Flatworld Crusades

Female topics

73 posts in this topic

6 minutes ago, Surfingthewave said:

In terms of self improvement on this forum male energy  seems to consist of having a more competitive edge and wanting to out-do each other in terms of who is the most enlightened. 

It's a pandemic. An infection. The women on here seem to have antibodies. Leo needs to make a vaccine, before we see more people losing their mind. Some of the threads, when they turn ugly, it's like that beginning scene from the film 28-days later when the monkey bites that person, who then goes nuts and infects all the others, who in turn infect the whole country. 

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4 minutes ago, Bill W said:

It's a pandemic. An infection. The women on here seem to have antibodies. Leo needs to make a vaccine, before we see more people losing their mind. Some of the threads, when they turn ugly, it's like that beginning scene from the film 28-days later when the monkey bites that person, who then goes nuts and infects all the others, who in turn infect the whole country. 

Wouldn't the solution be awareness? Women won't fix the egoic problems of men. Men need to sort that out themselves. Same for women. We get a lot of new self actualizers here so it makes sense they wouldn't be as developed. I've only been into it for 2 years and my ego still finds sneaky ways to bypass my awareness. 

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29 minutes ago, Surfingthewave said:

I'd like to discuss the role of feminine energy in society. I've met some incredibly talented female individuals through my work and life generally. In politics I think females still get a hard time and trusting women in power seems to be behind the times a bit. 

I think the main issue I come accross in feminine energy is lack of self esteem, confidence and women asking for what they want. Are men better at this? If so, why? In terms of self improvement on this forum male energy  seems to consist of having a more competitive edge and wanting to out-do each other in terms of who is the most enlightened. 

Feminine energy has a pretty low importance in many day to say interactions from shopping to jobs. It's all mostly masculine energy. Although the feminine shines a lot when it comes to the home life and friendships.

For example, As a male myself I am a bit more emotionally open than most guys I know but I always want to talk about it to a women instead of a male. I vibe a lot better with them in a situation like that.

There's been talk of men balancing out their feminine which is great. Maybe there can be talk on women balancing out their masculine side? It could help them deal with the masculine energy here as well as especially careers. 

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15 hours ago, Flatworld Crusades said:

Al, so there was a large thread over the past weeks about this being a male dominated place.  The only way to even out the balance it is to post topics of more of a female nature.  This is open to the men as well women, of course, so let's get thinking.

I'll start, im interested in

  • balancing spirituality with sexuality and can we meditate with a full face of makeup on
  • female masturbatin and other spiritual activities

please contribute


I can tell from my experience, that, doing Tantra meditation with females, this path to awakening is way more pleasant ;)

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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2 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

Wouldn't the solution be awareness? Women won't fix the egoic problems of men. Men need to sort that out themselves. Same for women. We get a lot of new self actualizers here so it makes sense they wouldn't be as developed. I've only been into it for 2 years and my ego still finds sneaky ways to bypass my awareness. 

True, although some of the most insane stuff I've seen has come from people who have been on here for ages with massive post counts. I honestly have seen stuff that is like a temporary insanity. Intelligent debate ends up with literally "suck my dick". I actually think it is a form of temporary insanity. I think it's also called am Amygdala hijack? 

I've not really seen any correlation with post count and wisdom. I know that's not exactly what you are saying, but then again people could argue I might not know wisdom when I see it! 

But I value emotional self-control over anything else right now. Others have different goals to me, and perhaps they think nothing of screaming and shouting on the forum, and getting defensive if someone doesn't buy into their perspective. 

Perhaps it's terrifying to contemplate that you've done all this spiritual development, read all these books, watched all these clips, done all this meditation and self-inquiry, and at the end of it you are no more advanced than Joe Bloggs whose three down from you in the grocery store queue, and he has never read a self-development book, or watched a self-development video in his life and doesn't know what meditation is. 

Sorry OP - What I'm describing above I've seen more from the men on here than women. I don't know the bigger picture reason for this. It was pointed out to me that Leo's style attracts a certain crowd here. I would have thought regardless of what crowd are here, most people would like to not lose their shit on a forum? But that's me being judgmental I guess. 



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@Bill W Yeah. I see where you are getting at. Being aware of everything you do and think 24/7 is a big task. My ego loves to go wild when I slip into brief unawareness. Or sometimes I'll just let it get its reply aware of it and I'll try and just tone it down lol

It's a big task and there are many facets to this work. I remember Leo mentioning in one of his videos his posts are sort or a journey in of itself. The earlier stuff is about solely growing yourself and all your dysfunction so he could build you up to the metaphysical stuff later on. Which I doubt most people start from his earlier stuff. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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28 minutes ago, Bill W said:

True, although some of the most insane stuff I've seen has come from people who have been on here for ages with massive post counts. I honestly have seen stuff that is like a temporary insanity. Intelligent debate ends up with literally "suck my dick". I actually think it is a form of temporary insanity. I think it's also called am Amygdala hijack? 


28 minutes ago, Bill W said:

Sorry OP - What I'm describing above I've seen more from the men on here than women. I don't know the bigger picture reason for this. It was pointed out to me that Leo's style attracts a certain crowd here. I would have thought regardless of what crowd are here, most people would like to not lose their shit on a forum? But that's me being judgmental I guess. 



While the Enlightenment Brawls are topical at the moment, I didn't start this topic to suggest that females would  provide a solution to any problem with it perceived or otherwise. This topic is simply to encourage more female interaction.  

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14 hours ago, Shin said:

There is always the Teal Swan forum, in case all hope is lost :D

What do y’all know about the Swan forum? I’m curious as a viewer/sub of hers 

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13 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

What do y’all know about the Swan forum? I’m curious as a viewer/sub of hers 

Don't really have any material information.  I've had a bit of a look and the forum is quite small.

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I would love it if there was another mom with kids who has gone deep with nonduality. Balancing both has been and is quite a feat. 

I'm wondering if I should check our Teal Swan's forum, are there more women there? One reason why I don't talk about the more feminine aspects of my life and spiritual practices here is just because I don't think most people will appreciate it... just because most people here are male. I really appreciate the male perspective, and I have a hard time committing to difficult practices so that's partly why I'm here I guess. I try to give my perspective when it seems appropriate but I also feel strange and uncomfortable about talking about feminine subjects on a forum of mostly men. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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19 hours ago, Flatworld Crusades said:
  • can we meditate with a full face of makeup on
  • female masturbatin

LOL. You're funny. You can do whatever the hell you want, including meditating with a full makeup on your face.

Just remember that your actions can have unintended adverse consequences.

Edited by CreamCat

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18 minutes ago, CreamCat said:

LOL. You're funny. You can do whatever the hell you want, including meditating with a full makeup on your face.

Just remember that your actions can have unintended adverse consequences.

The reason I mentioned the makeup is that I'm having a renewed interest in it. I've discovered false eyelashes and doing new things with colours.  so I'm sitting in the sofa in my tracksuit with makeup on, looking fab!!!!!

unintended adverse consequences....I accidentally fell on someone's cock one day, that was unexpected.  

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1 minute ago, Flatworld Crusades said:

unintended adverse consequences....I accidentally fell on someone's cock one day, that was unexpected.

I'm not sure if that was good for you. Not all unintended consequences are good because you don't control them.

As Leo said, when you piss into the wind(doing whatever the hell you want), the wind might carry your piss into another person's face. That might have bad consequences.

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I do see what you mean. I keep myself and my home tidy, so I'm looking to get the outcomes I'm after.

Edited by Flatworld Crusades

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@Bill W @mandyjw I'm glad I'm not the only one that has noticed the male ego on this forum, doesn't stop me posting though. I think that male energy can't help but protect itself, perhaps that comes from the hunter part of the hunter/ gatherer which is innate in us all despite how aware we are, fight or flight type of thing. Women have been oppressed and silenced for thousands of years, so on a forum its no different.

I can see why the guys whip themselves into a frenzy on here, some of Leo's earlier vids made me chuckle with the indirect sexist comments, now he is more god realised this has really improved. We're still followers on here. 

I'd like to think that we would get to a place when there is no duality between male and female energy, and we we see more of a merging of the two. We're beginning to see that more so in the LGBT+ world with sexuality, gender norms, work roles and family (here in the UK) however we still got a long way to go. 


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15 minutes ago, Surfingthewave said:

Women have been oppressed and silenced for thousands of years, so on a forum its no different.

You somehow assume that men haven't been. Oppression doesn't stop at the boundary of gender or species.

Oppression is universal.

What I think is happening is self-censorship, victim mindset, depression and lack of responsibility. Speaking of responsibility, think of ways you contribute to oppression.

When you take responsibility of your life, you are no longer a victim.

Edited by CreamCat

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1 hour ago, CreamCat said:


Oppression is universal.

This post wasn't set up to diminish men in anyway, it's simply to encourage more female contribution

1 hour ago, CreamCat said:

When you take responsibility of your life, you are no longer a victim.

 I was just having this exact same conversation about the only way to escape mental illness is to take responsibility of your life. Good advice ?

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