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Asking 1 Question Everyday

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1. The importance of Asking Questions

Asking questions can help me get more clarity in Life and plan/strategize it in a way that is coherent with my values, purpose etc

It can help me to get to know myself better: weaknesses, strengths, problems, beliefs, opportunities etc -> need to work on this

Questions and curiosity have brought me a long way -> completely different person than 2 years ago when starting this journey of self-actualization

Need to come up with more from myself rather than always just picking up from others/learning -> it sticks better and helps me to identify my limitations

Asking questions is a main part of being a Learner for Life, which is one of my highest priorities

A (daily) habit of asking a questions and taking time to think about it is a form of self-inquiry which is very important and can reshape my brain and behavior

Especially important in times of the internet where you can get answers to everything instantly and no one takes time to seriously do this work for one self -> all sages where question askers (Galileo, Einstein, Buddha etc)

It is exciting to get new answers/insights and it is also a very important skill to use while tripping as we channel answers there from the source itself

Wisdom/knowledge comes from within and not from external sources

It focuses my mind on a specific task which is in itself a very important skill nowadays as it becomes harder to stay focused -> train concentration muscle

Try to combine this with energy work -> ground first and tune into Earth and Cosmic Energy so that the Analyzer is combined with Intuition

It will also help me in conversations as I have already thought about many things then and don't need to do the whole work in a few seconds or minutes on the spot

I will have less confusion and more clarity and energy which others pick up

This has the possibility to change my life -> ask 1 question every day, after 5 years you have answered more than 1800 questions for yourself…

Harder/Deeper questions may stay unanswered for the time being but when the time is right, due to the groundwork, answers will come to me

It is a way for me to be creative and use my strong intellect in a useful way instead of worrying and drama scenarios

Questions can give me a completely new outlook on the world, like kids who ask many questions and perceive their environment in a curious, exciting and direct way

This may also be an important puzzle piece in figuring out where to go with my life as I am on a crossroad now where my decisions will have quite a big impact on my future

It also helps with opening my mind even more and comparing my answers/views etc with others

Intro to 'real' self-inquiry where one questions the very core of one's being and life -> first get the fundamentals/practicalities

Also combine with questions from Leo's Episode on becoming a modern Sage


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2.What Does the World need right now?

In an age of massive change and disruption (political, social, environmental, technological,…) the world needs guidance and a strong foundation

This guidance could come from several places: being rooted in/connected to nature and our specific homeland -> we are a product of nature (the universe) ->it is the basis of our being (= immersion in nature, learning to live within its boundaries so that both can thrive, stop destroying it, make our cities 'greener', relearning all the wisdom contained in nature and slow down etc)

The world also needs Love more than ever -> respect, acceptance, gratitude, selflessness, understanding, service, guidance -> but to love others, we have to be connected to our selves and the world around us (= 'grounded') -> so we need to love, accept, understand etc ourselves first -> looking inside instead of outside (yoga, meditation, contemplation, psychedelics etc) -> moving from Orange to Green (Problem: how to get these ideas applicable for lower stages? -> frame it in their advantage)

If this would be in place, it would be more important than understanding/knowledge/intellect/information -> the capacities above serve as a guide so that individuals and humanity can choose the right decisions/paths -> it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with learning as the world changes so fast (one should still try to though)

Collaboration -> in our interconnected world with global problems we need global collaboration, and then everything is possible -> diminish collective egos not augment them

Vision -> we have to know where we want to go as a species/country/city/family/individual -> what are our goals, values, purpose? What world do we want to live in? A strong and positive vision (like prob the UN) combined with Love, Collaboration, Connection to our Nature could bring this world 'forward' towards a higher consciousness species

Clarity -> As Harari says, obtaining information is not the problem anymore, knowing which information is valid/useable/appropriate is power -> education on HOW to learn, distinguish good from bad information, knowing our strengths and weaknesses etc -> learn in school combined with civil courses+non-BS spirituality (meditation at least)

A political sphere closer to the citizens/more humane -> including emotions in it and not having to play roles all the time -> more authenticity, which will give people their faith back in leaders (this would be a probable result of individuals looking inside)

An economy that leaves no one behind and works in the boundaries of our natural world -> resources/natural world seen as a main component of economic theory and not solely as an externality (which is not even priced yet in reality -> carbon tax needed)

Our world needs visionaries, bravery, consciousness



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