A question to the people here : Why is suicide not an option to End ones suffering?

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@Bill W great question.  It's not a belief.  But God or Truth cannot be grasped with language.  So those without an open mind will twist it into belief

Those that have an open mind shall simply take it in with a loving curiosity - and discover it for themselves if they so choose.

Except for Mikeal who has been trying for sooo many decades now :)


Edited by Inliytened1


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Enlightened ego ? 

Enlightened world views trying to communicate to a “normal” world views

it’s like a bird trying to explain to a fish what it’s like to live out of the water ?

Edited by DrewNows

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13 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Bill W great question.  It's not a belief.  But God or Truth cannot be grasped with language.  So those without an open mind will twist it into belief

Those that have an open mind shall simply take it in with a loving curiosity - and discover it for themselves if they so choose.

Except for Mikeal who has been trying for sooo many decades now :)


I don't agree but it made me smile literally. In a nice way. I'm not at the point I can accept that explanation, but I am thankfully at a point where humility and being openminded are the two values I am chasing and trying to embody. Even if my posts allude otherwise at times.

It's always going to be work in progress for me.

Therefore, I don't agree, but I know that I might not have the current awareness or experience to agree. Ask me in a few months when I have 12,000 posts behind me (tongue in cheek) 


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@WHO IS I am not a believer of individual reincarnation. As far as my insights have taken me, the Spirit reincarnates. But Spirit is the fabric of Reality itself, rather than an individuality. The Spirit does remember itself through the histories that we listen to. We know about Hitler, Beethoven etc. New scientists can continue the work of dead scientists and so on.

unborn Truth

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@Bill W :x Meditation hours not posts.

Edited by Inliytened1


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18 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It's not a belief

That you will still have an experience after the body dies - it's a belief 

1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

You will become conscious that you are this (God) and there is no where else to go.  You can't escape yourself.  Form and formlessness are Absolutely Identical.

I'm "escaping" every night as I lay unconscious 

I've had that full ego death experience, as well as experience of consciousness ceasing on me - I don't privilege 5-MeO experience over other experiences, I think it's a bias. 

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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8 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

@WHO IS I am not a believer of individual reincarnation. As far as my insights have taken me, the Spirit reincarnates. But Spirit is the fabric of Reality itself, rather than an individuality. The Spirit does remember itself through the histories that we listen to. We know about Hitler, Beethoven etc. New scientists can continue the work of dead scientists and so on.

Ajasatya, so You are saying that Your individual point of awareness, will exist for infinity although through different bodies/vessels? Because of the nature of the individual point of awareness that it is outside of time and space, having no beginning and thus no end? 

So the question is not rather if you the human you with its qualities and memories if it will survive death, the question is what kind of body/existence Your individual point of awareness will experience reality through after the death of the body You (The Individual point of awareness) is experiencing reality through at this point/moment.

However for all of this to be true, it must mean that the You/The Mind/Individual point of awareness and The body are not the same thing. 


If You/The Mind/Individual point of awareness will cease to exist alongside the body at the moment of death of the body, then it is like You never existed. What a curse if it so. 

Edited by WHO IS

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12 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

That you will still have an experience after the body dies - it's a belief 

I'm "escaping" every night as I lay unconscious 

No you actually aren't.  Your still the ego when you dream and when you are "unconscious" from being hit in the head or knocked out.  Unconsciousness Is still a level of conscioisness.  Just like awakening to yourself is a level of consciousness.  You've just never had that level of consciousness before..yet.


Edited by Inliytened1


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5 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

Enlightened ego ? 

Enlightened world views trying to communicate to a “normal” world views

it’s like a bird trying to explain to a fish what it’s like to live out of the water ?

It's a great post that Drew. I actually mean that, not sarcasm, but........ I just can't get it out of my head, how one removes personal bias from the equation when thinking about is there a God, who is God, how does he operate, what happens when I die, and all this stuff about the universe. When I get an answer I always feel like it's not a real answer. 

This is thread derailment though (from me, not you).

It must take an extraordinary person to short circuit the process and have no personal bias in something they've invested years in. I would imagine the average person who believes they are God etc nurtured this belief for a long, long, time. Invested in it. Shared it. Preached it. Became it. To them it's not a belief, because perhaps belief translates to them as fraud or fake. It's like the term belief is viewed as an insult. Like I am comparing their view on life to believing in Santa Clause or mermaids. I don't mean it like that.

I mean how many absolute truth's are there in terms of the discussion on this forum? Look at the dating section for example. Everybody trying to coach everybody else. It's all belief, ideas and personal values/philosophies. I've no problem with it as such as we can learn from others experience and teachings, but lots of it is written as established fact and absolute truth. How can one remain open-minded and humble? That's a projection of mine there, I don't get to define what is open-minded and humble I suppose and I don't get to decide that people even want open-minded and humble.

I love the term "not knowing mind". It's so crucial for me. Then again, perhaps I'm more happy to come across as not being any kind of authority on anything LOL

Sorry for derailment, I think I need to vomit this stuff onto the thread sorry. I am no better than any other person on here, just curious. 

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@ajasatya right.  Awareness is reality.  And it's what you are.  And awareness is made of  nothing.  Its formless.  So whether formlessness creates the illusion of form thru limitation or remains in a state of formlessness doesn't matter. "Reincarnation" in itself is an illusion.  All is One.  


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9 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@ajasatya right.  Awareness is reality.  And it's what you are.  And awareness is made of  nothing.  Its formless.  So whether formlessness creates the illusion of form thru limitation or remains in a state of formlessness doesn't matter. "Reincarnation" in itself is an illusion.  All is One.  

How can this be True if You are talking to me right now? Can testify that You are an individual mind-identity which You have a sense of individual existence?  You know this right because You are experiencing it, You are it, You see?

I am not You, also You are not Me. We may have the same tree :) , but we are not the same persons.  You might like things which I dislike, and vice-versa, different tastes, different understandings of beauty, different talents etc.

Why do you think you don't get ticklish when You try to tickle yourself? Because You know it is You, but You get ticklish when someone else tickles because You know that this someone else is not You. 

Even if there is one father(Origin), the children (Offspring) are different. The children(Offspring) are from the Father(Origin), but the children(Offspring) are not the Father(Origin).


Edited by WHO IS

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@Inliytened1 I don't think I'm still ego in true unconsciousness as there is no experience of being me or any awareness. What makes you think that after the body dies your level of consciousness goes to the unconscious level? 

Many very experienced practitioners claim that consciousness ceases in Nibbana

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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@WHO IS ahh...but you see that's the magic of Reality.  You are form and so am i.  The simple fact that you are form means you are a particular way, just like I'm a "particular" way.  We are our own perspectives.  We are a particular possibility playing out or being carved out.   But at the same time you are still formlessness.  Your still the whole thing.  A part is still the whole simultaneously. It's just how one wants to look at it.  What perspective one takes.  Reality is an Absolute relativity.  Becoming conscious of that may require Awakening - you have to collapse your form, the ego, into Being, or pure potential.


Edited by Inliytened1


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@Bill W

in the process of creating a thread now which shall possibly shed some light on this subject and give you a deeper understanding of what is going on here 

our minds conditionally react to our own mistakes and new found wisdoms which continuously give rise to more and more illusion/misperceptions/fragmentation/ expansion/experiences/ideas 

And there is nothing “wrong” with these world views. It’s all seemingly necessary until it’s not. 

this is all I’ll say for now 

glad you enjoy the post, it’s been a recent conceptualized insight for me 

Edited by DrewNows

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@WHO IS you are talking about body - mind.He is talking about the Shared Reality or Awareness or infinity or absolute or God.

He doesnt have the sense of individual existence ???

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2 hours ago, WHO IS said:

(if we consider that there is reincarnation) : How can it be advanced if when you die you are reborn in a new body, while you forget all the memory from the previous one? Like reading a book that so you can forget about anything you read in the book after you finish it/close it. That's quite a curse!

Memory is a survival mechanism also in a way. :D 

2 hours ago, WHO IS said:

Here is a question/proof for You(Or anyone else who Is reading this!), Do You think You could write anything while you are in this incarnation for your future incarnation and recognize that you wrote it to yourself when you will be in your future incarnation? ;)

There are many amazing artists who write poetry, produce movies or stories to influence other people and then in the next generation, people go and say: Oh my god, this person did it for someone like me! Is that possible?

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Suffering is a teacher. Suicide is an option..

I can only speak for myself. Suicide comes from a place of fear and it's about running away.

Living comes from a place of the heart/love and it is our true nature to be. 

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