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is the start of non duality the portal of the now ( as i call it after experiencing)

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11 minutes ago, Aakash said:

I see yeah thats quite radical, to see everything as a universal joke. I can't believe you guys are dead loool! like i'm actually talking to a dead person! ahahahahaha 

sorry im obviously not in absorption but conceptual mind

Dead? You are life itself, Magical, alive, love itself lol dead. 

We are you!??️

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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10 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Smoothie diet, @Leo Gura world class vegetable soup. 

i see, so religion is an ethical conduct code for spriituality in a sense, the only reason why it is true, is to guide the person who is trying to find the portal 

yes precisely. But the mistake religions make is that they make those rules an end in themselves. Losing the real purpose, those rules become dogma and an empty shell going no where.

12 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Smoothie diet, @Leo Gura world class vegetable soup.

you know, i've suddenly stopped caring about what job to work or where i want to go with my life, like it doesn't matter as much anymore to me, why is this, like the will to change the world has completely left my body and i definitely want to persue this


This is where you know shit is finally hitting the fan and things getting serious. Once this bug of existential mystery bite you good, everything will fall apart until that gets solved. You'll never be the same again. Your self image and agenda 1-2 years back will seem like an empty ghost to you. School? Why the hell was i there in the first place?!

Now we can resist and deny this fact and waste more decades and come back right at this crossroad again cause there is no escape. Or we can wise up and bet our lives and be done with it asap.

No wonder this direct path is known as the razors edge. It either gives you resolution or cuts you in half.


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@zeroISinfinity LOL yeah thats the crazy thing man! its actually funny but i spoke to god today, but i never realised the humour behind it, like i've always been speaking to god my whole life 

there is only me as god! 


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@Preetom Thanks you've actually answered like 70% of questions i had in mind, any other notes i should take in? 

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26 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Preetom Thanks you've actually answered like 70% of questions i had in mind, any other notes i should take in? 

No. You'll fine tune yourself as you go along. 

Just a final reminder, now that you've tasted honey, remember what it is. And more importantly note and reflect everything it is NOT, so that you dont lose yourself in the mire again.

It is not about contemplation.

It is not about thinking and clever philosophy.

Its not about god

Its not about universe

Its not about changing the world

Its not about improving yourself

Its not about getting MORE insights and metaphores

Its not about 'trying' to act spiritual

Its not about 'trying' to figure out reality

Its not about 'trying' to mimic a fantastical spiritual standard

Its not about going higher and higher levels of consciouness

Its not about getting any 'benefit' from this project.

So on and so forth. Remember the taste of the portal.

Good luck

"Honestly speaking, from total enlightenment, I have gained absolutely nothing"



Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

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@Preetom Thanks i understand what you mean, thats what you have to do while your in the portal, thats what kept me inside it for about 3-5 minutes, not sure because time went lol

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