
If the Law of Attraction is real its cruel

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@Mikael89 Nobody is stopping you from enlightening, and having a girlfriend, or anything else you want to have or do or experience. It’s your perspective, your beliefs, the idea of you. Putting being right, knowing the facts, etc, ahead of what you actually deeply emotionally want. One experiencing this living via a conceptual self, refers to it as if it were an outside catalyst, and as such refers to the “reason” which is preventing them as anxiety, depression, etc. 



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3 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I don't need to. It's still a fact that law of attraction is nonsense. But believe what you want.

Nice wordplay. Portraying your own beliefs as fact. Perhaps LoA is working through your own disbelief for it ?

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12 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Stop replying to me. I don't want to continue discussing your delusion.

You don’t want to do a lot of thing you keep doing. 

Stop and consider, why would you need to tell someone to stop replying to you?

Why not just choose to put your attention on what you want to? How is someone else so influential to you?

Because there isn’t the focus. But why not?

Because the mind races, working overtime, to continue justifying the suppression of Love. Why is this perpetuated?

So you can continue being right and smart. Why would anyone need that?

Because they believe they aren’t. What’s the solution then?

Prioritize how you actually feel, over what you think someone else thinks, about you. That is the very delusion which you just projected as someone else’s delusion. Someone trying to help you. 

Meditation, twice a day for 30 minutes. Without thinking them and repeating them and projecting them - the beliefs about yourself will unravel and play themselves out. 




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@Mikael89 hahaha we could go in circles replacing one concept with another. Thought for thought. But what lies beyond them? 

You are magic. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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@Mikael89 You don't believe in nonduality? You believe that there is truth and untruth? Are you still fighting for peace? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Nahm I'm not trying to be smart and right. I'm just defending truth and fighting untruth. That's all.

Like my "A course in miracles" lesson a few days ago: "I am in need of nothing but the truth."

I think that's my favorite lesson so far.

Truth needs no defense. What is it that feels the need to defend and fight? 

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37 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

For example this is untruth: "the rope is a snake."

It's also untruth that in this reality I could get to mars by flapping with my arms like a bird.

Law of attraction is also untruth in this reality.

So you think

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1 hour ago, Shadowraix said:

Truth needs no defense. What is it that feels the need to defend and fight? 

Great! Why are you trying to convince him that he's wrong about loa if it's true? I mean if it's true, then it'll work whether everyone believes in it or not. And if it's not, then why not explore other possibilities?

Edited by Truth Addict

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6 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Great! Why are you trying to convince him that he's wrong about loa if it's true? I mean if it's true, then it'll work whether everyone believes in it or not. And if it's not, then why not explore other possibilities?

Because he wants him to be happy.

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1 minute ago, Shin said:

Because he wants him to be happy.

Okay. But did Mikael89 mention being unhappy or something? I'm sure I read the whole conversation.

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29 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Great! Why are you trying to convince him that he's wrong about loa if it's true? I mean if it's true, then it'll work whether everyone believes in it or not. And if it's not, then why not explore other possibilities?

I just said to not be so dismissive until he resolves his own issues, doesn't even have to take my word for it. The only answer as to why I'd say that is egoic desire of course! Of course it is advice he can take or leave. ? The rest was lighthearted exploration and inquiring behind the thoughts. 

18 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Okay. But did Mikael89 mention being unhappy or something? I'm sure I read the whole conversation.

People are referring to some of his older posts. People here have tried to help him many times. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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2 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

I just said to not be so dismissive until he resolves his own issues.

I see, but you called what he said a wordplay. I don't think he's playing with words to prove he's right. He's probably convinced he's right.

Anyway, I think you probably have more information on the subject, care to share more nuanced information than just telling him to not dismiss it? I mean you don't believe that by thinking young you become young, right?

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13 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

I see, but you called what he said a wordplay. I don't think he's playing with words to prove he's right. He's probably convinced he's right.

Anyway, I think you probably have more information on the subject, care to share more nuanced information than just telling him to not dismiss it? I mean you don't believe that by thinking young you become young, right?

Yeah the wordplay to me was calling their disbelief a fact. That can be a tricky game to make your mindset more rigid. Unless I misinterpreted it anyway. 

I'd say look at it this way: The universe is a big puzzle with many ways to the same sokution. The brain is a puzzle solver. How you think will dictate what path to the solution you take. 

But the intellectual aside, putting it to the test is the true method, no? Course I could be wrong. I'm interested in exploring more myself. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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5 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

If loa would exist, then it would've been proven by science long time ago and the whole universe would be paradise for everyone. Since loa is something which would exist in the phenomenal world, so it would be within reach for science.

Would science have proven it? Not necessarily. Science still has a lot to figure out. 

Can't rely on science too much. And until you clear your life or your major problems, have you really put LoA to the test? 

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

If loa would exist, then it would've been proven by science long time ago and the whole universe would be paradise for everyone. Since loa is something which would exist in the phenomenal world, so it would be within reach for science.

«I won't accept anything that could remotely make me happy

I want to be sad, desperate, alone, and never know what love feels like

I am a logical and smart person !»

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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13 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Yes I have tested LoA. 

No you can't rely on science too much, but in this case you could. Science has done lots of amazing things, for example built a 27 km long particle accelerator where 2 protons collide in 99,9999991% of the speed of light and detectors detect elementary particles from the collision, etc. etc.

So finding LoA would be soooo, soooo, soooo easy for science.

You are wrong.

I don't care about being a logical and smart person, I just can't believe in all bullshit which other people believe in.

What makes you think the bullshit people believe isn't true ?

How do you know ?

Wouldn't it be more effective to think what you believe is probably as much bullshit as anything else ?

After all, to think something is bullshit, you need to compare it to something else first.

Who does that ? And is he a good judge, or does he bullshit himself even way more than everyone else ?

You should care a lot more about you deceiving yourself, because you're a pro at this

As we all are.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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