A question to the people here : Why is suicide not an option to End ones suffering?

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Humans all around the world say that life is mostly suffering. That being human is suffering. Then, why is suicide not considered as the option to get rid of this human condition, and thus the suffering that comes with being human inside one of these bodies?


Even after one gets enlightened as people call this phenomenon, The Person is still slave to the laws of this reality. Humans need to put things into their mouths and then defecate these things after they eaten it, through a hole; and it stinks it looks disgusting yet it is coming out of your own body. In addition, a human being needs to lay unconscious almost half of its time. Most of a human being`s time is used upon the mundane and repetitive tasks, over and over again, and yet the human being has no choice in the matter, because living in chaos is not an option either; cleaning the place of living, throwing the trash, cooking the food, showering, cutting of the nails and hair, and many other mundane tasks. 

As time progresses the human condition does not look brighter but only darker. Humans don't get healthier/younger with age. Human beings can lose integrity/health of their body in an instant which after one lives'/suffers the consequence of being ill/handicapped for the rest of their lives.

There are SO many ways for a humans life to go wrong and thus give handicap/suffering that it is not even a question that human-condition is more of a curse than a blessing. There was never a human with a happy ending and never will be, and again it is due to the nature of the human itself. Its fragility and mortality. 


(Billion Dollar) Question is:  Why Suicide is not considered as a way to break free from this unfortunate-condition?

Isn't it silly how the "spiritual" people are so much after their another hit of breathing,  hmm... sounds like a survival mechanism? 

(SARCASM) If You thinking that You are God Please try(dont) to stop breathing, show the middle finger to this universe and show that You won't play along by its rules and see how it will punish You.

Edited by WHO IS

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Shiva, But do We really know that it is so? Do we really know that one gets right back to being human(in another body) if one commits suicide?

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You can have pure bliss in this life, you dont really need to off yourself, especially in this amazing time were living in. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Many yogis and enlightened masters talk about reincarnation. If it is true, then suicide is definitely not the end to any suffering because you will be right back here to 'suffer' more. Having said that anything will not seem true for you until you have a direct experience of it, so you wouldn't know for sure if reincarnation is real. But is it worth taking that chance? 

Killing the body doesn't mean the end to the real you. Killing body will limit you from experiencing the physicality of existence but that doesn't mean you cease to exist. There is nowhere to go.

If anyone is in a state of suicide, it is most probably because the mental structure has become a mess. There are ways to undo it. Real Yoga and meditation are few of the tools you can use

Edited by Chi_

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22 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

(Billion Dollar) Question is:  Why Suicide is not considered as a way to break free from this unfortunate-condition?

The answer to the question above is in the answer to the following question: how come are you alive in the first place?

unborn Truth

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@WHO IS I have though about suicide before... i think you don't really want to suicide if you can handle your emotions.

There is a difference between being sad and being deeply depressed. The last is a paralyzing state in which you see life through a completely different lens.

If depression is cured, suicide don't even come to mind. There are other ways to deal with life suffering and difficulties.

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Rilles I see your point, and I need to make clear "IM NOT AGAINST LIFE".  I Love existing :D and any sane Being would choose to exist for eternity. 

The problem is that it "sucks" to exist/be limited to in existence in one of these human bodies we carry individually, if we will be objective here people.

Edited by WHO IS

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7 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

Rilles I see your point, and I need to make clear "IM NOT AGAINST LIFE".  I Love existing :D and any sane Being would choose to exist for eternity. 

The problem is that it "sucks" to exist/be limited to in existence in one of these human bodies we carry individually, if we will be objective here people.

You have the choice to make it not suck. Your mind and body are the tool for that. ❤️

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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47 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

(Billion Dollar) Question is:  Why Suicide is not considered as a way to break free from this unfortunate-condition?

because ending one's life isn't what most people want. It's what people might deem the "easy way out" when their perceived life becomes unbearable. We can easily say life is suffering, but suffering will always be 'self' defined, influenced by our focus. When suffering becomes someone's problem it is because they do not understand themselves well enough 

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1 minute ago, DrewNows said:

because ending one's life isn't what most people want. It's what people might deem the "easy way out" when their perceived life becomes unbearable. We can easily say life is suffering, but suffering will always be 'self' defined, influenced by our focus. When suffering becomes someone's problem it is because they do not understand themselves well enough 

So You agree that most people would want to live forever (as long as possible)

So is the problem due to the fact that we humans are mortal or due to the fact that being human is a un-advanced form of life-form? Compared to what life could be, forms of life that can be way more advanced compared to human existence.

I think it is clear that through out the human history humans always tried to form religions, angels, Gods, because their minds were intelligent enough to realize that being human is not the peak of existence and that there can be more advanced ways of existing with more perfection and power/ability, such as the angels, gods they imagined.

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You May look at yourself as Infinite number of different point of awareness which are identical to source. You are one of this single points. 

So with suicide you can't escape existance. You will always be here and now as awareness. So much better option if you ask me is to accept everything uncoditionally and exist forever. You can't escape anywhere. 

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20 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

The problem is that it "sucks" to exist/be limited to in existence in one of these human bodies we carry individually

What if the human experience were one of the most advanced experiences in the Universe? The simple fact that it's possible to be conscious of GOD as a human being is already rare enough in the entire Existence as we know it.

unborn Truth

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Raise your level of consciousness /Love and you won't drop back to places like this 3d dense reality ever again. God is Good. You can enjoy heavenly realms forever since there are no limits to existance. 

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20 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

What if the human experience were one of the most advanced experiences in the Universe? The simple fact that it's possible to be conscious of GOD as a human being is already rare enough in the entire Existence as we know it.

(if we consider that there is reincarnation) : How can it be advanced if when you die you are reborn in a new body, while you forget all the memory from the previous one? Like reading a book that so you can forget about anything you read in the book after you finish it/close it. That's quite a curse!

Here is a question/proof for You(Or anyone else who Is reading this!), Do You think You could write anything while you are in this incarnation for your future incarnation and recognize that you wrote it to yourself when you will be in your future incarnation? ;)

(if we consider that there is no reincarnation) : You live gain experiences-memories for it to end at the moment of death for eternity? Like deleting a file to 100% extent from a computer.

If we wanted to think about forms of existence/life-forms which are much more advanced than being a human, we don't need to do much work, we just need to read about the different variety of Gods amongst different religions for starters for example. Heck, we could open a Marvel-Superhero Comic Book to get inspiration for higher forms of existence.

Edited by WHO IS

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@WHO IS you can become directly conscious of Infinity/God/isness/Being/Conscioisness.  That is a mystical experience in which you as form collapse into formlessness or Absolute infinity.  This will be Actual and the ego/form will indeed dissolve.

You will become conscious that you are this (God) and there is no where else to go.  You can't escape yourself.  Form and formlessness are Absolutely Identical.  So after suicide of the form you will collapse into formlesness for eternity.  But since eternity is itself and is infinite it will limit itself and you will explore yourself as limited form.  It will just keep cycling like this forever and ever.  But both are identical and One.  So there is no cycle and there is simultaneously.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Great topic.

For the people saying you'll end up right back here or your suffering will not end, this is a belief you are sharing is it not? This is something you have come to believe about death, or something you want to believe? It is something others believe and you have agreed with others? I don't know what to believe about death so I do not have a position to defend on what does or does not happen after death. 

If what you post is not a belief I'd love to be corrected/guided on what it is, if it's not a belief. 

It's one thing comparing theory and ideas, but perhaps have a think how you would approach the topic of suicide with someone who is in the advanced stages of Motor Neurone Disease, perhaps a friend or family member, who has been told by the legal system he and loved ones have no right to facilitate euthanasia in their own country, but if they have enough money they can go to another country and it's okay. Would you say to that person in the wheelchair who might be going to suffocate to death at some point soon ... "no point in topping yourself mate, you'll be right back here". Or telling him "You are God. You are the Universe". 

Actually I'll keep open mind hat on here..... of course there could be a situation where to think along these lines spiritually would actually comfort someone, but I wouldn't absolutely count on it! 

I'm not emotional writing this or angry. It's a really powerful debate all the time about suicide, whether you are coming from an actualised.org perspective or another perspective. 

I have personal experience, more than I would have wanted to have. 


Edited by Bill W
the MND example is not my personal experience reference

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@Inliytened1 Yes end of all suffering, it really doesn't matter what Will happen to Body after it. You know there is no Reality outside of you but other points of Awareness doesn't know that. We create basiclly Just an Illusion of solid objective Reality. But there is no such. Only Self itself is Real. 

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@zeroISinfinity formlessness or Being is indeed Nirvana.  But remember Infinity is limitless which includes suffering.  The form / duality is the suffering.  God is both simultaneously.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Yes indeed. But you can only suffer as conceptual self which is a lie an illusion as Awareness Consciousness God you can't because it is Truth and Love. Always forever. 

Story of You is not actual You. Real You is always Present, Real, True, Compassionate, Loving etc. 

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