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Deep Meditation Session

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I just had an extremely deep meditation session that I will never forget. I was doing Strong Determination sitting which for me, has given me some really amazing results and I have only been doing it for 4 days. My first day I went two hours without moving. Now I have been doing an hour a day eventually working up to two hours a day.

All of a sudden I got the insight “Stop resisting”. After that my body relaxed a little bit. Then all of a sudden I felt the urge to cry because I was thinking about my mom and all of the times I have felt abandoned by her and how I feel like I have disappointed her. Then I started thinking about my father. Me and my dad don’t have a relationship currently and haven’t had one since my parents got divorced in 2012. If we ever talked is was just me asking him for money or some other selfish reason.

I realized in that moment I have been resisting a relationship with my dad for pretty much my entire life and have been denying the deep need for him in my life and how important he is to me. Tears rolled down my face like a stream of water. After my sit, I decided to call my dad and see how he was doing. He is having back surgery on Wednesday, so I want to see him before hand. I asked him if he wanted to hang out this weekend and he accepted. So i am going to express how I feel and not leave anything out. I just wanted to share this because it shows the power of this work. I really want to thank @Leo Gura becuause without you man this wouldn’t have been possible. My Dad would have died and that resistance would have been buried even deeper and ruined my life even more. Anyway I hope everyone is doing the work because it can transform your entire life. Thank you for reading !

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