
What are you teaching your children?

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This whole global awakening thing would be much more effective if we are teaching our children what we have found. I don't have any children, but the conversation of adopting has been on the back burner, and it gets me thinking of how I would like to raise a child. 

So what would you do? Start with meditation and yoga?  Also I think it's important to teach the child to not be so damn traumatized by everything. This will save them years of therapy and less to unravel when it's time to meet God. I also think dream work would be very important for self therapy. 

What are some things you might hold back? What should the child discover for themselves? Which teachings are too advanced for them until they have a more mature mind? 

Thanks for any suggestions!



Edited by seeking_brilliance

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Anything but psychedelics for kids, or some washed down version of it.

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Or you could ask if the child exists and who is receiving the teaching? Is there anyone to give or receive the teaching?

I don't know if what I said is valid or naive, I hope it's the latter.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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I remember hearing sadguru say if you have kids you have to let them grown naturally without you trying to interfere. He said we can never own children you have to let them be the way they are and let nature decide what is best for them. Rupert Spira said the same thing, he said he has never once told his son about none duality simply because his son never asked him.

I think it should be taught in schools tho

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1 hour ago, noselfnofun said:

I remember hearing sadguru say if you have kids you have to let them grown naturally without you trying to interfere. He said we can never own children you have to let them be the way they are and let nature decide what is best for them. Rupert Spira said the same thing, he said he has never once told his son about none duality simply because his son never asked him.

I think it should be taught in schools tho

I can see the value in that... Yes I think you can leave out the non duality teachings and let them discover that. But I completely agree, meditating should be taught in schools, along with anxiety management and self improvement. One day hopefully

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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the fastest way to global awakening is not to spawn children at all in the first place ;)

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Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


Yes, this is important of course.  Lots of parents want to teach their kids this, but they don't even know how to do it. They are teaching conditional love 

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@seeking_brilliance I hear ya. That’s relatively true, but relative still. My comment was for you (not lots of parents). Honestly I never considered “unconditional love”, never pondered it. The second I saw my son, it was more than obvious. The bond is Love, prior to uncondition. Cosmic Love, Nonduality, entirely different, and exactly the same. From this basis, all things are possible.



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@Nahm ok i gotcha. 

Ok, let's say your kid is experiencing bullying at school. Do you :

  1. Teach the kid to love the bully, and how to not be traumatized by the experience. 
  2. Teach the kid to fight back and stand up for themselves. 
  3. 1 and 2 combined. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@seeking_brilliance  what’s the hypothetical age?

Hmm.. Like 6-10

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance  I would aim to socraticly help my kid understand what’s going on. I’d ask him how he feels about it,  and why he thinks it makes him feel that way.   I’d ask him how he thinks the other kid feels,  hoping he realizes the behavior comes from how that kid feels about himself, and gains some understanding about the home environment.  Then I’d probably ask him what he thinks is the best way to handle it for both kids.  This would depend on the severity of coarse, just top of mind for the 6 to 10-year-old range.  I’d also probably call or email the teacher and make sure she’s aware of what’s going on. 



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@Nahm great answer thank you ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Children don't belong to you. 

They are not your legacy. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I just created this thread and I think anyone here will find it interesting ❤️

@seeking_brilliancethanks for sparking my vision/curiosity 

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19 hours ago, noselfnofun said:

I remember hearing sadguru say if you have kids you have to let them grown naturally without you trying to interfere. He said we can never own children you have to let them be the way they are and let nature decide what is best for them.

That is good recipe for self-destruct kid.

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