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Are the feminine and masculine "stuck" together?

4 posts in this topic

Had this idea whilst tripping yesterday.

actualized post feminine masculine.JPG

So the idea is that the masculine and feminine overlap. So if you deny the feminine as a male you are denying part of yourself, because a part of you is when you are together with the feminine. So as a male not having a relationship with females you are missing part of yourself.

actualized post masculine feminine stuck.JPG

Like in this picture on the right from the cover of Earthgang feat. Arin Ray's song "Stuck". Two people being stuck together, melted together.

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@Identity ? I'm with you on this.

Felt like this was an appropriate topic to share this Prayer 


 Rob Brezsny's - A Prayer For You.  

I am starting to pray right now to the God of Gods, the God beyond all Gods, the Girlfriend of God, the Teacher of God, the Goddess who invented God, and what I pray is:

Oh Goddess Who Never Kills But Only Changes: I pray that my exuberant, suave, and accidental words might move You to unleash ferocious blessings on all the beauty and truth fans who've tuned in.

I pray that You'll grant them what they don't even know they want. Not just the boons they think they need but everything they've been afraid to even imagine or wish for.

Oh Goddess, You Wealthy Anarchist Burning Heaven to the Ground:

The divine chameleons out there in sacred space don't even know they're crazy. Please use Your blinding magic to help them see they're all wildly creative geniuses too big for their own bodies. Guide them to realize that they're all completely different from what they think they are and more exciting than they can possibly imagine. And make it immoral, illegal, irrelevant, unpatriotic and totally tasteless for them to be in love with anyone or anything that's no good for them.

Oh Goddess You Sly Universal Virus with No Opinion:

I beg that You help all the personal growth-addicts that are reading this prayer to be disciplined enough to go crazy in the name of creation not destruction. I pray that You teach them the difference between self-destructive self-control and liberating self-control. Awaken in them the power to do the half-right thing when it's impossible to do the totally right thing. Arouse the Wild Woman within them ~ even if they're men. Give them bigger, better, more original sins and wilder, wetter, more interesting problems.

And, oh Goddess, You Pregnant Criminal Who Scorns All Mediocre Longing:

Inspire all the original sinners out there to love their enemies in case their friends turn out to be jerks. Provoke them to throw away things that make them believe they're better than everyone else. Show them how much fun it is to brag about what they can't do and don't have. Most of all, brainwash them with Your freedom, so that they never love their own pain more than anyone else's pain.

Oh Goddess, you Psychedelic Mushroom Cloud at the Center of All Our Brains:

These budding Demeters and Inannas and Buddhas and Christs deserve everything they need and much much more. Please arrange for a racehorse to be named after them, or a boulevard or river or thousand-year-old storm on another planet.

Help them win the battle against time, and learn to talk the language of the most scientific angels, and master the zen of temper tantrums, and get a fabulous mommy and daddy in their next incarnation.

Teach them to push their own buttons and unbreak their own hearts and right their own wrongs and sing their own songs and be their own wives and save their own lives.

Bless them with lucid dreams while they're wide awake and solar energy-operated sex toys that work in the dark and a vacuum cleaner for their magic carpet and a knack for avoiding other people's hells [!] and a secret admirer who's not a psychotic stalker and a thousand masks that all fit their face perfectly and their own 900 number so that everyone has to pay to talk to them.

Oh Goddess, you Dumb, Fast, Infinitely Wide River of Electricity, You Smart Slow Smoldering Lump of Angel Fat Left Over from the Big Bang, You Ghostly Snake Who Loves Inventive Tragedy and Sophisticated Superstition, You Cool Furnace That Incinerates the Props of Our Nightmares Much Too Slowly, You Creator of Happy Purgatories Where Impeccably Unironic Apocalypse Salesmen Preach Christian Satanism and Rosicrucian Baseball Players from the Middle Ages Dream Politically Cracked Dreams That Reveal the News in More Exact Metaphors Than Any Newspaper:

I pray that You provide all the global village idiots that are reading this prayer with a license to bend all laws, rules, and traditions that keep them apart from the things they love. Show them how to purge themselves of the wishy-washy wishes that keep them distracted from their divine desires. And teach them that they can have anything they want if they'll only ask for it in an unselfish tone of voice.

Oh Goddess Who Gives Us So Much Love and Pain Together That Our Morality is Always on the Verge of Collapsing:

I beg You to cast a spell to nullify all bad spells that have ever been cast on all the beautiful love geniuses out there. Remove, banish, annihilate, and laugh into oblivion any jinx that has clung to them no matter how long they've suffered from it, and even if they've grown accustomed or addicted to its ugly companionship. Conjure an aura of protection around them so that they will receive an early warning if they're ever about to act in such a way that would attract another hex or plague or voodoo into their lives.

And now, dear God of Gods, God Beyond All Gods, Sister Lover of God, Mother of God, Goddess who invented God:

I bring this prayer to a close, trusting that in these mysterious moments You have impregnated the dream glands of all the beauty and truth fans out there with the most compassionate lust and smartest love You can imagine. And if there is anything I've forgotten which will help their cause, please flash it into my imagination in the coming days and months and decades, and motivate me to perform any tricks or carry out any project that will encourage an abundance of sweaty creativity to flow through them, inspiring them to become more wildly disciplined, erotically feminist, aggressively sensitive, demonically compassionate, ironically sincere, lyrically logical, insanely poised, orgiastically lucid, macho feminist.

Amen. Awomen. Ommmmmmm and halle-fucking-lujah.


"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot Hahaha nice, love the way god is being adressed here.

13 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

Oh Goddess, you Dumb, Fast, Infinitely Wide River of Electricity, You Smart Slow Smoldering Lump of Angel Fat Left Over from the Big Bang, You Ghostly Snake Who Loves Inventive Tragedy and Sophisticated Superstition, You Cool Furnace That Incinerates the Props of Our Nightmares Much Too Slowly, You Creator of Happy Purgatories Where Impeccably Unironic Apocalypse Salesmen Preach Christian Satanism and Rosicrucian Baseball Players from the Middle Ages Dream Politically Cracked Dreams That Reveal the News in More Exact Metaphors Than Any Newspaper:

Especially this rant ?

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2 hours ago, Identity said:

Had this idea whilst tripping yesterday.

actualized post feminine masculine.JPG

So the idea is that the masculine and feminine overlap. So if you deny the feminine as a male you are denying part of yourself, because a part of you is when you are together with the feminine. So as a male not having a relationship with females you are missing part of yourself.

actualized post masculine feminine stuck.JPG

Like in this picture on the right from the cover of Earthgang feat. Arin Ray's song "Stuck". Two people being stuck together, melted together.

All living and non-living systems are imbued with the essence of femininity and masculinity. This includes but is not limited to human animals. You can find the conjunction of the masculine and feminine is a spec of sand as well as in the cosmos.

Human beings call this masculine and feminine because we relate it metaphorically to the conjunction between a man and a woman. But also because women, as a whole group, contain more feminine energy than masculine energy.  And men, as a whole group, contain more masculine energy than women.

But the energies inform but supercede human gender. But the expression of these energies most familiar and native to us is in women and men.

But don't let that confuse you and make you think that these energies have primarily to do with gender. They don't. Human gender is just one expression among infinite expressions of that energy. That's just how human beings relate best to these energies. It's what's most grounded in our experience.

But all human beings contain both masculine and feminine (Yin and Yang). We could not exist and live and breathe without both. A male is not made by sperm alone and a woman is not made by egg alone. We all contain both.

So, it is not necessary for a man to be with a woman to have communion with the feminine, because it is already in himself. It is not necessary for a woman to be with a man to have communion with the masculine, because it is already in herself. 

But you are correct that to cut off one's own contrapositive energy is very foolish to do. You are cutting away aspects of yourself if you do so. You find this with men who are trying to cut away their feminine side to be more masculine... which doesn't actually work that way.

But cutting away the opposite energy of the one you're trying to accentuate, is the same as cutting off your legs to lose weight in hopes that it will make you more attractive. It doesn't really work that way. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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