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If we die and cease to exist then it is only about being happy

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If we die and cease to exist then it is only about being happy. That's the most logical thing to do. To be happy and same things/stuff don't make everyone happy. So this means that everyone have their own to be happy. 

Only if there is a way to exist beyond the death of human-existence there is a point of not just "trying to be happy". Because than You can motivate Yourself to struggle in order to gain some existence/life outcome after the human-death.

However if after the human death the self-identity cease to exist, then the only thing that makes sense is while you are have this identity/limited to this human-body is to be happy, as much as You can. 

Edited by WHO IS

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That's actually what all here are trying to do even though they may deform or twist that intention to be accepted with whatever attempt at achieving this they have at the moment. Behind all those self lies that's what controlling the strings. If one can control the physical world or any world that you might have at will, with a snap of fingers would you even seek enlightenment? I doubt anyone would do that, since they can't do that they get affected by this inability this lack of control and seek the next best thing, but they forget the reason why they went on the journey, which is precisely this lack, of either knowledge or control and power. There is only one thing that you are allowed to want and have but most people don't like that, so they will never understand its value. I can already see the excuse that will help them avoid that harsh reality of lack and control, with things like but there is no you, ect hahah. Well can't escape reality now can you?

Edited by ColdFacts

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Yeah your right. But notice that all "happiness" is, in reality, a lower level of enlightenment or pursuit thereof

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If there was no You, or You would enlighten yourself to believe that there is No You. You wouldn't post here, no one who is no-one would post here, or do anything. Because doing is out of necessity. Even when You do things out of fun, you are doing it to get "fun" etc.


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You are reality itself.  You are universal, infinite consciousness.  You cannot escape yourself.  You can only virtually escape yourself by limiting yourself and dividing yourself into smaller, finite consciousness which do not yet know they are the whole of consciousness.  The point is to explore yourself as every one of these perspectives by simply being yourself.  And ultimately to discover that you are the whole of it and everything is One.

WHO IS is one of these perspectives.  He is an idea within the Great Mind.  He is free to be whatever the hell he wants to be.  He can choose to be happy or miserable.  Ideally he will have much less suffering if he can find peace and happiness.  Suffering only exists in his limited form because the form cannot remain the same form forever, despite its need for survival and it's fight against change - it will ultimately morph and change and parts of it will die and regrow until ultimately it dies altogether. 

Ideally he will discover what he truly is and this will provide him the highest peace and lead to liberation.



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So as to say you believe this to be true :

"One Mind/Consciousness created a universe and separated itself/Mind into many pieces of the individual points of consciousness to experience that created world. "

So just why didnt didn't Mind/Consciousness create a more pleasant world and experience? Is it a masochist? Do You see the problem with his world view? The viruses, the diseases. The aging etc.

It seems foolish to think everything is relative. Light and Darkness to dot merge together. Good and Evil are not relative, they are real indeed.



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@WHO IS Well keep in mind it/You are Infinite.  You must be because you are groundless.  That said Infinity includes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.   It is a singularity of pure potential that includes every possibility that could have ever happened or not happened, without actually playing out.  It is pure Isness - free of all duality such as good and evil.

So there is no where for it/you to escape yourself other than to start playing it out.  To create duality.  Good and evil are just two of those dualities.  Only in limited dual form do we play out good and evil.  God in formlessness is just pure Being and Love.  



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And out of the all possibilities it(We) created the world that we have? 

 If We just merely look at the face of the world. It is, in fact, undeniable the world works by the mode of consumption to function and there is usually a lot of pain involved; pain by disease, pain by damage, pain by malfunctioning organs and pain induced by stress etc. The world is not kind, it is ignorant to say otherwise, being blind to objective evidence. The world is a very cruel place, other animals including your own species is out to get you, to hurt you and steal your items and territory.

It should be easy to be pessimistic about the world unless one lives in a kind of bubble and refuses to accept what is before them. When one understands even more by mental evolution then it is even easier to be pessimistic

When I suffer on Earth, it does indeed feel real and I am in pain, I might not even do something which seems to cause me to deserve the pain. Yet One inflicted with pain in many ways throughout the life, diseases cause One to be forced to remain in bed some days. One might get cancer and get a lot of pain, or I suffer from cardiac arrest.

Even if the world is an illusion, These experiences are real, because the Mind which experiencing these things is Real, the realest thing that there is. Because the Mind is the Experiencer.

To say that the Mind is infinite and infinity includes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and that  It is pure Isness - free of all duality such as good and evil. Then it means the more Isness you are the closer you are to the origin. So You could anything because it is everything, You could go tomorrow and rape, kill steal all in all start hurting other parts of you, because hurting yourself would also be included because the isness is  ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and to be closest to isness is to be like the isness.

Do You see the dangerous trajectory of this kind of thinking? To deny that there is Good and there is Evil is self-sabotage/deceit.  

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There is ultimate Good,   and Good and Evil are not from the same source, if you don't believe me just analyze yourself and this forum. Why do people here put their picture in which they look good/presentable? Smile when you talk in front of the camera in your videoes?  Why? Because You know it is better/more "good" to look good. Why do use words as wisdom/wise, figured out, im this im that, because you do care how others perceive you and you want the others associate with good words, well at least with words which are associate with better/more advanced traits not retarded traits, such as deficiency, evil, etc. 

You know...,  even without knowing it You are going after Good. 

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@WHO IS no one is denying that the illision is real inside the illusion.  I'm merely pointing out that you can Awaken to the illusion and see through it.  It will make your life in this limited form a lot easier.   But don't take my word that this is the way it is - discover it for yourself :)

Are you meditating and following the path?


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12 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@WHO IS Well keep in mind it/You are Infinite. 


I am afraid that this is unacceptable for some.

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@tedens @tedens yes of course not this is very radical stuff to a materialist.. but we can also ask ourselves - if good and evil are not from the same source - and all is not One (which it is by the way and he can discover this) then what do you ground reality in?

So...let me direct this question to @WHO IS

What are you grounding reality in?


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It is unacceptable for some to imagine that a more perfect world/illusion could exist for the Consciousness to experience reality. 

One cannot be both good and bad. You are either good or you are bad. One here who is against rape and killing wouldt go after of couple hours and do these things. Because it against who You are. You either Good or you are evil. I know can be in a grey area, and most are and however one can evolve oneself into more good or more evil himself. Ultimately it is possibly to become ultimate Good. Evolution is true.  However, when you ascend into good you, you wouldt turn to evil. 

If the source was/is already ultimately Good, it would create the many evil things in this reality. :)

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1 minute ago, WHO IS said:

It is unacceptable for some to imagine that a more perfect world/illusion could exist for the Consciousness to experience reality. 

One cannot be both good and bad. You are either good or you are bad. One here who is against rape and killing wouldt go after of couple hours and do these things. Because against who You are. You either Good or you are evil. I know can be in a grey area, and one can evolve oneself into more good or more evil himself. However, when you ascend into good you, you would turn to evil. 

Whoever created this reality, if it is absolute good, it would create the many evil things in this reality. :)

Whoever created this reality

 And just as i thought - this answers nothing.  And you just admitted that you do not know.   So perhaps an open mind is in order? 



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5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Whoever created this reality

 And just as i thought - this answers nothing.  And you just admitted that you do not know.   So perhaps an open mind is in order? 


I am saying that the reality is that there things which need nothing to know of. I know I exist. I know that this reality in which I exist is evil, designed to cause suffering. 

If it wasn't nobody here would be asking questions trying to figure things out.


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@Inliytened1 If it is as You said earlier it is Us who created this place then I must accept that ultimately Evil is part of our Being.

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@WHO IS again thats a duality created by the human mind. 

Example - do you consider an animal that kills its prey evil? After all it is taking the life of another animal? 

You will see when you contemplate this that it is a relative notion.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@tedens @Inliytened1 

You can't deny it there are things which are evil and there are things which are good. The animal does it because it is fully material made of the matter which is made by someone who is not against to create an evil world-system, You can then make an estimation of what kind of Being it is.

However, what is different about us, is that we are not fully of matter and we don't not only think with the flesh/animal brains. We have Minds, which are not made of matter at all, although everything in this world we are is made of matter, with the animals in it alongside the human bodies with their mammal brains.

Our Minds are from somewhere ultimately Good, not from here, at least better than this world. Because of this we can recognize the evil of this world and act better than this world with its animals and the mode of life which is based on the consumption of the others. Where is the beauty in that? And would you say beauty doesn't exist? Beauty is undeniable, you don't need to analyze something to know if it is aesthetical beautifully or not. Beautiful and ugly does not merge. Not everything merges together. 

Why some are more conscious of this then the others it is because not everyone's Immaterial Minds as grown as others. Most people seem to operate only based on their human brains, of course, the evil of this world would seem normal, because its brain is made of the same source/matter just like the world it is from,

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This is a good discussion.  What i was trying to say with the animal is two fold.  The animal is simply trying to survive right?  But on the other hand by killing its particular prey it may actually be helping the environment in some way.   Maybe not always but maybe.  So good can be found where one might think there is evil.

As for humans - we also as Egos are trying to survive.  Everything we do is survival based.  The ego is its own devil - but it doesn't know it's a devil.

Example - From Hitler's perspective he was doing good! He truly believed he was doing the world good by cleansing it of Jews.

Of course, we know he was deluded and if he Awoke to himself and had an enlightenment experience he would stop being a devil!

So again...this good and evil and suffering and all duality all comes about when when Infinity limits itself - which it must - because if it didn't it wouldn't be Infinite.   In limited form you are the ego.  And the ego is a self deception machine.

It is only through Awakening that one can see through its own delusion and then the world can be a better place.


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The Mind which created this universe created it such that in order for the organisms in this universe to prolong their existence they need to hurt/destroy the integrity of others. Think about this design, and think if a good Mind would create a world with this mechanism of action. Judge the tree by its fruits.

It is fascinating that something as good as We can exist in such evil as this world. We know better, we see the world is not as good as it could have been. Where does this knowing/imagination/image come from? From this world? No! It comes from ourselves, the ones who are getting closer to their immaterial Minds, they can see the world for what it is and they can see their human bodies with its existence/life for what it is. If Our minds were of this world and its source we wouldn't have known better. For exmaple the one who created this world could created it so that The animals could have all existed without the need of consumption of other ones.  

It Clearly Dualistic of Arch Dualism, Two Entirely independent, separate and antithetical substances of Existence, Wholly Good Immaterial, Us and Wholly Evil Darkness, Not-Logical Material. By saying that they both come form the same source it is self-delusion. An apple tree does not give pears, nor does a pear tree give apples.

Friend, it gives sense that the Evil is from the Outside, If not and it is of yourself then you believe at heart, at True core that You Fundamentally of same origin as the Vile Pedophile, Sadist, Manipulator, Psychopath, Tyrant, Egomaniac and all evils on, these things and a Mind/substance that enables and allows them to exist, Puppeteering and generating the very world trying to Exterminate the Good in Minds of people.

Saying Evil and problem is not Outside is like saying if a Evil Hostile Aggressor runs up to you and shoots you in the head then you are at fault and are to blame for shooting yourself in the head, it's Discrepancymania.


The problem is that our Good/Minds are attached to this evil/ignorant world.


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