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If we die and cease to exist then it is only about being happy

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@WHO IS it's all One buddy.  There are the unconscious and the conscious parts.  Evil only arises in the unconscious.  But its all part of the same whole.   

When one has this realization via a mystic experience it is shocking.  I was sick for a few days when i fully became conscious of Oneness because there was this sense of being alone where my whole life i had thought there were these separate entities out there.

I totally understand where you are coming from.   And again i am not asking you to take it on faith.  I am just putting it out there.  You can discover if for yourself.  Or, you can choose not to and remain close minded - but you will miss out on the greatest Miracle and gift there is in life - the greatest gift you could ever have given yourself...  And that is to discover that you are God.  And all the words in the world can't capture what's its like to awaken to yourself.  There is nothing like it.  And you will never be the same.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I believe that You truly must have experience something convincing that You hold onto it to be true. Friend, tell me please, When You were in the sate of when You discovered You are God, can You tell me why Did God create this world with all its evil/pain/suffering/aging/sickness etc? A good Being would not create a world with even a possibility of experiencing pain. Create people with different languages so they would not understand each other and form this the arisen fear of each other which leads to hatred and conflict? Why did God create/designed world as such that it was intentionally made so that it is much more probable to break/suffer than to gain happiness and health?




Edited by WHO IS

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@WHO IS So that everything can exist. You have to drop that dualistic notion of good and bad. All is good. 

What are you afraid of, sickness, old age, death of body? Can you realize that even your dead body will support New life New creation New existance? 

It is all you but you are blinded by your egoic mind who thinks it is all about me me me. Which is ok too it is all Love. 

What existance is, is pure absolute bliss for all forms.But I let you, you discover this for yourself. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@WHO IS because You forgot yourself.

It's that simple.  And you can wake up to yourself.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@zeroISinfinity Friend, destructive/dangerous thinking it is. You accept evil, even though in Your own words it doesn't exist in itself because all is good. 

However, (I don't want to say You, because I really don't want to sound rude :)) but at the same time, I would extremely doubt that "one" would want that tomorrow morning some one would come up and cut ones arms and legs off. NObody who is sane would want that, no? You wouldn right, you would say it is all good, because all is good? Why are you confusing yourself? 

Edited by WHO IS

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that's why I consider such discussions somewhat fecal.

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@Inliytened1 how is this an answer ?: "

because You forgot yourself.

It's that simple.  And you can wake up to yourself."

when question, in short, is "When You experienced being god, can You tell me why Did God create this world with all its evil/pain/suffering/aging/sickness etc? "

I thought communication is about is making sure that the other person understands. And I don't think You can say something along the lines of "it is an answer you just don't understand it". Just like if someone asked someone on a math exam what is 2+2 and answered something along the lines of : You must wake up to math.

By this I mean it seems You do not know why from all the possibilities of worlds God created a world with pain and suffering, or You know but dont want to answer, maybe?  Well, it is too a possibility.

I  have no personal agenda and I am trying to always be humble to make sure that I put the search for Truth on the top before my own delusions/ignorances and of others, even if we people seem to be stopped searching and are sure that they already figured it out.

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@WHO IS I said it many times before developing uncoditional love for everything is probably the hardest part of the path. Well you are basiclly remembering your True Nature in all possible facets. Enlightenment is really all about remembering. 

If you ask me am I able to do any harm, no not really. It is paradoxical you really can't even if you accepted all of "evil". 

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5 minutes ago, tedens said:

that's why I consider such discussions somewhat fecal.

Tedens, you chose to use the word "fecal" to emphasize this discussion as something negative. Which is against your own beliefs, because You would say that ultimately you yourself created/manifested of there even existing a possibility of fecals existing in this world.

So You do see that some things are objectively bad and good, or if worded better, something are more better than others?

Edited by WHO IS

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9 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@WHO IS I said it many times before developing uncoditional love for everything is probably the hardest part of the path. Well you are basiclly remembering your True Nature in all possible facets. Enlightenment is really all about remembering. 

If you ask me am I able to do any harm, no not really. It is paradoxical you really can't even if you accepted all of "evil". 

If the ultimate nature/origin/Mind that created this world is our Minds origin too. Then when you  turning to your True Nature in all possible facets. You woul embody all aspects of this reality and its Being all aspects from A to Z.

You would murder someone today and save someone's life tomorrow. You would be walking split personality disorder-bucket.  There would be no growth of character in your case because you would be all of these things at the same time, which is not the case. 

I highly doubt that if You had to create a world from scratch you would create phenomena such as pain. (Corect if I am wrong please :))

Just the same as you are able to kiss passionately your lover you would be able and even willing to kiss the killer who killed your lover but not only that but as passionately, even right after it happened. 

No this is not the truth of things. 

Edited by WHO IS

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@WHO IS i thought i explained it earlier...God is indeed Infinite.  So infinite that he can trick himself AND fall for his own tricks.

God cannot escape himself.  There is nowhere go.  It is itself..pure isness.  He cannot not go anywhere other than to be be himself and experience himself through a virtual escape - division through limitation.  Limited form that forgot what it was.   

In this way he could explore every possibility.  To God there are no dualities.  But the unconscious do things that we in dualistic form perceive as evil.  Evil itself is an illusion.  This is very deep stuff and really may require mystical experiences

 That's why we recommend you put the meditation and self inquiry work in.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1, I agree and know that The Mind is existing in from a source where God exists.

However, I see that whoever created this world cannot be all good. I know that I would not wish any pain for You Friend or anyone else. However let's say some people on this forum become sick next year and start feeling pain every day 24/7, did they themselves did this to themselves? Or did we collectively as one mind of God did that to the person? To ourself? Give pain to yourself? It is not-logical sane thing to do.

So if I know that it is not logical, but God does it, so I am more sane/in Mind then God? And if my Mind is the part of God all along, so when I am my little self I am saner than when I am in unity within the Mind of God? Do we the problem?

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16 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

If the ultimate nature/origin/Mind that created this world is our Minds origin too.

***It is exactly the same mind of yours. There is no separation. They exist only in appearances. You Will see everything as same source of existance same as yourself. 

Then when you  turning to your True Nature in all possible facets. You woul embody all aspects of this reality and its Being all aspects from A to Z.

***Yes you Will because you Will realize all These "things" are you, again no separation. 

You would murder someone today and save someone's life tomorrow.

***No I Will not. 

You would be walking split personality disorder-bucket.  There would be no growth of character in your case because you would be all of these things at the same time, which is not the case. 

*Character is illusion it is created by all other appearances and interpretations of your small mind based on them. There is no such entity. 



I highly doubt that if You had to create a world from scratch you would create phenomena such as pain. (Corect if I am wrong please :))

***Contemplate what pain really is. Actually feel it do not try to avoid pain. Something you have to accept too. 

Just the same as you are able to kiss passionately your lover you would be able and even willing to kiss the killer who killed your lover but not only that but as passionately, even right after it happened. 

*I Will accept it because it is True. No need to Kiss anyone. Both killed lover and her killer and weapon used etc are all You, me. 



No this is not the truth of things. 

Yes it is. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@WHO IS there is no good or bad to God he is just pure potential.  Evil is isness playing out in form.  Remember the perceiver perceiving evil collapses into Being or potential.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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 How can We be sure that in the states where we feel as if we are God and that everything is as it should be, will be and must be, that it is us getting this information as brainwash from someone who is not for your best interest? It is a possibility. 


It is like if someone takes someone into his basement and there tortures the person and then tells the person that the pain the suffering doesn't exist and that it all is good.

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One of the things which/What creates a good deal of suffering for humans is a certain thing. It is about control. A lot of human suffering stems from the fact that the mind/human when confronted in certain situations/realities events etc. which are out of His/Her control, He/She suffers, suffers why? suffers because He/She knows that things/situations/events/realities can be better. The things/situations/events/realities can Be better yet they are not, what a wonder? So what do people do, because they cannot escape, they start to try to believe that everything is the same, the negative experiences and the positive? 

I think people go for enlightenedmend to gain a sense of control, but they gain it through giving out their control, even their own Being. 


Edited by WHO IS

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@WHO IS You can actually become Absolute/Truth /Formlesness /Nothingness/Infinity/God/Love. 

Do practises with desire and intention to know God and you Will get there or master the Game. ?


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@WHO IS I will help you real quick here, because i have gone through this. Most people here don't have a logical solution, so they will only keep on repeating their personal solution and blame you for not understanding but in fancy words of course. There is no control, they have none, all they can do is avoid anything bad by saying it doesn't exist or i am the problem doing trouble to myself. 

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16 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@WHO IS You can actually become Absolute/Truth /Formlesness /Nothingness/Infinity/God/Love. 

Do practises with desire and intention to know God and you Will get there or master the Game. ?


You can be near there without above.

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