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Unsure About What Kind Of Friend/relationship This Girl Wants With Me...

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I'm 18 and never had any 'real' relationships with any girl before but I've been really good friends with this girl from Ukraine who is 20 and also never been in a relationship, who I've known for about 5/6 years, and it's worked out pretty well.

But for the past 6 months this girl has been really eager to message and call me on skype and etc more so than usual as she moved back to kiev a few years prior, and she has suggested studying at the university I'm going to for her masters degree, as well as suggesting that I stay around hers on holiday or something, is it possible that she wants something more than a friendship? 

Because she was never really all that loving towards me before and my understanding I was pretty much friend-zoned from day one and I still believed I was, but she has been messaging me a lot more like daily and seems really happy when we call and now she's offering me to move in with her which I personally interpret as her wanting more than a friendship? 

I'm unsure on what to do because I would love to move in with her but, the fact that I am uncertain of her intentions makes me unsure how to react to the situation because I don't want to say or do anything that would shock her in a bad way, because she has never made it clear on whether she likes me or not but that maybe because I said she was my best friend and i don't know whether she thinks I've friend zoned her.


Any advice on what I could do to get a better idea of the situation and what she might be thinking would be most appreciated.

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Have you thought to simply ask? As hard as it can feel to ask someone a question like that, trying to figure out what's going on in someone else's mind is even more difficult. 

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2 hours ago, Anicko said:

Have you thought to simply ask? As hard as it can feel to ask someone a question like that, trying to figure out what's going on in someone else's mind is even more difficult.

^^ Couldn't have put it better myself.

Best way to know what someone is thinking, is to ask them. At least in the first instance. Takes out a lot of guesswork.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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@Anicko I have but I'm worried what she will think of me if I do, but I guess eventually i will just have to, if she is freaked out by it will have been a learning experience i guess.

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