Leo Gura

Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?

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@Leo Gura I noticed that there isn't an explicit place for politics or political discussion, meta-political discussion etc on this forum. By default it's tended to go in Self-Actualization, which does seem to be the best fit right now. So perhaps you should add it to the "official" list of topics for the Self-Actualization sub-forum? Or perhaps we need a new sub-forum, something like Society and Politics..

Not really sure the best solution here, but wanted to open the discussion. 

The new politics videos are ACE by the way.

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@outlandish Maybe. Not sure if there's enough demand.

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7 hours ago, Truthority said:

I doubt it's simpler. It's more stressful. 

This whole poor people are happier thing is such a crock of shit. 

Even back in the day when Buddha was around, people were just as miserable and materialistic. 


Yeah, It's sorta both.

"Simpler" doesn't always mean "Happier".

Just to be clear, I didn't want to imply that poorer people are happier.

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Even though a parallel-thread (top 5 cities and SD) has some talk going on about feminism and toxic masculinity/femininity, I still see this as more fitting here.

Also, I'm aware there's a thread about this interview with Eckhart Tolle already, but there wasn't much talk about the content of what Eckhart actually said - An on point political analysis. Wonder how long it takes till someone will call him alt-right for what he said here :D 12:55 onwards is topic-related


Edited by Zizzero

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What are some good sources of conscious independent news? I currently read the guardian and feel this is a good source but i would like some more options. 

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On 2019-08-08 at 3:47 PM, Bodigger said:

Conscious Politics....Doesn't this mean Truth in Politics.

I doubt that even Marianne Williamson will be able to suddenly turn all the political manipulation and chicanery into truth and transparency. What I believe must happen is that truth-politics has to flow in gradually or it will disrupt the current political system too much.

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32 minutes ago, Anderz said:

What I believe must happen is that truth-politics has to flow in gradually or it will disrupt the current political system too much.

I have been thinking the same, in that if a state/country were to elect a majority of highly conscious people they would be destroyed by lower conscious states/countries.  I think this needs to happen gradually as well.  This is one reason I would like to see reinstatement of state rites.  If a state became more politically conscious there would be protection by the nation.  Then the other states would catch on and other nations would catch on.

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On 8/8/2019 at 9:16 PM, Yog said:

If there is something we need in a more conscious society is basic internet education. People ....still use ....Chrome O.o

I use Brave



On 8/8/2019 at 9:16 PM, Yog said:

Google has monopoly.
-Google is tracking,fingerprinting and selling all your internet data.
-Google is scanning your emails.
-Google tracks your location even if you tell it not to.
-Google is letting 3D party developers scan your emails and share them.
-Google stores all you do on their services.
-Google tracks what you buy in physical stores.
-If Google dosen't manage to milk you enough, it buys your data from other services.
-Google is manipulating your search results in various ways.
-Google is censoring free speech.
-Faced multiple anti trust charges along the world.
-Is working with pentagon on military developments.
-Helping governments track and link everything you do online .
-Breaking human rights
-Ofc It is well known for Gulaging  people on Youtube .... and the Don't Be Evil thing.
-And ofc all that is stored on their servers forever, and profiled.

How do you know all these?

Serious question. 

And dont say google. 


On 8/8/2019 at 9:36 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

I gotta give Joe Rogan props for building his podcast platform.  Wow.  Now all these famous people come to see him.  Very well done. 

But dont you think his guests are a little one sided?

I dont think Joe is that bright...  he's a very lazy thinker

I do like his comedy specials though, he's funny 



On 8/8/2019 at 9:46 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

You can have as much money as you want to have in life.  I've been really studying this video lately.  It's all about those mindsets.

I agree with the first part of your statement. 

It doesn't have as much to do with mindset though.

what matters is what you create and if it has value or not

Our thoughts dont mean shit.

swashbuckler 4 life xD

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On 8/8/2019 at 10:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

I don't waste my money. Someone else in my position would live much more lavishly than I do.

I could go buy a Lamborghini in cash tomorrow. But the thought doesn't even cross my mind because it's such a childish desire.

I couldn't stop thinkin about this. 

Buying a lambo and driving it off a cliff. 

I'm really curious if you leave the window open and stay in, would the crash into the ocean ruin the car or would just go right in smoothly and then you can just get out the window and tow it out after with a nice shine to it

that would be a cool film for youtube

yellow lambo driven wildly off cliff

the views would pay for it

I still haven't ruled out running for office here in Funland

I think i would make a great president

and here it doesn't matter what anyone did or said only what you say now

fuck it i'm gonna do it in 20 years and win

if Trump can do it in usa i can do it here

swashbuckler 4 life xD

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3 hours ago, Truthority said:

How do you know all these?

Its in their business model and in their terms of service. Some you can mitigate by turning stuff off, (on - by default) in your google account settings, probably, at least you ll have legal grounds.

A lot of the other stuff I have personally tested, found publicly, or by consulting with network security veterans I trust.

I use Brave and Firefox, Protonmail as email and DuckDuckGo or Bing as search engine for the last couple of years, especially after google got ideological and went witch-hunting. Even if you are out of google, and are not using their services, it is still tracking you, a security configured Firefox, with Unimatrix or uBlockrigin is needed. It is very persistent at getting everywhere it can...like....a virus.

So in the name of conscious politics. Id say, I ll give my life-force to these other more ethical companies.

Edited by Yog

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@SunnyNewDay Don't post that PragerU propaganda here.

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18 minutes ago, SunnyNewDay said:

Im not able to really follow this. it's just surface level and doesn't seem to really explain anything.

Summary of the video: His claim is that Trump got elected because the left doesn't give a shit about the American working class and their everyday-concerns.

His analysis seems accurate to me. Don't call it surface-level; the Democrates still haven't figured that stuff out. People don't like it when you tell them what to think and question their ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Trump's approach was simple: I'm not better than normal people (shown even by his use of language; he talks like normal people, not like a politician or academic) and I will fight for the political issues that matter to you - the people. I will not ignore you. Trump was a breath of fresh and not another politician who, so many Trump-voters found, ignores them.

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On 8/11/2019 at 11:21 AM, Zizzero said:

Summary of the video: His claim is that Trump got elected because the left doesn't give a shit about the American working class and their everyday-concerns.

His analysis seems accurate to me. Don't call it surface-level; the Democrates still haven't figured that stuff out. People don't like it when you tell them what to think and question their ability to differentiate between right and wrong. Trump's approach was simple: I'm not better than normal people (shown even by his use of language; he talks like normal people, not like a politician or academic) and I will fight for the political issues that matter to you - the people. I will not ignore you. Trump was a breath of fresh and not another politician who, so many Trump-voters found, ignores them.

Trump has zero problem telling people what's right and what's wrong, because doing so gets him political power. He will tell you to your face that abortion is wrong, that socialism is evil, that immigrants are criminals and that protesting is unAmerican, all because it'll help gain him popularity with his voter base and the corporate stooges in power, and hence greater ability to fulfil his selfish drives. It doesn't matter if you're a woman who needs an abortion, a starving minimum wage worker working three jobs just to survive, a Hispanic child escaping drug gangs or a conscious American exercising their first amendment rights, he will moralise the fuck out of you and make your life significantly harder because your needs don't suit his devilish agenda.

Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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4 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Trump has zero problem telling people what's right and what's wrong, because doing so gets him political power. He will tell you to your face that abortion is wrong, that socialism is evil, that immigrants are criminals and that protesting is unAmerican, all because it'll help gain him popularity with his voter base and the corporate stooges in power, and hence greater ability to fulfil his selfish drives. It doesn't matter if you're a woman who needs an abortion, a starving minimum wage worker working three jobs just to survive, a Hispanic child escaping drug gangs or a conscious American exercising their first amendment rights, he will moralise the fuck out of you and make your life significantly harder because your needs don't suit his de

The difference is evident that's for sure, that is why we need to talk about one issue at a time and not generalize things.  For instance;

Abortion   -   What is right about it?

Socialism   -   It has been done before so talk about where, and what about it works.

Immigrants   -   Should we let anyone come into a country....even known criminals?  And that means any country.

Protesting   -   How far do you allow it to go?  Should we allow people to be spat upon and beaten or do we draw a line at some point to protect people?

Corporations   -   How to deal with them?  By the way, there are plenty of stooges in power in both parties.

Minimum Wage   -   Set by States or is this U.S. policy? 

I think Trump points out many of his reasons for the way he thinks on these issues and people like clarity....not generalizations.

It starts with willingness to be open minded.

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8 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Trump has zero problem telling people what's right and what's wrong, because doing so gets him political power. He will tell you to your face that abortion is wrong, that socialism is evil, that immigrants are criminals and that protesting is unAmerican, all because it'll help gain him popularity with his voter base and the corporate stooges in power, and hence greater ability to fulfil his selfish drives. It doesn't matter if you're a woman who needs an abortion, a starving minimum wage worker working three jobs just to survive, a Hispanic child escaping drug gangs or a conscious American exercising their first amendment rights, he will moralise the fuck out of you and make your life significantly harder because your needs don't suit his devilish agenda.

I argued for why the man in the video and I believe Trump was elected. This post of yours appears to be a plea against Trump. So, I'm not sure in what way your response was actually related to what I said.

Nevertheless, your post carries a vibe of exactly what I mean when I write "the Democrates still haven't figured that stuff out". Basically a mentality of; "Trump is dishonest about what his motivations are and his voters are unfortunately not as smart as me to see through the facade." Just look at how you imply that the issues you used as example in any way have obvious solutions to them. If you honestly study something like abortions, you'll realize that what a good abortion law looks like is not at all obvious.

The left is currently doing all they can to lose again in 2020 as most of them still see their failure in 2016 as a result of there just being too many devils around. But why wouldn't they do that? Life lives itself more comfortably when you're riding the high horse.


Edited by Zizzero

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@Zizzero Part of the problem with American politics is the binary nature of issues. The polarization into opposite extremes is intensifying. In part, this is political strategy, yet it is also influenced by American culture of us vs them - as if it is a team sport. For many there is identification to a team and wanting to win. Mark Sanford was a conservative Republican from a conservative state. He didn’t agree with Trump on all issues and respectfully spoke out on occasion. This was seen as betraying Trump and there was a severe backlash. At one of his town hall meetings, Sanford brought up a a core conservative republican value (like fiscal responsibility or limited government) and spoke mentioned Trump was not acting like a conservative republican on the issue. This outraged many self-identified conservative Republicans - one person said “Trump is the quarterback of our team now and you go with the quarterback you’ve got”. I think this attitude represents the mentality of a significant portion of the electorate.

As well, using a binary frame makes it easier to call winners and losers. The media goes along and it’s great for ratings. Nearly all politicians do this to an extent, yet Trump is extremely oriented toward binary thinking and winning vs losing. Such an environment doesn’t leave room for nuances. Most Americans right know are responding to rapid either / or binary constructs. As you mentioned, abortion is a good example. Creating policy on abortion is not a simple either / or issue, it has a lot of nuances. Another example would be with gun laws. Traditionally, this issue as been framed as a choice between banning all guns or having all guns legal. Another example that is intense in American politics now is racism. There is a very strong binary construct of racism that people are either racist or non-racist. There is finger-pointing all over - “You are a racist!!!.” “No, You are the real racist!!!”. Headlines are made by who calls who a racist. A simple binary model of either 0% racist or 100% racist has some value in limited contexts. Yet it sooo restricted and limited that it doesn’t include a lot of important nuances and dynamics going on. For example, there are degrees of racism. Someone could hold extreme racist views or mild racist views. A person could have racist views in some areas, yet not racists views in other areas. As well, everyone has some degree of racial bias. Some may be subconscious biases. This is mostly Orange-level constructs and is not above the capacity for most Americans to consider. Yet there is a hyper obsession to frame it in a blue-level either / or mentality. I think mainly because people identify so strongly with race and it is deeply associated with their sense of survival. 


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