
Productive free time

17 posts in this topic

Since I started my journal here I developed the habit of meditation, I quit porn, and I'm disengaging social media as well. It's going great, BUT now I feel I have extra time in my hands. Actually, my attention turns to other toxic habits I never had like smoking (¿?), drinking, tinder, netflix, etc.

I'm wondering how can I spend my free time in a "healthy" way, besides what I'm currently doing which is working in my life purpose, sports, reading and cultural events.

Any ideas?


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  • Do nothing for at least 5 minutes
  • Exercise
  • Read book
  • Think of ways to spend time more productively when you are free
Edited by CreamCat

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Spend time in nature, read a book, build a concentration practice, do self inquiry, contemplate using a journal, build your One Note, watch a documentary, study spiral dynamics, organize your room, minimize your room, reduce your distractions, clean up your diet, clean up your closet, throw away all the non essential things, reduce your information intake, make a list of goals, fix your morning routine, fix your night routine, meditate. 

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- Hatha yoga

- Learn a musical instrument and/or start making music

- Learn to dance (obviously you'll need to find a place)

- Art / Writing / Photography

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Ok yeah, that's something to start with. Thank you guys.

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Do you have any purpose / vision you are working towards? 

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Boi this mindset of everything has to be productive is so fucking toxic. Go have fun, play video games, meet frieds, live for gods sake and dont worry about every fucking thing being productive.

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@Michael569 besides working I spent a lot of time and energy working on a literary project, so my question is how can I charge batteries when I'm not doing that.


@Shroomdoctor I shouldn't have used the word "productive", but "healthy" instead. I'm trying to quit a couple addictions, and noticed my body demands something equally toxic. Therefore I'm figuring out new ways to spend the time available.

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On 6/3/2019 at 7:08 PM, Gladius said:

Actually, my attention turns to other toxic habits I never had like smoking (¿?), drinking, tinder, netflix, etc.



I learned this the hard way as well and I'm still experimenting with it.. But essentially I learned from Sadhguru and from my own experiences to NOT quit a compulsive habit cold turkey... Becauce even if you stop that particular habit, your conpulsivness would come back to your life in other forms.

When I tried quiting porn sometime ago, I found myself for example heavily using social media more than I ever did before and it seemed very compulsive.

What Sadhguru says is that, the only cure to this compulsiveness is consciousness. So if you just integrate a very serious meditation / yoga session, it could greatly help. Also don't force yourself into it, find a yoga program or a meditation program that you might be inclined to do in the beginning. 

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@Chi_ thanks for your reply. I think my meditation habit is quite strong at the moment. Since last December I didn't miss a single day meditating one way or another for at least 15 minutes. I guess I'm learning how to handle my new level of consciousness, if that makes sense.

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58 minutes ago, Gladius said:

@Chi_ thanks for your reply. I think my meditation habit is quite strong at the moment. Since last December I didn't miss a single day meditating one way or another for at least 15 minutes. I guess I'm learning how to handle my new level of consciousness, if that makes sense.

That's indeed a very consistent roll you got going there. My suggestion would be to just bring in your inner awareness when you tend to compulsively engage in activities like aimlessly browsing or surfing social media. If your awareness is strong enough and your habits are not so strong, you should be able to shed them away this way

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Read more useful books, try to learn a new science in the field that you like. It will delay you for a long time and you will find something new for yourself. Find yourself a good girl and you can plan your free time together, so have fun!

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4 hours ago, Liam569 said:

Find yourself a good girl and you can plan your free time together, so have fun!

Proper expectation is important. It is easy to underestimate the amount of time, energy, and emotional labor it takes to find and be with a high-quality girl. A high-quality marriage is rarer.

Because I have realistic expectations, I don't pursue girls at this moment. I'm already spread thin.

Edited by CreamCat

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In my free time, I prefer not to read, but to play in the casino, because this way I can relax and earn money. And reading only spoils the eyes and nothing more.
If you also want to play in a casino, I advise you first of all to visit the site where you can choose the best Australian casino for free.

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On 05/06/2019 at 1:54 AM, Gladius said:

my body demands something equally toxic

It would never.

Equally stimulating, perhaps?

I have that problem too. I find that silence works really well. (Turning off all videos, music and podcasts for a day or 2). First it's uncomfortable, but then it becomes really nice and re-orients you to what you actually care about.


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>> Spend time in nature...


Or bring a part of nature indoors to conveniently start observing life on a daily basis!


Plants growing was my father's occupation but it was only many decades later that i finally managed to enjoy some of what he couldn't communicate, since it's not the same to perform it on a large scale.  While just a handul pots is generally manageable eventually.


Having a decent "Kodak" (camera) rendered my hobby much more valuable, while a microscope completed this amazement, feeding my sense of serenity from appreciating nature's legacy.


It changed me permanently, all it takes is a large well-oriented windowsil in a cozy leisure space dedicated to whatever makes you tick.


Good day, have fun!!  B|

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