
The only real cure to procrastination (it’s not “just do it!”)

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A better cure than nonesense and "elaborate thinking", is really an active Kundalini, see it how you see it this, the doctor can't cure it. Only death of the old by physical means.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Thanks for the video!

I had the same idea when I was "trying" to pick up women, but just in my mind. It kept on for months, I wouldn't even dare to say Hello.

I concluded that I didn't want that, and it was an anxiety issue. This freed me up to focus on stuff I really wanted to do: smoke weed and masturbate :D 


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There isnt procrastination , there is lack of motivation.


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something you can ask yourself is

why am i procrastinating?

what can i learn from it?

am i stressing myself up for no reason?

could i actually give myself some time and be patient with this instead of stressing stressing do it do it do it now?

where are you going? whats your hurry?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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In my case, I procrastinated when I was conservative in an activity.

For example, when I learn a language, if I don't go all out on learning it, I often find myself not wanting to do it.

When I went all out on learning a language, I felt fire of motivation in my mind. I felt alive.

For learning a language, going all out means tackling it from all possible angles simultaneously at once instead of focusing on one aspect of it at a time.

I feel the same way about other things. If I don't go all out on something, I become bored and stop wanting to do it.

If I wanted to be productive, I would have to invest all of myself.

If I'm not fully engaged, I am not in flow. If I am not in flow, I become bored soon.

Edited by CreamCat

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Great tool. 

I've also noticed that the reason we don't have a lot of things is because secretly we don't want them!! 

So yes, continuously focusing on what you want seems like a very great tool to help you move forward 

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A simpler way of thinking of it that you are a ship (on infinite waters but that is besides the point) and that the instruments you have is your destination(coordinates) you set out and the motivation (why you want to go there). Basically you can tweak two things: your coordinates (your goal in life) and your motivation why you want to go there (the compass). Sometimes it is not even necessary to change your goal in life. Sometimes the problem is your mental block because you want to reach certain goals for the wrong reasons. 

Edited by StarStruck

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Yeah so don't do it. Don't do the things you don't want to do.

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Great video, useful insights.

Many of the things we need to do often come from 'outside ourselves', and there can be a lot of mental resistance to those tasks, leading to procrastination. For some people 'internally' generating actions or having some form of ownership over them is useful in overcoming procrastination.

It's also helpful to go meta and realise that 'doing', 'taking action', 'procrastination', 'goals', 'schedules' etc. are all part of a paradigm. It's possible to shift out of that paradigm and realign with a different way of being.

57% paranoid

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12 hours ago, Moreira said:

There isnt procrastination , there is lack of motivation

I believe there is never a lack of motivation on any area we are struggling in.

 I am coming around to the view that motivation drives our unhelpful behaviour and we need to identify this motivation and release it and let it go. I believe we don't need motivation to move forward. We need to release the motivation driving us back. Then we will go forward automatically, even with zero motivation at all. I believe we can't be in neutral. Only reverse and forward. Hell or heaven to various degrees. Stop reversing.

Remove the clouds and it's all blue sky and sunshine. Except at night.


Edited by Bill W

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This is not it. The cause of procrastination are mainly these, 1 the things you have done in the past and 2 what doing right know will imply doing in the future. Procrastination is what happens when something you are doing right now is going or will lead to going against actions you have done in the past, it's that simple. Every action has karma when you are bound by it, so unless you are free you will have to play by the rules and your mind knows the rules and it also knows the consequences of going against those rules. So for mortals the solution will always always require a sacrifice, sometimes it comes from your identity as motivation, or from taking some addrall, guilt feeling, hate, anger, love, ect all these feelings if you have them at your disposal will do the trick and take that requirement for sacrifice, when you have none you simply can't act. 

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How do you know you won't change after you have known what you want? I mean suppose I find out what I really want according to my feelings, what if procrastination becomes the case again? What if I stop feeling good from what I really want?

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Procrastination is there to protect you from danger or embarrassment in social interactions. 

Edited by hyruga

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27 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


How do you know you won't change after you have known what you want? I mean suppose I find out what I really want according to my feelings, what if procrastination becomes the case again? What if I stop feeling good from what I really want?

The mind wants to know right? It likes order...What place does the mind serve once you’ve committed to a task you feel aligned with? Stop feeling good, possibly it’s necessary to complete it or maybe not, and you change your desire 

sorry to jump in Truth

Edited by DrewNows

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How do you deal with situations in which you are not given the luxury of doing what you want? 

A lot of my life is just sitting around doing nothing. As if I want to be lazy. This does not work in the real world. 

Often times the path to getting what you want is a path filled with doing what you don't want. 

And it's even harder when what you want to do dramatically changes all the time. 

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In my experience, most of the time, procrastination is anything that is ought to be done in small steps for achieving outcomes that come after a while. Perhaps I like freedom.

Whenever I set up a goal, I tend to procrastinate about it. I'm fine doing anything but I don't like to wait for the results so I distract myself, and that's my procrastination.

The solution for me is to just do it no matter what.

Edited by Truth Addict

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6 hours ago, Truth Addict said:


In my experience, most of the time, procrastination is anything that is ought to be done in small steps for achieving outcomes that come after a while. Perhaps I like freedom.

Whenever I set up a goal, I tend to procrastinate about it. I'm fine doing anything but I don't like to wait for the results so I distract myself, and that's my procrastination.

The solution for me is to just do it no matter what.

Wait what? Procrastination *happens* during multi step activities? Makes sense 

Maybe completing small steps pulls your attention back to analyzing and choosing. Is it necessary for you to hold onto the idea of an end result? 

Your “just do it” attitude may be helpful in not giving much value to the pointless thoughts 

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@winterknight I get what you are saying. and if I could give up my worldly possessions and live on the land and the good graces of other people, or join a monastery, or something similar, this would make perfect sense. But most of my procrastination stems from things that I don't have a choice in doing- like paying bills, housework, things that NEED to be done at the business, and things that I fear to do. 

Of course I could say that I don't want to do those things, but then my life would unravel around me. Personally  I'd be ok with it, but there are too many people that depend on me to just stop doing these things that I procrastinate on. So IMO I feel like this advice is only suited towards certain lifestyles...

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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