Leo Gura

Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?

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40 minutes ago, integral said:

Where is the plan? the strategy? how are we going to move forward with this. Everyone here is just talking about how more consciousness = better, so lets spread the word? All flowers and roses...

Sound like pretty naive stage green thinking.

What is the plan to pry the government away from the ownership of companies and give the power back to the people?


Only Stage Yellow and above people should be teaching doing Politics Work as an aspect of Personal Development Work.  Otherwise, it just becomes another mental-masturbation away from other things that one should focus on first in this work.  Keep first things first!  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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The best thing to do when approaching politics is to keep an open mind as Leo discusses it in upcoming videos.

Try not to cling to a particular perspective - such as the left or the right - instead be able to jump between perspectives and see it from all angles.

This is what is going to allow us to transcend the current divide and evolve our society.   That is what conscious politics is all about.  




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Leo Gura Sounds great! I'd love to see this type of content. You haven't done much on politics, and for good reason. But I think some high quality discussions are needed. Particularly for me being in the UK, as our politics has gone to complete shit. I don't know how to think about it all. The country is completely divided because of Brexit. It makes me sad. It's so hard to find high level political discussion. The Daily Evolver does quite a good job for US politics, but the discussions are still a bit surface level.  Here's a good channel for info about Brexit if you or anyone else is interested. 


Edited by Space

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@Leo Gura Yeah man! 

I think technology could be strongly utilized when it comes to our government. If we use our phones as a medium to further connect with our representatives, then we could increase our democracy as well as the accountability of our officials. And what I mean by this is having App with a good UI, that easily shows me who is my representatives are, voting history, what is the senate voting for today, or next week. 

This vision could be bigger and more intricate, but essentially using technology to increase the people's voice and awareness within the local --> state --> federal politics. 


@Norbert Lennartz You could acknowledge the benefits of society though. The fact that you're even reading and writing is because of public paid education... Even if you went to a private school paid by your parents, your parents earned money off others, and required others to educate you. You can't run from the fact that we are all social animals and collectively we thrive when we work together. Isn't it possible that you are just seeing one side of it? how many books have you read about the other side? 

Edited by SgtPepper

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This anticipation of this video is making my mouth water lOL

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Only Stage Yellow and above people should be teaching doing Politics Work as an aspect of Personal Development Work.  Otherwise, it just becomes another mental-masturbation away from other things that one should focus on first in this work.  Keep first things first!  

I agree with Joe. Politics is a very tricky subject and should only be dealt with stage yellow and above for personal development.




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59 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

how many books have you read about the other side? 

The question is not what I read about my "other side", but what you read about your "other side".

I was brought up with this shit and indoctrinated. And I believed it. I believed in the monetary system. I believed in the legal system. I didn't believe in the stories about the so-called "social question", but I didn't have an answer. I believed the news on television. I went to church on Sundays. I believed almost all the scaremongers. For a long time I was a hopeless case, a poor product of the ruling culture, until it drove me into years of burnout, because I didn't know why at all.

And then I noticed what was withheld from me.

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm planning some videos on a new topic I'm calling "Conscious Politics". It's a Tier 2 approach to politics and government which aims to go beyond the left/right divide.

Well, interested or not, it's coming, so brace yourselves! ;) Some of it will be controversial & radical, but also inspiring. If you lean conservative some of the things which will be said you will probably deny and react against. But there will also be critiques of liberal ideologies too.

It's a tricky topic to discuss because it tends to polarize and distract people from doing the inner work. And yet it must be discussed. So we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

will it be useful if one's grasp on politics is very weak? i only know generalizations like left is open/future minded/eco/gay rights/pro abortion and right is basically the opposite 

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4 hours ago, Quicksilver said:

The problem with politics is that before the people partaking in it have evolved to stage yellow and beyond, theres literally no point in engaging with it because the answer to all the questions will invariably be: "help people evolve into yellow" 

As long as politicians and the different electorate groups only see politics as a mean to achieve material gains for themselves and their groups there will be no objective discussion about any of the real issues, only playing ego games. 

Therefore, imo, you are already doing the most effective political actions out there which is raising people consciousness towards yellow. Once a good % of society is at yellow, it will make sense to discuss solutions to real issues.

While individual growth is very important the whole point is that it is not sufficient. Systemic change is required. New ways of understanding social problems are required. Collective action is required.

Individualism cannot get us to where we want to go.

So the point of talking about conscious politics is to elevate our current political duscourse, otherwise it stays at stage Blue/Orange/Green.

We can't just sit around waiting for people to evolve individually up to Yellow. We gotta change the discourse and culture in such a way that people grow into Yellow and understand what proper collective action looks like.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Would really appreciate some perspective on this topic! 

I'm very curious to hear about your thoughts on Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and the whole Edward Snowden thing if you can tie them in :)

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57 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

We can't just sit around waiting for people to evolve individually up to Yellow. We gotta change the discourse and culture in such a way that people grow into Yellow and understand what proper collective action looks like.

Yes.  And it has to come out of you where you're living it yourself.  You've done the practical work using the theory on yourself.

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@Leo Gura like @moon777light my knowledge about politic is weak are there any books or sources that could prepare us for that videos?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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With the rise of democracy, the identification of the State with society has been redoubled, until it is common to hear sentiments expressed which violate virtually every tenet of reason and common sense such as, "we are the government." The useful collective term "we" has enabled an ideological camouflage to be thrown over the reality of political life. If "we are the government," then anything a government does to an individual is not only just and untyrannical but also "voluntary" on the part of the individual concerned. If the government has incurred a huge public debt which must be paid by taxing one group for the benefit of another, this reality of burden is obscured by saying that "we owe it to ourselves"; if the government conscripts a man, or throws him into jail for dissident opinion, then he is "doing it to himself" and, therefore, nothing untoward has occurred. Under this reasoning, any Jews murdered by the Nazi government were not murdered; instead, they must have "committed suicide," since they were the government (which was democratically chosen), and, therefore, anything the government did to them was voluntary on their part. One would not think it necessary to belabor this point, and yet the overwhelming bulk of the people hold this fallacy to a greater or lesser degree.

Murray Rothbard quote

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It IS possible to get out of a trap.

However, in order to break out of a prison, one first must confess to being in a prison. The trap is man's emo­tional structure, his character structure. There is little use in devising sys­tems of thought about the nature of the trap if the only thing to do in order to get out of the trap is to know the trap and to find the exit.
Everything else is utterly useless: Singing hymns about the suffering in the trap, as the enslaved Negro does; [or draw a utopia of "good government" in the trap like Leo does;] or making poems about the beauty of freedom outside of the trap, dreamed of within the trap; or promising a life outside the trap after death, as Catholicism promises its congregations; or confessing a semper ignorabimus as do the resigned philosophers; or building a philosophic system around the despair of life within the trap, as did Schopenhauer; or dreaming up a superman who would be so much differ­ent from the man in the trap, as Nietzsche did. until, trapped in a lunatic asylum, he wrote, finally, the full truth about himself - too late .... The first thing to do is to find the exit out of the trap.

Wilhelm Reich quote

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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

l ike @moon777light my knowledge about politic is weak are there any books or sources that could prepare us for that videos?

Leo just updated his book list with some great ones on politics --- its only like 35 bucks to get it ---- I can believe where I would be without the info of books on that list!!

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Politics from non dual POV  that'l be great .

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Enough of your libertarian foolishness. You clearly don't understand or appreciate how society works. You are defending an ideological position. Don't bother denying it, I spotted you from day 1.

No actually there is a bit of truth to what he is saying.

There is no denying that you can't see society right? Can you see society with your eyes? Is it a tangible thing that you can see? Surely you agree you can't. Society is a social construct. Its a construct of the mind. This is important to understand. 

if everybody understood this, society would not be dysfunctional, because there would be no society. Society only exists(no I'm not confused, I know this contradicts the above sentence, but bear with me) because people like you (well everyone almost) thinks it does. If you don't believe me, why does the ego exist? Because you think it does. All illusions are like parasites(no bad judgments or connotations intended, I don't have any feelings for parasites, they are simply phenomena in the universe, that's it). that feed off a host(consciousness) believing in something(believing is the food). If you stop believing in the illusion, you cut off its supply of food to exist. 

So cut off the supply of the illusion of the society. Then it goes away, because its an illusion. Then there is no need to wear the best ear rings(if you are a girl) because there is no society rules telling you to do so (because the illusion is gone), there is no need to drive like a maniac because there are no society rules telling you to do that to get chicks or whatever. Literally every dysfunction would be cut off by the root. And paradoxically you would be free to cheat on your girlfriend, because there would be no society rule telling you its wrong, therefore its not a dysfunction(unless its causing suffering, which is not a society thing but a separation of Love (with a capital L) whereby the problem is about being disconnected by god, nothing to do with not following society rules).

Then, the challenge is not to understand politics, or make it better, but to increase perceptivity of the human being. This is the root of libertarianism. 

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@electroBeam good God stop. 

Yes there is no such thing as society. There is no such thing as mind. There’s no such thing as language. There is no such thing as politics. There is no such thing as other perspectives as all perspective collapse into the One perspective. There is no such thing as the subconscious mind. There is no such thing as others. There is no such thing as time. There is no such thing as gravity.

... what you’re clearly ignorant of is that something doesn’t need to be existentially true in order to be useful. The greatest masters understand this. Lanaguage doesn’t exist. You’re using it though. So whose the being a hypocrite here? Time doesn’t exist but you still use it. Gravity doesn’t exist but you still use it. Perspectives don’t exist but unfortunately you’re failing to use that. 

Libertarianism is a fantasy that doesn’t apply in practice and is grounded in entitlement. You’re not owed freedom. You’re not owed liberation. You’re not owed knowledge. You’re not owed anything. There needed to be a creation that involved social contracts that established principles, policies, laws, systems, etc. to provide you with the cushy position that allows people to get soft and take their survival for granted. 

Libertarianism is like a spoiled rich kid who takes for granted his wealthy background that his parents have provided him and demands freedom and then becomes reckless and demands freedom and then goes out in the world out of recklessness and then becomes beaten down by the realities of the world. Then he realizes of how much he took his world for granted. Then he sees the value of the system and why it’s in place and why there are certain rules and checks and balances. 

You are part of an illusory system and in an illusory world. Do your damn part because it’s your creation. Treat it with the Love, respect, Goodness that it is and the responsibility that’s required to create something that benefits the entire whole that is you. And that has nothing to do with you whining about how you don’t get to the whole pie all for yourself. We’re all special. So what makes you so special for dropping your selfish ideas and take responsibility to contribute to the entire whole? 

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@Norbert Lennartz I can imagine one way to escape the iron grip of society while being able to connect to it.

Imagine that you have technologies that enable you to excise an uninhabited solar system out of the universe. You would get a small universe consisting of a solar system. Now, you have technologies that enable you to copy the solar system at its original uninhabited condition infinitely many times and link the copies together with wireless energy transfer and wireless communication technologies. You alone would have access to the energy output of thousands upon thousands of stars. You could give this system to each individuals as a gift. Each person could become the owner of many solar systems.

With wireless energy transfer and wireless communication, you would be able to communicate with other solar universes and the origin universe.

Infinite habitats and infinitely many energy sources can free each individual. I don't know any other way to make anarchy happen sustainably without adverse side effects.

There are still rooms for infinite hell, though. A person who wants to lock down billions of creatures can use these technologies to create infinite hell.

I think this kind of thing can potentially happen in the future although we won't be just given keys to such enormous power unless we get our shit together.

Edited by CreamCat

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