
Inside Mooji's Cult

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@whoareyou Meh. It's also true that the more you do work on yourself, the easier it is to spot falsehood.

For example, there are a number of self-proclaimed gurus that I clearly know, I perceive, I see, that their energy is not right. I see their bullshit. And just from Youtube videos.

Edited by luismatos

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1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

You can clearly see that Mooji has a much deeper enlightenment than Sadhguru.

I doubt Sadhguru is enlightened at all. He feels totally fake. His videos are unwatchable.

Interesting. I feel the totally opposite.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Some degree of realization of no-self.

The attachment with being exclusively identified with the body must be broken.

This is usually called stream-entry in Buddhism or kensho in Zen.

There are much much deeper levels.

Total omniscience is possible. I recently peaked into total omnisicence. It's so fucking radical.

What do you mean as total Omniscience?

Is it total transcendence of knowledge or is it the religious omniscience like knowing everything under the sun, like you were knowing my thoughts and having the same subjective experience of me, instantly knew whats the result of 1\84849593 instantly etc. at that time as well?


Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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10 minutes ago, luismatos said:

@whoareyou Meh. It's also true that the more you do work on yourself, the easier it is to spot falsehood.

For example, there are a number of self-proclaimed gurus that I clearly know, I perceive, I see, that their energy is not right. I see their bullshit. And just from Youtube videos.

This is true, that you have the ability to spot falsehood easier. In this case, you would be able to tell who is definitely NOT enlightened. 

I agree with you that sadhguru feels genuine and Mooji does not.


Edited by whoareyou

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11 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

You can clearly see that Mooji has a much deeper enlightenment than Sadhguru.

I doubt Sadhguru is enlightened at all. He feels totally fake. His videos are unwatchable and they don't contain anything. Just boring jokes, stupid stories, and deluded fantasies.

When you can master the art of sounding profound and convincing without really saying anything of substance, you can sound like the most enlightened pop guru ?

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 minute ago, luismatos said:

@whoareyou Yeah, I can see who is DEFINITELY not enlightened.

The more work you do on yourself, the more sensitive you become to other people's aura/energies. Thus, it's pretty easy to spot fakes. I definitely noticed this. 


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6 minutes ago, luismatos said:

Interesting. I feel the totally opposite.

I think the important thing here is the wisdom and insight you interpret from the teachings. It's not Mooji, it's not Sadguru, it's not Leo, it's you enlightening yourself. 

I don't even mean that in the sense of "you are me, and I am you, and we are everything, and god".. (although I'm not not saying that either..) I literally mean that the important thing is the subjective observer drawing wisdom out of the message being transmitted by the teacher.

There's no point in spending too much energy trying to figure out who's enlightened, who is a the real deal, who's the best guru and so on, because it all comes down to what you interpret out of your surroundings, be it a guru, your grandma or some tarot cards.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Even after you are enlightened or have a major awakening, old mind patterns continue to function. Those patterns can result in all kinds of behaviors persisting after enlightenment. You are always going to be rewiring the brain and continuing to fine tune it or you'll be stagnant and stuck in those patterns. That's why I believe the best thing is to resolve that you'll be self actualizing always, there's no finish line. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Even after you are enlightened or have a major awakening, old mind patterns continue to function. Those patterns can result in all kinds of behaviors persisting after enlightenment. You are always going to be rewiring the brain and continuing to fine tune it or you'll be stagnant and stuck in those patterns. That's why I believe the best thing is to resolve that you'll be self actualizing always, there's no finish line. 

if old mind matters continue to function, it means that they have not been dissolved and there was no "enlightenment". 

There is a huge difference between "enlightenment experiences" and "enlightenment". We need to stop using the word "enlightenment" so cheaply. Either it's there or it's not.

In fact, dropping the word "enlightenment" all together would benefit a lot of people.



Edited by whoareyou

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42 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

You can clearly see that Mooji has a much deeper enlightenment than Sadhguru.

I doubt Sadhguru is enlightened at all. He feels totally fake. His videos are unwatchable and they don't contain anything. Just boring jokes, stupid stories, and deluded fantasies.

12 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:


Nonsense. You might think you can see how enlightened someone is. 

Even though I said Sadhguru feels fake etc. I'm totally open to the possibility that that feeling might be wrong.

You clearly have not done enough work, based on the amount of nonsense you posted in this thread. The post about Sadhguru made me think you might be trolling.

I specifically said that you can see who clearly is "NOT", but you can't really determine who "IS". To really see who is "not", you would have had to do a lot of consciousness work.

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3 hours ago, whoareyou said:

Which is why, unless if you have met a person in life and actually know them - it is impossible to know and better to reserve any  judgments. A more honest answer would be "I don't know".

This doesn't just apply to Mooji but applies to other people as well.

Even if you meet a person you will still not know their degree of enlightenment.

I have always said that talking about other people's enlightenment is speculative.

Nevertheless, speculate you will. Some of you here speculate poorly.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Preetom said:

What do you mean as total Omniscience?

Is it total transcendence of knowledge or is it the religious omniscience like knowing everything under the sun, like you were knowing my thoughts and having the same subjective experience of me, instantly knew whats the result of 1\84849593 instantly etc. at that time as well?

Total omniscience simply cannot be explained in any way. In that moement you are conscious of how you designed the entire universe.

It is God's total omniscience. It goes way beyond knowledge. It is the whole universe.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Mikael89 @whoareyou guys...do the practices and you can become conscious of Oneness.  Once this happens the obsessions with other gurus shall cease as they are all you.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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46 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Mikael89 @whoareyou guys...do the practices and you can become conscious of Oneness.  Once this happens the obsessions with other gurus shall cease as they are all you.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@Leo Gura see this is what I expect enlightenment to be and what Buddha reached and Jesus. At this stage I expect true paranormal powers to develop because what you’ve essentially done is rid the mind itself of all limitations as a tool to be used. 

Enlightenment is about back tracking, so when you hit 0, your meant to go along with the flow of the universe consciously, this to me is the point where you start developing concepts yourself based on truth. 

But concepts are limited to pure imagination, in other words, there is nothing you can not not do. At this point you should be able to create aliens, not physical aliens, your reality itself shows an alien in front of you. 

And I 100% believe this because of kundalini, my natural dmt levels sky rocketed and I induced hallucination of a flower into my reality without any substance taken. Reality itself broke down. 

But im getting besides my point, the question is: is this what Buddha realised and why it says in the 2nd fetter that you have to believe Buddha reached the highest enlightenment possible 

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@Aakash To me it is clear what the Buddha realized because I have realized it. But it cannot be said or even taught. It is totally impossible. I don't even know why I bother talking about it. No one will understand. As the Buddha is said to have said. No one will understand.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura so what your essentially doing is creating an understanding of the best dualistic version of what Buddha realised? 

So every teaching in the world is a concept itself. Even stating that there’s different degrees of enlightenment or that there aren’t different degrees of enlightenment. Even saying the world is becoming more conscious or saying that reality works in this way. 

THIS is what you meant by don’t conflate absolute values and relative values, but the word absolute is a concept, OMG, that means I only have a concept of what love is. 

I finally understand, enlightenment can not be explained in words, even using the word enlightenment is not true. 

Your doing exactly what it is I described in the other text, your creating concepts consciously. 

I’m having the most biggest ego backlash of my life. Ever word I’ve ever heard from all you enlightened people nahm, ajay, winter soldier, foxfoxfox it’s all bullshit.  

Even “I” is a concept! There is nothing that is not “I”. 

I feel totally defeated, it’s too total

i cant imagine it, I literally can not imagine it because “it is” is a concept and “it is not” is a concept . A concept  itself is a concept, there is only truth and there will only ever be truth. Even the word truth can not define it,  

i liteeally do not know how to write what I’m trying to explain right now :/ it literally does not exsist, lol reality literally does not exsist. 

But I have still not had enlightenment because I don’t sit down and actually do the practices. That is literally the only reason, and will ever be the only reason not to get there



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@Leo Gura I think in that moment, I’ve literally outgrown your teachings. There’s nothing more you can teach me about TRUE reality. 

If I want the truth I have to get it myself. 

But there are still dualistic value in your teaching, probably the best on the planet. Just not the thing that is most important. 

The truth with a captical T

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@Aakash Absolute Truth cannot ever be symbolized because of the nature of what a symbol is. A symbol is, by definition, a thing which tries to not be itself. So every symbol is a lie. That's the whole utility of symbols.

The map is not the territory.

Because the map is part of the territory.

Truth must be totally direct. There cannot be any intermediate process to it. No thought, no brain, no perception, no reason, no symbol. Because all of that is itself part of Truth.

Truth is the Absolute Infinite set. The super-set of all sub-sets. Truth is simply Being. Whatever is, is the Truth.

The Truth cannot be spoken or pointed to. Because even the pointer is itself part of the Truth which you are trying to grasp. In fact, YOU are Truth you're trying to grasp. Truth cannot be grasped because whatever you try to grasp it with, it itself. So the only way to "grasp" the Truth is to BE it.

A knife blade cannot cut itself, the eye cannot see itself, a finger cannot point to itself. Because they just ARE!

This is the self-reference problem. See my video on: The Metaphysical Implications Of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem

See my video: Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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