
Reality is a trick coin!

6 posts in this topic

Past vs Future

You are reading Self-written words (right now in an eternal moment) from a past-Self-me to future-Self-you.

We share The-Self through communion. What is communion but my-Self communicating to your-Self.

Reality is a trick coin!

Both sides are heads! 

Because what is heads and tails?

A duality. 1=0 because 0=∞

Why does 0=∞?

Because 0 infinitely divides into 0. 

0 = ∞ + 1 = 0 + 1

This means that 0 = any number

0 = 5, 0 = 1,000,000, 0 = 52

[%] The division symbol is a 0 seperated by a 0 by a line. 

0 cannot be seperated from 0 because they are entangled.

You vs Me is another duality. 

The coin analogy shows us we exist on the same coin or as the same Self (The Entirety of the coin)


The symbolism of kundalini is how you were born. 

Your father released sperm and it travelled to the egg.

Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini is life energy - sperm - (root chakra) traveling up the spine to the egg (crown chakra), where Self is centered. 

The whole proccess of kundalini awakening is re-birth as God-Self or No-self. 

You are born again as Nothingness, or Absolute 0, or Self.

Bubble Bath Analogy

Imagine a bubble bath where there is a formation of lots of small bubbles.

Now imagine these small bubbles break their distinctions with the other bubbles.

The bubbles would just become Bubble.

Big Cook, Little cook

We all exist as The Same One/Zero Big Cook, however, we believe we are all little cooks.


Self-Centering is the process of looking through Self, as Self. 

Self is background, which means before-ground or before-form.

That means that background is the groundless-ground or the formless-form, Self.

Foreground self

The fore-ground self is what you are identified with. It's false-hood, you can't put a hood on a headless-head.

Centering Exercise

Focus awareness on foreground.

E.g. the wall.

Then, whilst focusing on foreground, focus on the proccess of looking and also bring awareness on the nose and just start noticing there is a background Self. 

Note: You can always see your nose in Actuality, the mind filters it out. So your mind cuts off it's own nose, like voldemort.

Focus on the proccess of looking and don't let the nose disappear. 

Just allow your-self to keep looking as Self, until breakthrough.

Combine Centering with Kundalini Yoga.

"Staying on your centre is being centerless."


Edited by Anton_Pierre

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