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If we are the God, but have no free will, who has it then?

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If the consensus is that there Is no free will, therefore everything is predetermined. 

Did this view change among the community here or does it still hold true? 

If everything is predetermined that means, we are just pursuing things that were "agreed upon" before birth? 

Or do we indeed have free will as we are God right now and change our lifes from moment to moment? 


Edited by Schahin

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 the question is more related to who is making the decisions 

if your identification is you, then its you 

if your identification is god, then its god 

it is not about what decisions are made, that decide who is making them 

but at the same time 

as a rule of thumb - the quality of decision improves the higher your consciousness level

Edited by Aakash

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But definitely the great amount of people just live unconscious or rather not awoken yet and for certain people there is this urge of awakening be it that a friend told them about certain psychedelics (my case) or be it through the inner voice telling you something. 


So up until that point that someone tells you about 5 Meo for example so that you awaken and perform on your free Will. Up until to that point you are rather unconscious and be driven by your thoughts and emotions. So it must be the absence of free will that one receives the voice to awaken, because the inner voice or recommendation of a friend certainly are not just by accident. And then who puts these thoughts and emotions into the human being? If he is God then he himself should decide what thoughts and emotions should arise, which for a not awoken person is extremely difficult. 

The same applies to dreams, we can't control our dreams unless we train lucid dreaming, so no free will, unless we get the message to train lucid dreaming, which is also hard training for itself. 



Edited by Schahin

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