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Negative Side Effects?!

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Hi every1! My name is ofek,25, from israel. I suffer from severe ocd+ptsd, and meditation has set me free for over 3 months now! Yesterday i encountered some few articles on the net, criticizing meditation, and all sorts of studies that found meditation could be harmful.

Of course this is a nonesense, and all the idea is literally letting go of thoughts.. .

My question is, why the heck people publish this kind of rubbish on the net...?!?!

This feeds my ocd for bad, and i guess for many others too.

Peace !




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@ofekk There are people who do not believe in love. What does that tell you about love? What does it say about those people?

Just be compassionate about it. Life is full with nonsense (meaning no-sense lol) 9_9

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