
Strategizing toward eating healthy food.

2 posts in this topic

Recently, I gained a habit of eating random food outside. This is not just bad for health but also for my finance. I'm not happy with that.

Eating random food feels good temporarily, but any food experience becomes forgotten in an hour. I want to replace food habit with something that's more permanent and more economical and more productive.

I thought of a few ways out of this habit.

  • Engineer a new habit
  • Anticipate the cues of the habit, and take pre-emptive actions to avoid the cues.
    • Working out may improve my mood and preempt any futile desire for food
    • Improving regularity of sleep schedule and morning routine may catapult positive momentum to a point where I don't feel a need to eat food to avoid emptiness. I observed a trend in my past. The trend is that sleep and morning routine are two most important factors in my productivity.
    • Eat, drink, sleep, and exercise properly to keep my mind sharp. A sharp mind doesn't eat random food.
  • Combine sedona method with a short workout. Exercise and sedona method seem to be a powerful combination.

If you have better ideas, share yours.

Edited by CreamCat

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The question is, "do you value your health enough to make proper choices in your daily life?" If not you will continue to slip into eating junk. Approaching you eating time with full mindfulness can help solve a lot of your problems. 

A practical tip would be to start batch cooking, buy couple glass/plastic trays and carry your own food to work. You can cook a giant pot of lentil stew with sweet potatoes for around 10$ for thought. 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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