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Karma, What Is It?

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What is Karma? Is it real? is it and idea?

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Karma = Action = Reactions = Cause and effect = no Freewill 

Edited by Khin
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Recently I came across the definition of the term, Samskara, which is defined as: 

Every action, intent or preparation by an individual leaves a sanskara (impression, impact, imprint) in the deeper structure of his or her mind. These impressions then await volitional fruition in that individual's future, in the form of hidden expectations, circumstances or unconscious sense of self-worth.

When I think of karma, I get a sense that our actions leave a 'cosmic' impression, in the 'ether' of the universe, which is to say ourselves.  Our actions augment the universal patterns of energy that determine all of causation, analogous to what David Hawkins identified as attractor patterns.  They leave imprints on consciousness itself, that are irreversible.  

What goes around, comes around.  I always thought this was true from a young age, and again there is a term Saṃsāra, which is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death (reincarnation) as well as one's actions and consequences in the past.

Karma is a law of consciousness, so to speak, it is to say that nothing is ever forgotten or dismissed, and as a result, there isn't one grain of sand that is out of place, as Alan Watts would say.      


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On 4/27/2016 at 8:31 PM, Huz said:

What is Karma? Is it real? is it and idea?

Yes, it is certain that any action is going to bring certain reactions, but the law of karma is hoping for much more. 

Now, there are many things implied in this. First, What is good? Each society defines good according to itself. What is good to a Jew is not good to a Jaina; what is good to a Christian is not good to a Confucian. Not only that, what is good in one culture is bad in another culture. A law has to be universal. 

What you observe in life itself is something totally different from the law of karma. A man who is a well-known criminal may succeed and become the president, the prime minister; or vice versa. So in life this strange situation happens: bad people reach good positions, become respectable or honored, not only in their time but throughout history. It is full of their names. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Nadirshah, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler.

Gautam Buddha was a prince, he renounced everything, became a beggar. Jesus was crucified. Socrates was poisoned. Will an unconscious man find them successful ? 

Every action is bound to have some consequences, but they will not be somewhere else, you will have them here and now. Most probably you will get them almost simultaneously. When you are kind to someone, don’t you feel a certain joy? A certain peace? A certain meaningfulness? Don’t you feel that you are contented with what you have done? There is a kind of deep satisfaction. Have you ever felt that contentment when you are angry, when you are boiling with anger, when you hurt somebody, when you are mad with rage? Have you ever felt a peace, a silence descending in you? No, it is impossible. You will certainly feel something, but it will be a sadness that you again acted like a fool, that again you have done the same stupid thing that you decided again and again not to do. You will feel a tremendous unworthiness in yourself. You will feel that you are not a man but a machine, because you don’t respond, you react. 

I find that, what you do consciously is good, what you do unconsciously is bad. 

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What goes around comes around, but it works in very subtle ways. One has to look very carefully in one's life to find out.


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karma is all there is. wrong comprehensions of karma may contain:

  • an ego-identity that produces karma
  • an ego-identity that suffers ("good" or "bad") consequences of karma
  • an ego-identity that that evaluates karma
  • an ego-identity that materializes consequences of karma

the proper comprehension of karma leads to nirvana.

unborn Truth

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On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 11:01 AM, Huz said:

What is Karma? Is it real? is it and idea?

@Huz Brett Jones explains Karma in simple terms here.


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7 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Huz Brett Jones explains Karma in simple terms here.


Lol saw this video yesterday. Is this future Leo?

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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I wonder if Leo would plan to do a second video on Karma, after he experienced 5emo-DMT

Edited by Soulbass

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