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Natura Sonoris

Tense Sensation During Meditation

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While meditating few weeks ago, i became aware of tense sensation in front of my face. It is located between my eyes. I think it is result of my jaw being tight during the day in general. The second reason may be is that i am kinda type of person who is in his head a lot so when i analyse  stuff in my head, my face gets tense. Anyone else experiencing this and is there any ''solution'' to it ? Because i think this tension is sign of stress.

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

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Sounds like your pineal gland (or also known as the third eye) is activating. Though it could just be your jaw tightness like you said. What do you think?

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@Actualising  Can you describe this pineal gland activation ? I never heard of it or stumbled across in my meditation research (which is kinda shallow but still i researched quite a bit).The sensation is present like big ball of sensations that has center around the nose. 


Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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@Natura Sonoris Hey man. The same thing happened to me. Search on Youtube about Spiritual awakening. This is called the Third eye, and it is responsible for your psychological development as far as I know. ;)

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  Sometimes when I'm meditating my forehead and eyebrows rise. Also my ears sort of wiggle. I'm not sure why this happens but I do know that if I don't relax my eyes and my entire head I eventually experience a headache. I'm aware I could be completely wrong about this next point, but I want to mention it anyway. When my forehead and eyebrows rise slightly the meditation seems to be getting pretty intense. It's almost as if I'm blown away by the profoundness of whats happening. My eyebrows raise like they are reacting to the waves of energy and perspective shifts. Nonetheless, I still try to just relax my face and enter into deep states without tensing up. It's helped me have less headaches when I do longer sits. Also, I'll still (if not me, than whatever I am metaphysically) enter into deep states without a tenseness in my head. 

  I'm no meditation expert but something I could suggest is to consciously relax your face. Maybe do some face stretches (look it up online) and possibly massage. Other than that, as you relax and let go more and more.. the tension in your face could resolve itself. Good luck :) 

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3 hours ago, Natura Sonoris said:

@Actualising  Can you describe this pineal gland activation ? I never heard of it or stumbled across in my meditation research (which is kinda shallow but still i researched quite a bit).The sensation is present like big ball of sensations that has center around the nose. 


Your pineal gland is supposed to be connected (somehow) to your third eye. Third eye meditation is where you focus on the area around your third eye. I have had many great experiences using this type of meditation and encourage you to try.

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@Actualising @An actualizer @The Village Idiot

I saw images where the third eye is supposed to be and i must say i can not be sure if this is cause of meditation or my tense jaws.However, i saw now on google that pineal gland is activated by using binaural beats, which i do use when i meditate. I am currently using audio program called Holosync. Holosync forces your brain's hemispheres to sync with each other that results in brain functioning better.

Leo said he used it when he started and he said it really works and there is book from creator of Holosync in Leo's book list (so if you have access to it, check it out) but if you want to use Holosync, it is at least 5 years commitment. You need to meditate each day for 1 hour but you start with 30 mins first 14 days.

Anyways, tonight i meditated for 1 hour and 20 mins using Holosync, and i was observing these sensations closely. I relaxed my jaw as much as possible, so i knew that it could not possibly be it. I must say there were weaker sensations present in this zone that i mentioned than usual. So my ''opinion'' or ''belief'' is that there is some activity there going on but i can not say for sure what it is. Maybe if you give me some resources that i can research on, i could pay more attention to it. 

Another interesting sensation that i experienced tonight was that i observed some circular type sensations that started let's say left side of my head and started to oscillate to right side. But it is not fixed like a straight line, it is fluid and it moves forwards and backwards (if direction even exists :P).

Best description would be that you imagine a sound starts from left speaker and while going to right speaker it moves forwards and goes up.When it reaches the right speakers it does similar process but kinda reversed (but generally it is never the same). So anyone experienced this ? Just curious in general.

The third interesting phenomenon happened when my mind started to get more and more ''quiet.'' The ''quiet'' is maybe not the best word for it because the thoughts are always present but when i tried to force myself to think, my sensations of thoughts would just appear and disappear in awareness without some chaotic movement that we experience normally during the day when we are active. If you can imagine a narrow river stream, that would be good presentation of it. But now here comes to interesting part : In few moments it looked like the thoughts could collapse on themselves, or in better words, they could literally implode on themselves. Has anyone experienced this or anything similar ? I know that my mind could be tricking me because in mental noise you really cant really filter out what is pure experience and what is just a thought in that mental noise. But still, i am kinda curious to hear out from you all.

Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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8 minutes ago, Natura Sonoris said:

@Actualising @An actualizer @The Village Idiot

I saw images where the third eye is supposed to be and i must say i can not be sure if this is cause of meditation or my tense jaws.However, i saw now on google that pineal gland is activated by using binaural beats, which i do use when i meditate. I am currently using audio program called Holosync. Holosync forces your brain's hemispheres to sync with each other that results in brain functioning better.

Leo said he used it when he started and he said it really works and there is book from creator of Holosync in Leo's book list (so if you have access to it, check it out) but if you want to use Holosync, it is at least 5 years commitment. You need to meditate each day for 1 hour but you start with 30 mins first 14 days.

Anyways, tonight i meditated for 1 hour and 20 mins using Holosync, and i was observing these sensations closely. I relaxed my jaw as much as possible, so i knew that it could not possibly be it. I must say there were weaker sensations present in this zone that i mentioned than usual. So my ''opinion'' or ''belief'' is that there is some activity there going on but i can not say for sure what it is. Maybe if you give me some resources that i can research on, i could pay more attention to it. 

Another interesting sensation that i experienced tonight was that i observed some circular type sensations that started let's say left side of my head and started to oscillate to right side. But it is not fixed like a straight line, it is fluid and it moves forwards and backwards (if direction even exists :P).

Best description would be that you imagine a sound starts from left speaker and while going to right speaker it moves forwards and goes up.When it reaches the right speakers it does similar process but kinda reversed (but generally it is never the same). So anyone experienced this ? Just curious in general.

The third interesting phenomenon happened when my mind started to get more and more ''quiet.'' The ''quiet'' is maybe not the best word for it because the thoughts are always present but when i tried to force myself to think, my sensations of thoughts would just appear and disappear in awareness without some chaotic movement that we experience normally during the day when we are active. If you can imagine a narrow river stream, that would be good presentation of it. But now here comes to interesting part : In few moments it looked like the thoughts could collapse on themselves, or in better words, they could literally implode on themselves. Has anyone experienced this or anything similar ? I know that my mind could be tricking me because in mental noise you really cant really filter out what is pure experience and what is just a thought in that mental noise. But still, i am kinda curious to hear out from you all.

can i ask you why you are meditating, what is the purpose of it

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I have no specific purpose, but in nutshel to get more focus, calming the mind and observing the thoughts that are present in my everyday life to get awarness over the mind. Also i am doing empirical investigation on what is true ( but that is not my main focus) The last one would be long term results of holosync. Why yoy ask ?

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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i just started a new topic, check it out, it is ( are you serious about self realization)

I ask the question to see where you are in your growth.

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