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Negative Habit Nostalgia

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Hey everyone,

Before i found personal development i was constantly playing video games, then i started questioning why i'm doing it and realized it's from the people pleasing mentality. I then started doing some personal development work and instilled positive habits for 4 months now. But i lost momentum, stuck on a plateau (which isn't really a problem for me) but somehow i started getting this nostalgia feeling and getting some of my old memories of playing one of my favorite video games. After every night i played i felt guiltier that i could be doing more and growing day by day, that's what my heart was saying to me but i kept resenting it. What would you suggest me to do in order to quit the negative habit/addiction. I would really appreciate it.

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@Doddie whats the root cause of your Addiction? Fear of emptiness probably...  Identify that and just feel the emotion completely, meditation exercise eating clean all this will help you build will power also folding your bedsheet first thing in the morning will help you build will power 

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Elton has already said what I mean too..

I would just like to add or to ask if you enjoy doing the the "good habits" you have adopted ?

I think it's an important point because it's like when you decide to eat healthier and you don't like the food you've imposed yourself.. You'll quite it soon.

Do only "good" thing you really enjoy.. It's much easier


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@MartineF Yep i've watched the video, today again it just hurts but it's good to know how it's done.


I've been cleaning up my diet and i'm close to veganism and it's almost as enjoyable as the junk food that i was used to eat, but since taste buds take time to be cleaned up that's all i could do for now.

For the video game addiction and basically any other distraction, i've gave all my distractions to my parents so they can hide them from me ( which are butterfly knives & ukulele).

And now whenever i get the craving for videogames i'll just meditate. So far so good thanks for the help!

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@Doddie First realise that playing video games has nothing wrong per se , otherwise every time you will play even a small amount of time let's say like 2-3 hours per month you will feel guilty. Try to contemplate death and how much little time you have left to achieve what really matters first thing in the morning. Like when you are in bed still clumsy. Try to rename your wake up alarm " contemplate " so the first thing you will do in the morning is actually have that nice boost . ?

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@Donald Sounds great! I'll give it a shot! Also i was wondering if you have any suggestions what to do when you're low on willpower. All suggestions would be accepted :)

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