
Embracing The Necessary Mundanity Of Life

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I've been struggling with a minor but irritating issue of late, where I spend so much time thinking about my life purpose, enlightenment and deep topics like the existence of free will, that I have a tendency to eschew responsibility for some of the more mundane but necessary aspects of life - actively limiting the amount of time I spend cooking, cleaning and putting off getting groceries etc. These minor tasks that I can't seem to embrace, tend to pile up, stress me out and make me feel guilty for not contributing more in my apartment, like my house mates.

I'm wondering if anyone can help me re-frame this behaviour, which appears to stem from the belief that these things are not important. It seems silly to me that I spend so much time studying personal development topics, meditating and doing affirmations, that I can't find the time for laundry. I shudder to think how I'd cope if I was actually responsible for more people than myself.

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What about this? These things are indeed not important from where you stand! :)

Take the pressure off of them.

Put a reminder on your phone or ask one of your house mates to gently give you a nudge to get them done while you're going through this phase. And...just get up and do it. Resolve to stay VERY present as you are doing it - this can be personal development work too. :) 

Take it as a form of meditation/mindfulness 



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From doing mindfulness what I've learned is when I have that thought of, "oh shiz I need to be doing this", I either procrastinate or do it, It really is that defining moment, you either do it or you don't, what I've realized more and more is that, each time I just did it, it's built up this "muscle" and it gets easier to do those things over time as long as you push through the resistance you feel, (building that muscle) it really does get easier and easier to get over that resistance. 


Leo's videos I recommend watching - Willpower, How to stop procrastinating, Self Control, Self Dicipline vs freedom, how to stop being lazy.

just keep watching and watching and gaining more insight, you'll find your solution.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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Thanks for the great insights! I have managed to incorporate a few positive habits into my life recently, but maybe they were using up most of my will-power. Perhaps I need to be a bit more patient and take things one at a time.

One thing that Leo mentioned in a video that I watched recently (which he got from Eben Pagan, I believe) was to use what limited will power you do have each day, to try and make changes in your environment for the better, to set you up for future success. (Or something along those lines). So I have been trying to do this a little bit too.

I'll definitely go back and watch the recommended videos and really like the idea of using these mundane tasks as an opportunity to practice mindfulness! Thanks a lot!

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Food for thought:

If you look at Zen monks in a monastery, they are super clean-freaks. They make the place look spotless. Many hours per day are spent on tending to the temple.

They do their chores mindfully.

I enjoy doing personal chores like groceries. It's the easiest part of my day.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Huh, I had never really thought about how all those temples are so well kept... That's a pretty cool insight!

I had been relying on listening to videos / audio books to get through some chores, although it lessened my ability to take notes / process the information fully. I think I'll definitely balance out that approach now by just trying do perform these tasks mindfully. Thanks!

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