Ibn Sina

May be, life is a problem to be solved. That is it's point.

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I was reading about Jakob Bohme when I came across this "Böhme preached that humanity had fallen from a state of divine grace to a state of sin and suffering, that the forces of evil included fallen angels who had rebelled against God, and that God's goal was to restore the world to a state of grace.". 

Then I started to think- All religions, have their main goal as being one with god. In Hinduism, the main goal is to escape the cycle of life and death. And so is the case in Buddhism, attaining Nirvana, and never being born again.  It's like the current life that we are living right now is something bad, something we have to escape from. Likewise in christianity there is similar pattern. Christians say that we have all sinned, ALL of us are sinners, and to get out of this sin we have to keep believing in Christ, so that we will go to heaven and meet our lord , be one with god.
Again similar pattern. It's all about somehow we have to escape this life by doing so and so.  I was reading Schopenhauer's "Studies on pessimism" where he says that the Hinduism origin myth is that due to Brahma's mistake, this world was formed. In other words, this current world is actually a mistake, something to be escaped from. 
Bohme says that all of humanity , have rebelled against God, that is why we are separated from God, because we are rebels, we are sinners. 

And may be , the main meaning and purpose of our life is to get back to our original source. To be god once again. It is by mistake / or sins(According to the above religious theology) that we have fallen out of god.  Our life is basically a separation from God, and our aim is to go back to God again.

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
My Blog- Writing for Therapy

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