
Inside Mooji's Cult

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@Leo Gura What is your opinion on the Ashram of Sadhguru? The Isha Foundation.

Is it a real cult from a cult dynamic perspective? 

Edited by Chi_

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32 minutes ago, Chi_ said:

@Leo Gura What is your opinion on the Ashram of Sadhguru? The Isha Foundation.

Is it a real cult from a cult dynamic perspective? 

I have very little info about it.

It seems like a decent spiritual community. Keep in mind that any community will be somewhat cult-like. But I don't think Isha is too bad. Although I don't know. The trick with real cults is that they hide their activities behind fake pleasant fronts. But from what I can sense about Sadhguru he is too responsible to allow Isha to be a proper cult. I don't think he would stand for it. After Sadhguru dies, then I would expect some serious problems to hit Isha as his followers wrestle for power with no authoritative voice like Sadhguru to guide them.

The problem with building large organizations is that once the founder dies, it will easily get co-opted by devils and turned into a machine for devilry. That's one of the reasons I keep Actualized.org small.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I have very little info about it.

It seems like a decent spiritual community. Keep in mind that any community will be somewhat cult-like. But I don't think there's is too bad. Although I don't know. The trick with real cults is that they hide their activities behind fake pleasant fronts. But from what I can sense about Sadhguru he is too responsible to allow Isha to be a proper cult. I don't think he would stand for it. After Sadhguru dies, then I would expect some serious problems to hit Isha as his followers wrestle for power with no authoritative voice like Sadhguru to guide them.

Yeah I've had a very hard time trying to find any cult like characteristics in Isha as well and I think most of that credit goes to Sadhguru. However even his Ashram has had major criticism back in the day(due to the mahasamadhi of his wife) and I'm not surprised Mooji also gets criticised, however the former is due to lack of spiritual understanding. 

I wanted to know as I was planning to join the Isha Ashram for a while for a volunteering program. Thank you. 


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19 minutes ago, Chi_ said:

I wanted to know as I was planning to join the Isha Ashram for a while for a volunteering program. Thank you. 

Before you join anywhere, visit it, stay a while, explore the grounds, and ask people questions.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Before you join anywhere, visit it, stay a while, explore the grounds, and ask people questions.

True, I was actually given the same advice from the Isha Ashram itself before joining. Will consider this 

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On 08/06/2019 at 4:57 PM, kieranperez said:

@legendary an exorcism is the exorcism of the ego. The ego, character, self permeates your entire energetic, psychic, and bodily system. It manifest in your adopted and habitual holding pattern. Your habitual emoting pattern. Your habitual emotional patterns. Your habitual thinking patterns. Your habitual perceptive patterns. So on and so forth.

So when you see an exorcism happening “out there” and you writhing, rolling on the ground, speaking in tongues, etc. that’s actually the self trying to survive and resist surrender. Or you can see it as the process of breaking up the self and those are the reactions. You’re bringing up all the stuff that have been repressed, denied, etc. in your psychology but that manifest in the body becaue the body (including brain) are very much (yet not entirely of course) manifestations of one’s psychology. 

It’s kinda like a deep tissue massage on muscle tissue that’s so matted down, has deep knots, doesn’t have much slide and glide, no suppleness, etc. and then you go on a foam roller or have the hands of a masseuse break up those tissues. Brings in more bloodflow, separates the tissues, etc. which is all well and good but it also hurts like hell. 

In the case of an “exorcism” it quite literally feels like hell.

It does feel like hell. Thanks, @kieranperez for those insights.

On 08/06/2019 at 5:24 PM, abrakamowse said:

@kieranperez @legendary  I had one psychotic episode long time ago. I was completely acting all my thoughts. I was really what a psychiatrist would catalog as paranoid or plain crazy lol...

I said a lot of things that were really true, but I was like yelling, acting crazy and my wife told me that when I talked to her and my daughter my face looked really like the devil.

I think the problem is when you don't have any reference in the community about that ego self defense, you can not ground your experience and you are not ready for an ego backslash. IMO.

Watch this video on youtube, it helped me a lot to ground myself on reality and to incorporate spiritual experiences much better than before.



@abrakamowse very insightful. Thanks for sharing.


On 08/06/2019 at 4:42 PM, Preetom said:

Just Maya punishing you for trying to escape the matrix 


We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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@legendary You are welcome!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I've hugged Mooji and met him in Satsang multiple times 2 years ago. I think he's a wonderful dude. I don't believe he's enlightened. Yes, he seems to have some experience and wisdom. But if you want to get enlightened following his teachings, good luck. I don't believe he experiences Nirvana, Emptiness, Nothingness or Infinity. The core of the teaching is stay in your stillness prior to thought, but a LOT of spiritual talk is added on top. How you are the One, Inimaginable, Unfathomable. I spent lots of time reading this and thinking I was somehow advancing. More Sadhana showed me my delusions and how susceptible I was. I will read @Leo Gura books on cult-dynamics because it seems I'm young and very susceptible to getting brainwashed.

Edited by luismatos

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7 minutes ago, luismatos said:

How you are the One, Inimaginable, Unfathomable

Well that is definitely true.

Not sure why this would make you doubt his enlightenment.

Keep in mind, people can talk about the same things in different ways.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Keep in mind, people can talk about the same things in different ways.

So true.  Two very different solutions can bring about the very same fix.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Well that is definitely true.

Not sure why this would make you doubt his enlightenment.

Keep in mind, people can talk about the same things in different ways.

I doubt his enlightenment because of the lack of embodiment. If bliss is not pouring out of his face, what good is this enlightenment thing anyways?

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7 minutes ago, luismatos said:

I doubt his enlightenment because of the lack of embodiment. If bliss is not pouring out of his face, what good is this enlightenment thing anyways?

Full bliss? Lol

You expect an enlightened master to always be bubbly for you? You will be disappointed.

Enlightenment is not limited to any one emotional state. Most enlightened masters look so ordinary and normal that you would never know they were enlightened, like a cat sitting on a windowsill. It does not need to satisfy any of your expectations. It's just sitting and being.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Full bliss? Lol

You expect an enlightened master to always be bubbly for you? You will disappointed.

Enlightenment is not limited to any one emotional state.

Sadhguru is always bubbly :P But seriously now, how do you know then? My thumb of rule is always to look at their aura, and whether my intuition pulls me in our out.

Edited by luismatos

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Just now, luismatos said:

Sadhguru is always bubbly :P 

No he isn't.

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2 minutes ago, luismatos said:

@Leo Gura But you can clearly see that Sadhguru has a much deeper enlightenment than Mooji.

That may very well be true. But that does not negate Mooji's enlightenment.

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@Leo Gura

What do you consider as the most basic, entry level enlightenment, without which you wouldn't consider someone as enlightened to begin with?


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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8 minutes ago, Preetom said:

@Leo Gura

What do you consider as the most basic, entry level enlightenment, without which you wouldn't consider someone as enlightened to begin with?

Some degree of realization of no-self.

The attachment with being exclusively identified with the body must be broken.

This is usually called stream-entry in Buddhism or kensho in Zen.

There are much much deeper levels.

Total omniscience is possible. I recently peaked into total omnisicence. It's so fucking radical.

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@Leo Gura This is a problem imo which I already mentioned. Different people have different definitions of "enlightenment" . 

For you, you seem to break it down to many different stages. For me, either you are liberated or you are not. 

Imo - Embodiment is the single biggest indicator. If you haven't spent time with that person, you will never know if they truly embody it or not - as it's pretty to pick and choose to show a side of yourself on video or put on an act in front of the crowd.

Imagine if you LEO, saw another LEO, but under a different name. Based on how you define and view "enlightenment" , you would think that person LEO would be "enlightened". Yet you claim yourself that you are not "enlightened".

Which is why, unless if you have met a person in life and actually know them - it is impossible to know and better to reserve any  judgments. A more honest answer would be "I don't know".

This doesn't just apply to Mooji but applies to other people as well.

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