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is the start of non duality the portal of the now ( as i call it after experiencing)

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THE portal of now or the start of the gateless gate 

its physically impossible to understand the change in consciousness levels for a dualistic person without having experience a hint of nondualiy 

so is this why its impossible to teach in words, because you can't get someone to that portal with words 

they have to stop using words and mind first

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also i feel like instantly alot of my desires have got destroyed having tasted the portal, its like i don't feel that anything else as equally worth it, seriously you can't offer me anyting in the world, but i would take that experience of the portal in the NOW to all of that

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@Aakash This right here is You. You are Fucking yourself up constantly. You Will never realize it. Stop asking questions practise, practise, practise. 

God told you. 

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1 minute ago, Aakash said:

THE portal of now or the start of the gateless gate 

its physically impossible to understand the change in consciousness levels for a dualistic person without having experience a hint of nondualiy 

so is this why its impossible to teach in words, because you can't get someone to that portal with words 

they have to stop using words and mind first


People need to have a taste of preverbal being to understand and be more convinced about this whole spirituality to go further.

Thats why psychedelic or a good guided meditation is more helpful.

If you are preaching about honey, make people taste a drop first 

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Yeah i know, but i just have to know about this portal, even though it doesn't matter in the long run. 

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Who is asking? Other you created by the "portal" itself. You are that portal. Realize it NOW. 

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Questions like is this the third OX tail of the The 10 ox herding pictures - Tasting enlightenment for the first time? 

@Preetom Yeah i'm not going to lie, when i reached the portal and came back to normal, i instantly understood psychadelics and what 5-meo is basically teaching, so i called it basically the god pill, like truffles, weed is nothing like this 

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@zeroISinfinity wait wait i'm not ready i need a day or so literally, like just to do all the stupid shit i want to do one more time, because lets face it, thats basically like saying your identifying with the current NOW, so eventually you will detach from your mind, the longer you stay in the portal. 

But i get it, the portal is you, 

you must be feeling PEACEFUL, I FELT LIKE I COULD STARE AT A WALL FOR YEARS! and i would be as peaceful as when i started

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@Aakash Zen teachings Leo teachings drop it all, YOU  created it to be so convincing. Drop it all still veil you created. 


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Another question preetom, i felt like this is a portal for begginer , like it took me 6 yeas to sort out my monkey mind duality to give it even the slightest of time to be quiet to open the portal. Like how long does someone who's medititating for, for example before they reach this 

because! THIS is medititation + intent, its simple not just mainstream meditition 

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@zeroISinfinity YEAH YEAH BRO I get it, you have to drop everything at the portal, every concept, every thought, every identfication, nothing will survive, there will be no experiencer, no expereiecned <--- even this is concept, and it is not possible to compare to the real thing. 

But i'm just interested in listening to others experience of it, when they first encountered it and how they encountered it, 

my monkey mind is interested in it, but its not interested in finding out what it is, its interested in just listening to others experience of it


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2 hours ago, Aakash said:

Another question preetom, i felt like this is a portal for begginer , like it took me 6 yeas to sort out my monkey mind duality to give it even the slightest of time to be quiet to open the portal. Like how long does someone who's medititating for, for example before they reach this 

because! THIS is medititation + intent, its simple not just mainstream meditition 

Yeah you are right. It doesn't come from plain old meditation. Usually it just drops on ones lap by accident through years of rigorous meditation. But then, when they come back, they don't really know what actually happened. 

I had to read the same Ramana and maharaj texts, their commenteries like 50 times, books, videos, practice for 4-5 years to finally grasp what is the essence of self inquiry or non verbal being portal. It literally is a timeless experience where the mind temporarily sinks into Being. 

What you noticed that it was PEACE and you could stare at a wall for eternity. And thats exactly the case! When the mind sinks, all distinction collapses and there is no difference between keeping the body or dropping the body or looking at a wall.

This final stage of practice is called Nidhidhysana(constant absorption) in vedanta. 

This has been my realization that all the spiritual flowery trites we hear like be in the now, accept things as it is, surrender all thoughts and attachments, enjoy pleasure without craving etc. are NOT what they are often marketed as. The ego mind can never mimic these things. It will just grow more deluded and frustrated.

Have you noticed that all the abovementioned goodies are default by product of this Being portal? You tune into this portal and bang there are all those enlightened qualities present in full force....until your mind arises out of that portal again.

If you are outside the being portal now, can you stare at the wall and pretend to be peaceful? No! It will feel like the most inauthentic thing. The ego can't be in the now.

Now if you are interested to know my 'experience', I am fairly familiar with that being portal now. I can sit for 15 minutes and phase in and out several times and know exactly what i am looking for and know exactly when i get there. This is no accident anymore. It requires only skill+intent.

Now where is this all going? All i need to do now is to focus my entire life as much as possible and be more and more in this portal. At one point, my mind will sink into infinite being, forever. And in my definition, that is enlightenment and anything short of that are cool experiences and stories but not enlightenment.

Be careful what you wish for. After that sinking happens for good, which is known as manonasa, the mind is dead and lost forever. You won't able to experience anything in life through objective knowledge, EVER. That whole system has been sunk and digested into the ocean.

You will experience life ONLY through being. You BE life. 'You' are done. No more 'pretending' to be or 'trying' to embody enlightenment qualities.

So yeah at this stage, nothing but constant practice and absorption will help. It doesn't matter how many highs, insights one gathers or how many enlightened qualities one 'tries' to embody. The thing that has those juicy stuff will have to drown and never come back up again.

Hope these things help you figure out where you are :)


Edited by Preetom

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50 minutes ago, Aakash said:

Another question preetom, i felt like this is a portal for begginer , like it took me 6 yeas to sort out my monkey mind duality to give it even the slightest of time to be quiet to open the portal. Like how long does someone who's medititating for, for example before they reach this 

because! THIS is medititation + intent, its simple not just mainstream meditition 

And another thing is, this nonverbal being portal is neither beginner nor advanced. It has no level or gradation to it.

One is either drowned into it or not. How consistent and absorbed one is, now that can be cultivated by practice and infact that is the purpose of practice. 

Do you see that this portal is impossible to 'recreate' by memory?

Do you see that no matter what you try to articulate about that portal, it always falls short big time?

Do you see, that which is trying articulate the portal now was absent during that timeless absorbtion?



Edited by Preetom

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33 minutes ago, Preetom said:

This has my realization that all the spiritual flowery trites we hear like be in the now, accept things as it is, surrender all thoughts and attachments, enjoy pleasure without craving etc. are NOT what they are often marketed as.

so what your saying is they're not conditions to enter, but rather results of being in the portal, i didn't want to do anything but BE 

i was thinking this, would cleaning up my diet, and stopping my addictions, like does this have anything to do with whether you die or not, because i feel like it doesn't you could literally die without becoming the biggest yogi in the world 

but yeah i never realised that until you said it now 

33 minutes ago, Preetom said:

If you are outside the being portal now, can you stare at the wall and pretend to be peaceful? No! It will feel like the most inauthentic thing. The ego can't be in the now.

yeah that's the major thing, authenticity is on a whole different scale, i've never felt even close to the autenthcitiy i felt in the portal, like its like authenticity is a different DIFFERENT level of being compared to even living authetntically in an ego mind 

33 minutes ago, Preetom said:

All i need to do now is to focus my entire life as much as possible and be more and more in this portal. At one point, my mind will sink into infinite being, forever. And in my definition, that is enlightenment and anything short of that are cool experiences and stories but not enlightenment.

but do you think things like being nice , talking truth, giving up addictions

basically buddah's 8 noble paths for example help lead to this, also i guess this is what teotalizing is 

definitatitly right about everything else you wrote the only thing you can do now is absorportion, why do you come out, do you think? it can only be because you identify with something else simultaneously

14 minutes ago, Preetom said:

And another thing is, this nonverbal being portal is neither beginner nor advanced. It has no level or gradation to it.

One is either drowned into it or not. How consistent and absorbed one is, now that can cultivated by practice and infact that is the purpose of practice. 

Do you see that this portal is impossible to 'recreate' by memory?

Do you see that no matter what you try to articulate that portal, it falls short big time?

Do you see that which is trying articulate the portal now was absent during that timeless absorbtion?



Yes i see all of these are true. especially the absense of self, as soon as my mind came back and started labelling, it basically lost absorption 

at this stage you are aware of awareness, but you haven't realised pure awareness

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@zeroISinfinity yeah i finally understand, i'm in it right now i'm just not being it 

so how long was your journey to completing this until it became perminent

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@Aakash You still do not realize mindfuckery of all of this. 

There is a huge difference when you live as Being and as experiencer. 

It is a joke that what it is. 

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11 minutes ago, Aakash said:


but do you think things like being nice , talking truth, giving up addictions

basically buddah's 8 noble paths for example help lead to this, also i guess this is what teotalizing is 

definitatitly right about everything else you wrote the only thing you can do now is absorportion, why do you come out, do you think? it can only be because you identify with something else simultaneously

This is why all spiritual paths have a ethical code. The basic point is, you need a clean and focused life where you consciously pursue this portal as you understand the significance of it.

Now If you get stoned every night, this project ain't gonna fly, ever. So that much readjustment is necessary. 

But the spiritual effects like compassion, equanimity, trying to unconditionally love, surrender, acting without expectation etc.- you cant fake these things with an ego. Drown the ego, the goodies will be there as by product. 

And for this you need simply a clean, focused life where you make this your top priority. You dont have to pretend or struggle to live upto the enlightenment standard.  So the bottomline is, put effort to drown in the portal, not to trying to be spiritual.

And the reason why i come out of it, is the same reason you came out it. Latent tendencies. By constant absorption, these tendencies lose power and when they are gone, ego never comes back up again.

Like i said, nisargadatta maharaj was practicing being in this portal for 3 years, that was his top priority, until the irreversible shift happened.

For your and my case it might take 1,2,5,10 years. Or maybe tomorrow. Who knows? The only thing you can do is to let yourself be absorbed in that portal.


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I see yeah thats quite radical, to see everything as a universal joke. I can't believe you guys are dead loool! like i'm actually talking to a dead person! ahahahahaha 

sorry im obviously not in absorption but conceptual mind

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2 minutes ago, Preetom said:

This is why all spiritual paths have a ethical code. The basic point is, you need a clean and focused life where you consciously pursue this portal as you understand the significance of it.

Smoothie diet, @Leo Gura world class vegetable soup. 


3 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Now If you get stoned every night, this project ain't gonna fly, ever. So that much readjustment is necessary

i see, so religion is an ethical conduct code for spriituality in a sense, the only reason why it is true, is to guide the person who is trying to find the portal 

6 minutes ago, Preetom said:

But the spiritual effects like compassion, equanimity, trying to unconditionally love, surrender, acting without expectation etc.- you cant fake these things with an ego. Drown the ego, the goodies will be there as by product. 

And for this you need simply a clean, focused life where you make this your top priority. You dont have to pretend or struggle to live upto the enlightenment standard.  So the bottomline is, put effort to drown in the portal, not to trying to be spiritual.

you know, i've suddenly stopped caring about what job to work or where i want to go with my life, like it doesn't matter as much anymore to me, why is this, like the will to change the world has completely left my body and i definitely want to persue this

7 minutes ago, Preetom said:

And the reason why i come out of it, is the same reason you came out it. Latent tendencies. By constant absorption, these tendencies lose power and when they are gone, ego never comes back up again.

Like i said, nisargadatta maharaj was practicing being in this portal for 3 years, that was his top priority, until the irreversible shift happened.

For your and my case it might take 1,2,5,10 years. Or maybe tomorrow. Who knows? The only thing you can do is to let yourself be absorbed in that portal.

I see, this makes sense. 

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