
The Devil's Design: It makes perfect sense now

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The devil has safely channeled and deranged the most potent tools to wake up from this matrix. It's like devil's primary job is to nullify the doors that lead one outside the matrix. And in most cases, it is not by obviousness or brute force but by misdirection and deception, by convincing everyone that the escape doors are not doors at all and the real doors lie somewhere else. It's ingenious! Here are some examples on how devil perfectly painted the facade of wall over the escape doors.

1) Psychedelics and potent herbs. Devil turned this one of the most potent tools into the worldwide taboo against 'drugs'. It would take maybe 500 years more (if ever!) to correct the mainstream notions and view towards 'drugs'.

2) The 'I', keen scrutiny of this 'I' with intense interest which is the direct and immediate doorway into infinity; Devil turned this into petty self agenda, self aggrandizement and selfishness which is the default state of everyone. Everyone is caught up full time in 'I', 'me' and 'mine'; but alas in a completely wrong way.

3) Religions! Whose ONLY business is supposed to wake deluded pigs up in mass scale. Devil instead turned it into a tool to make more deluded pigs; with a failure rate over 99.999999% at it's original business of waking people up. Is it any coincidence that the very makers and preachers of the idea of 'God' are in fact the most deluded in the understanding of God?

4) Desires and Lack- the primal human drive and operating system. The original message behind this movement is an innate desire to connect to 'Yugen'. To connect with God, be God, having a 'spiritual' connection. Devil has successfully deranged this everyday primal message into materialism and promise of fulfillment through chasing hedonic material goods. The devil turned this message as, ''No! You are not really craving for a spiritual connection. There is no such thing! What you want is the next cookie, house, lover, money, success, career, sex, goods, entertainment, security, fame, knowledge!''

5) Subjectivity and the infallibility of subjective 'experience'. There is absolutely nothing outside one's own experience. Even science cannot help but explaining experience and the entire world through pure subjectivity. You don't see an object, you see the reflected light from that object. You don't hear sounds, you simply hear a subjective experience of reactions to vibrations so on and so forth. This so called entire material, solid world is nothing but a purely subjective rendering inside you. But devil must shut this door asap or else all sense of separation and hedonic treadmill will eventually collapse. Thus devil gives us modern science!

 6) The religious masters, the science masters, intellectuals, politicians, public figures and spokespersons ; people who are supposed to be the living embodiment and messengers of Truth in order to elevate collective consciousness are usually the most deluded and against consciousness. Devil has turned them first and foremost into her biggest and most obedient hand puppets

It's ingenious! It's bleak :(

We are screwed but convinced that we are building heaven and goodness :) 

And of course it is Devil typing this, deciphering devil. How else do I know this stuff? ;)



Edited by Preetom

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3 hours ago, Norbert Lennartz said:

@Preetom great!

Now when will you start worshipping devil? xD

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The devil turned Yoga from hardcore practice into looking at fine asses at the gym. Is that good or bad though... ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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But the beauty is that the obstacle is the way. 

Maybe the Devil is doing us a kindness. Maybe when he spoke to Eve in the garden of Eden he saved humanity. Do you really want to bestow the understanding that there is no good or bad on everyone? 

The Devil is enlightenment. You reach satori and he stands there to meet you. All of the things you ever wanted, the entire world, it's yours. If you aren't wise enough to say no again this time, to dissolve into ordinary nothingness again, the devil is your Master. Your self is your master. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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10 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Now when will you start worshipping devil? xD

rhetorical question if someone did not get it

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Those things that you listed would have some value if you were enlightened, that not being the case means that those are just some opinions coming from your experiences. The devil is actually an angel one of the highest rank, follows gods rules and it's precisely this that makes him so strong. On the very top of things that make one divine he chose something personal and from there starts all the trouble. 

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I think its closer to 100 to 200 years before psychedelics are released back to the public. Don't underestimate the dying off of a generation or two

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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28 minutes ago, Rilles said:

The devil turned Yoga from hardcore practice into looking at fine asses at the gym. Is that good or bad though... ;)

One of the perks of associating with devil hehe

Turning yoga into bootyfest was like another day at the office for devil :D

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Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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17 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

I think its closer to 100 to 200 years before psychedelics are released back to the public. Don't underestimate the dying off of a generation or two

I used to think like that before as well. But growing up, I'm seeing things actually happening otherwise.

An old generation perishes. But they breed and pass on most of their 'virus' to offsprings before that. One day, pretty much all of us turn into our moms and dads after our rebellious, youthful glory days are over; having the same struggles, fighting the same battles.

There is a funny saying that by the time a young man realizes that he should have listened to his fathers advice early on, he is burdened with couple of kids that dont listen to him.

But who knows, things can be different. After all, the primary quality of this era is acceleration. So things might happen a lot faster

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8 minutes ago, tsuki said:


The ''middle path" sure sucks as hell! ?

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20 minutes ago, tedens said:

@ColdFacts what is not a value if it does not come from experience?

You can't judge a scientist if you are a in kinder garden, that was my point.

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Just now, Preetom said:

The ''middle path" sure sucks as hell! ?

The devil is the ultimate scapegoat because it loves to be demonized.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki maybe that that he loves himself

Edited by tedens

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Man goes to heaven after reading the holy book 1000 times ?

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4 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Man goes to heaven after reading the holy book 1000 times ?

If the man realized hes the entire painting he wouldnt need those books. ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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