE YOU THAT IS SELF INQUIRING AND DOING THE PRACTICES, IT IS GOD WHO IS DOING THE PRACTICES TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS, IT is god trying to become god. 

Thats the definition of saying leo saying consciousness is not linear, its multidimensional , all facets of the same exact nothigness that you discover to be your true self at the moment of enlightenment. what omniscient is, is becoming all facets simultaneously and consciousness, TRUE BEING, not just BEING BEING... TRUE BEING BEING 

EACH FACET IS UNCONDITIONAL AND THEREFORE INFINITE, SO YOUR STRETCHING YOUR PORTAL IN THE NOW, OR TRUE NON DUALITY IN ALL DIRECTIONS, AS FAR AS YOU CAN GO BY EMBODYING IT CONSCIOUSLY, not consciously being and watching nothingness play out. THIS IS also available by choice, but its simply what is at the end of the day

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I hear the same level of voice pitch. Where are the results in awakening? More bs concepts dipped in suffering? O.o

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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5 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

More bs concepts dipped in suffering? O.o


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@tenta whatcha mean? 

Each Non dual being is only a reference point for dual consciousness, 

My mind comphrehends it like CHESS 

but INFINITY CHESS, where all the chess pieces are able to change form and rules. but i don't have any reason or way to understand what the point of the game of infinity chess is and that can only be solved when you become the infinity chess board itself. (not sure how to explain it really) 

but its simple really

 I DON'T BELIEVE IN AUTHORITY FIGURES, HATED RELIGION, HATED SCIENCE (since it didn't solve the problem of how the world is made of) HATED GOVERNMENT, HATED THE LIMITATIONS OF MY PARENTS MIND, hated the limitation of my friends mind, Hated the limitations of my EX GIRLFRIENDS MIND, hated the limitation on enlightened beings minds, I LOVE REALITY TOO MUCH TO LEAVE IT TO OTHERS TO DECIDE WHATS TRUE AND WHATS NOT. 

but i not obsessed, well i am but not like leo, it would take someone exactly like him to try something like this, its simple i want to take the credit for helping society and telling the whole world from fox news headquarters, that they're not realist, they have no idea what reality. Where as leo doesn't have this , he just has skepticism and curisosity, i don't have the skepticism to question like he does, the way he decides on paradoxes is something unique, i can't mirror it and like i said i don't want to read 1000000 books just to get there. I just want the results straight up, but its simply not possible

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1 minute ago, Aakash said:

@tenta whatcha mean? 

I mean did he experience omniscience first hand while awakening

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@ tenta.... LOL how do i know, i'm just explaining my contemplation behind it. what i'm saying is basically bullshit, you have to understand its concept, IT IS NOT REAL. 

You can only ever BE IT, there's no way of showing it or speaking about it to others. You can only attempt to because There's no direct method to get there. REALITY IS DIRECT, its not created in steps and therefore once its created like the supposed omniscent consciousness leo is talking about, through duality we have to backtrack somehow and what leo is basically saying is, this is through 5-meo, 

THE GOD drug. Because that's the only way HE knows to get there, there are infinite ways to get there, just only ONE NOW, because leo IMAGINED omniscent consciousness into reality DIRECTLY AS SOON as he went into that state of consciousness. 

THE simple truth is non of US , not even the enlightened beings on this forum, can say his experience wasn't legitmate, because they should know by now themselves, that only nothingness exists. it happened and it didn't happen. 

it happened in duality

it didn't happen in non duality 

and that's why the enlightened beings can't comprehend it, because they are completely nothing, they've already purified themselves, never to come back, which is completely fine. because were not debated that everything is one nothingness, were debating the extent to which someone can embody god. EVERYONE IS CONSCIOUS OF IT ,EVERYONE IS THE SAME LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS, but the ego itself is not conscious of it and thats why i said, LEO is developing TRUE EGO in a way, not EGO, EGO. 

Hes not seperating everything into objective/ subjective reality, like i am, this is EGO, EGO

Hes BEING omniscient consciousness, this is TRUE EGO (as well as words can put it) 

Anyway LOL you can't explain it in words, so what i've said is bullshit anyway.... YOU CAN ONLY BE IT AND YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP YOURSELF FROM BEING IT ahaha, the only person to LIMIT yourself ISSSSSS YOURSELF HAHAAH. 



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So this to everyone..Leo brought up a very interesting question in his post.  He mentioned that he has become fully conscious of Oneness.  This essentially places you alone as God.  This is your mind and everything in it is being imagined by you.  Full blown Solipsism.

That is the non-dual awareness we speak of that's always in the background of the deeply awoken.

And you also have your dualistic perspective as the ego.  Of course all is One and so form and formless are identical.

Next realization - consciousness is the substance of reality.  It is Infinite.  Infinitely intelligent and Infinite Love. It is Being and Pure potential.  Its a Mind - Being collapses via imagination into form.  Materialist paradigm melts away as reality's substance is nothing.

Next realization - Infinity/God is exploring itself through imagining  itself via infinite possibilities or perspectives.  No objective world..just relative perspectives.  

Here's where it gets interesting.  We know everything is One so we know I'm imagining you all in my head - again solipsism -  but at the same time since the above realization is true than i must also be all of you right now.  Your just me in sort of another dimension exploring from that perspective.  So at some point (prior to time) i will be all of you exploring as you.  Yet i can look at you (or myself) as me.  

What a mindfuck but its so beautiful. If i understood his post right  Leo said he is not sure if its JUST Solipsism yet and the above is not true.  I have had direct consciousness though that i will be everyone of you guys..in fact i am right now...so get ready for the fun!

But I'm saying from my own experience it's not just Solipsism.  We'll see what Leo says.

Feel free to weigh in you guys!

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Hate the maker, not the game 

don't shoot the messenger (me) , shoot the king (leo) 

LOOOL okay i'm done, this is one of missions completed, the energy in my body has left from my body for me to show people how amazingly pure imagination is. Thank you all, i can die in peace. Completed some major shadow work, couldn't have told better people my opinion of how the fucking world works Looolzi 

Hope i was for help for reality ;') 

edit: a little light touch to end on, I Listen to all sorts of music cause i'm infinite :D 


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Be careful with Solipsism, I'm no puppet inside anyone's dream

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@oMarcos Yes LOL YOU ARE A PUPPERT IN YOUR OWN DREAM, OF YOUR MAKING AAHAHA, you are the whole of it and the part which is important for reaching the great goal of this whole fucking thing. BUT who knows, none of us will be alive to know what it is besides the fully conscious god. 

the puppet and the puppet master

but dude, i don't know man, i'm just chatting bullshit in the end. I have not experienced any of this in my direct experience. So don't take me seriously. The real Truth can not be understood or experienced through words. You have to experience it yourself. So anything we say about it, is not it. So good luck

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Did Leo get enlightened by 5-MeO or something else?

This time, I mean.


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