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being an average person

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out of all the people i've had the pleasure of crossing paths, nobody wants to be better than the average person. so why does leo share qualities of living your best life, it seems that living your best life is by definition going against the grain of society, how is this even logical? 

from what i've seen

many don't consider themselves intellectually capable to solve situation

many don't have ambitions outside of starting a family and getting well paid jobs 

many do not care about the person sitting next to them 

many don't have any reason to care about the larger world at hand

So why should i be any better than them? 

why am i so hellbent on being that one in a million who lives life to the fullest, especially when this version of myself goes against the grain of society 

why can i not be satisfied with being an average person? 

it takes me going for a millionnaire, or enlightenment or causing a big social change for me to say i've lived my best life 

however now i'm considering the fact that why even aim for these things? 

98% of the world don't care about these things, so why should i, why should it be that i need to be an example or a leader for people to open up the limitations of their own mind 

there are so many inspirational people out there and yet they can only come up with average at best 

why can't i stand on their shoulders and get what i want, when they're the ones being closed minded, you know most of them can't be bothered to read a book ?????? 

I Just wish my best was average so that i could walk by life happily 

maybe david was right and enlightenment isn't about having the best life and living the best life even if its just a dream 

maybe its just about being average and okay 

hope someone can answer my confusion and help me consider how i can be okay with living an average life

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Is being better or best one dimensional? What does being better mean to you? What does average mean anyway? Is it average height or weight or intellect or what?

Or do really mean that you want to be part of the group and to feel you belong somewhere?

57% paranoid

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being better is being able to understand the complex nature of the world (no enlightenment work included) , To use your own brain to understand and not do stuff in such a mechanical way. 

Average person = wants kids, wants a family, wants a job to pay the bills, wants a house, wants a car, wants friends, (no ambitions or no vision to see that imagination is reshaping the world constantly) 

nope nothing to do with physical appearances, 

12 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

Or do really mean that you want to be part of the group and to feel you belong somewhere?

i'm not sure, maybe this is true, my understanding is, if we as humans are living our best lines- we are all best with the same understanding, just doing different thing 

i think i want to be a sheep in a loving socierty, i dont' want to expend effort creating that society. simply put if i could arrive at this conclusion myself while i was young, why couldn't other people do it before in our past 

my answer: because they did not think, but obviously i can't reject the fact that internet only been around for 50 years

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@Aakash it's difficult because of the paradox and polarization. the key is in balance just because you get enlightened doesn't mean you become super human and have to disrespect our nature which is to keep our species going which you're judging as average. it's about honoring the whole which is our personal experience as well as our collective experience, it is and isn't all about us. the value comes with gratitude and appreciation as well as taking responsibility for your/our creation. 

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@AnTe Honestly, what inspiration do you get from the people around you? 

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11 minutes ago, Aakash said:

i dont' want to expend effort creating that society.

You don't have a choice. Even a hermit is part of society and so are you. You will have to expend effort just to "stay afloat" in society. Wouldn't you say it's more beneficial to use your intelligence and efforts in a direction that benefits both you and your society? Shouldn't the love you get from society also be given back to society?

57% paranoid

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@Aakash my inspiration doesn't rely on people but the circumstances I get presented with which inspire me to test and prove tested methods from my past experiments/experiences. in other words my focus on constant growth and working towards my goals instead of the obstacles in my way. 

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ahh thanks you two, i just sound like i'm rambling - nevermind thanks

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@Aakash I think you may need to ask yourself what exactly keeps you from finding inspiration and why that needs to be a part of your life? 

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Average is just living to pay the bills. 

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@AnTe thats a good question to consider 

i think my answer would be, my lack of inspiration is coming from the fact i have to be so different to the average individual just to see a posibility of a better future for all  

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@Aakash think of it this way, all we have to be is ourselves which is already unique but ultimately the same as everyone else. what's messing all this up is insecurity and self hatred along with unrealistic expectations which are delusions. by trying to be like everyone else it's denying our nature and personal identity/responsibility. at that point we're just like animals or robots on autopilot and no longer human. 

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@AnTe i've just thought of the solution, i asked myself long ago what was the hardest challenge in the world and to go do that, it came up as do something good for the world, now i've realised that the hardest thing for me in the world is to think live an average person lol, with the most average view! and to take that as an absolute, 

this is actually the hardest challenge in the world! (for me personally) 

to be content with the average viewpoint, 

i've never thought from the average viewpoint for a long time, i think this is what i must do

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Well, you can't be average unless you act average, which means to be a selfish person way more than what you are right now, exploit people, lie a lot and serve your desires like a good slave. You can't have that viewpoint so easily, it will cost you just like it costs them. If all this sounds fine to you it will be even harder to apply and it's just awful no matter how you see it. You just can't go down it's not worth it you've seen how it is, but you can always try see how it goes.

Edited by ColdFacts

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1 hour ago, Aakash said:

out of all the people i've had the pleasure of crossing paths, nobody wants to be better than the average person. so why does leo share qualities of living your best life, it seems that living your best life is by definition going against the grain of society, how is this even logical? 

Because the goal is not to be better than others. The goal is to be the best version of ourselves, offering the best of us to the world.

I like the idea of being an average person (a lot). An average person in the sense that I don't fantasize about being superior or inferior to anyone. But It doesn't mean that my work needs to have the same quality as the work of an average professional. I experience higher levels of satisfaction on my job when I feel that I'm working on my peak.

unborn Truth

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I think that you are thinking too directly, world is not simple like that.

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