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What Practices Can i Do to Purify My Mind From Sexual Desires?

50 posts in this topic

32 minutes ago, Aeris said:

this excite me.

you sick dogge, then you need to visualize the opposite ;)

29 minutes ago, ColdFacts said:

That's the cowards way, real detachment is different, you will accept all the resistance head on without trying to somehow reduce it in order to make it more easy, that's pure weakness. People who deserve enlightenment are strong because they face their problems head on and they surely get their reward.

There is nothing called cowardice in this business baybay. Once the mark is set, once the war to awakening begins, there is nothing that is barred. Whatever it takes to win the war.

Awakening is a serious business. There is rarely anything pretty about it. Arjuna had to go to war, captain ahab lost everything to get a piece of that white whale, a hardcore rationalist like Leo had to throw his materialist paradigm into trash and shove drugs up his butt.

Anything goes baybay B|

Edited by Preetom

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“What Practices Can i Do to Purify My Mind From Sexual Desires?”

If you judge yourself in this manor, you hold yourself apart, divided, fragmented, and in that nonacceptance, you suffer. There is not a thing you created only to be rejected. The liberation here is found in the blind spots of your psychology. Accept to transcend. Include to expand. Understand to grow. 



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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

Noone can become a Buddha while commited to an intimate relationship. You will get attached no matter what.

The attachment issue, is with beliefs, like this one. 

Get attached then, get your heart broken. Carry on the path. Understand. 

Avoidance is pause. 



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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Ok so i have been on a NoFap Journey & i am not willing to go back. Already i am looking down upon those who waste their energy like chimps and are attached to the female organ. Yes pretty egoistic i know.

Leo said that practicing NoFapa alone is not enough.

What should i do then to purify my mind from sexual cravings??

I just meditate.


Why is it that people of all faiths and none get their knickers in such a twist about sexual cravings?  You have the natural God-given need for physical intimacy with another human being - something without which we would never have come into existence.  I'm a Christian, and in the past have been made to feel ashamed about having sexual urges.  Why don't you look for a companion, or go solo so to speak, and enjoy your sexuality?  You're as much a sexual being as you are a physical, intellectual and spiritual being.  Shame will get you nowhere.

By the way, that's just my opinion. 


Edited by Soul-lover 2020

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Noone can become a Buddha while commited to an intimate relationship. You will get attached no matter what.

It is no surprise that the most developed people were celibates. Buddha, Tesla, Christ, Newton etc.

Despite others bashing you, I support you. You are Love itself from whom else you Will get love and intimacy. Time is for you to finally face this. Face loneliness it is the Best thing ever, honestly it is. Romantic love and relationships Will cause suffering for both of you. Nothing wrong with sex but only reason for it should be Just procastrination not pleasure. 

Personally I started no fap 7 days ago. Cravings happen maybe once in a day but awareness dissolves it Very easy. 

So full on support. 

Old school Road to enlightenment surrender bullshit ego and it's desires which never stop. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Ok so i have been on a NoFap Journey & i am not willing to go back. Already i am looking down upon those who waste their energy like chimps and are attached to the female organ. Yes pretty egoistic i know.

Leo said that practicing NoFapa alone is not enough.

What should i do then to purify my mind from sexual cravings??

I just meditate.

In Hinduism this is called brahmacharya. Google it and read up.

Avoid tempting images & people. Find what foods stimulate your sexual appetite and avoid them. For monks, I believe traditionally that meant the avoidance of garlic, spicy foods, onions, and minimal consumption of oil/fat and dairy. And in fact just generally eating less--fasting is helpful.

Engage in self-inquiry every single time a problematic thought comes up.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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1 hour ago, Preetom said:

you sick dogge, then you need to visualize the opposite ;)

There is nothing called cowardice in this business baybay. Once the mark is set, once the war to awakening begins, there is nothing that is barred. Whatever it takes to win the war.

Awakening is a serious business. There is rarely anything pretty about it. Arjuna had to go to war, captain ahab lost everything to get a piece of that white whale, a hardcore rationalist like Leo had to throw his materialist paradigm into trash and shove drugs up his butt.

Anything goes baybay B|

Anything that goes to your advantage will also work against you, if you live by the sword you die by the sword. There is only one way which will benefit you both ways, but that is not for ordinary people. 

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Fucking Muladhara.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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33 minutes ago, ColdFacts said:

Anything that goes to your advantage will also work against you, if you live by the sword you die by the sword. There is only one way which will benefit you both ways, but that is not for ordinary people. 

and that is becoming the sword itself.

The sword cant cut itself ;)

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You need a Durum Kebap hahaha.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@SQAAD Engage in a serious yogic practice. Unblock the flow of sexual energy in your body. Don't allow it to get stuck in your abdomen area.

unborn Truth

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Its funny why this thread was moved out from spirituality topic to Dating,Relationship,Sexuality ???? funny guys.

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You are on the right track.

First step is strong determination in non indulgence.

The cravings are just a habbit dont worry if it comes dont get upset if it comes.Just dont react.Dont indulge in mastrubation.If it is too much and if you fail few times its ok dont feel guilty or ashamed.

Dont get upset if sexual dreams come.Dont supress dont run away.Just be mindful of the cravings. Try to meditate on the cravings when it arises and see that vanishing.

Non indulgance,conviction,mindfulness,understanding the stupidity of wasting energy by ejaculation is the key.

When craving comes watch your breath pattern.Try and alter the breath.Do Pranayama.

Japa - chanting also helps.

Practice and conviction thats all.

Brahmacharya celibacy is good valued respected in spirituality.

Understand the impermanance of the craving and sexual pleasure.

Food habits are said to be associated with sexual cravings though I havent changed my food habits.But I am an vegetarian - I dont eat meat or eggs.

But I take onion,garlic,spices though the monks are said to avoid them.

Be careful while interacting with opposite sex.

Mind will trick in the name of love with opposite sex.

Have healthy distance with them.

Speak to celibate monks how they transcended sexual desires and maintaining celibacy.

Just couple of months of practice and the old habbit of sexual desires,cravings will die out or will rarely appear to trouble.

Edited by Jkris

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Why are some people here afraid of the desire to connect intimately with another human being?  Don't you realize that the craving for love is universal?  If we are all parts of the God Consciousness and therefore all One, then why do any of us fear the creative aspect of love?  And what's wrong with loving oneself?  Doesn't perfect love cast out all fear?    

I am one of many, an expression of the divine nature of Christ

"I think, therefore I am" - René Descartes

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6 hours ago, SQAAD said:

What should i do then to purify my mind from sexual cravings??

I would first look at how the mind and body has contextualized this as: sexual cravings are “impure” and no sexual cravings is “pure”. For me, this would set up inner turmoil and conflict.

When sexual cravings arise, I would observe without criticism. Get curious. What thought stories arise with the body sensations? Perhaps a thought story about how I am “impure” and need to “purify” myself by getting rid of these feelings? . . Deconstruct it and let it go. I know it’s much harder to do in the moment, yet ime repression just reinforces inner turmoil.

On a more practical note, I find exercise such as cycling and running to be helpful.

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Awareness. I’ve been on no fap for almost two years now and what I have found helpful is to know that I am not the cravings that arise. It helps me watch it as it comes up and not get sucked in by it. There’s nothing wrong with having sexual cravings for women, it’s natural shit. Women are my weakness too when it comes to purification of my mind. Just try not to get so sucked in by cravings that you start thinking and acting from your dick instead of your higher self. 

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10 hours ago, Nahm said:

The attachment issue, is with beliefs, like this one. 

Get attached then, get your heart broken. Carry on the path. Understand. 

Avoidance is pause. 

This! OP, you sound like you are attached to beliefs - which make up your self image of being a "spiritual person". Being celibate is not a requirement for liberation.

Read some books on tantric and taoist sexual practices first.

Get this area of life handled. Learn how to attract women, and how to build relationships. It is very common for people like you to do what is called spiritual bypassing.

For majority of people, there is a lot more growth experienced in relationships than when they are alone.

Edited by whoareyou

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I have great relationships with people and i attact women. You project a lot of stuff buddy. 

I don't know anyone who becomes enlightned through sexual practices.

Is it extremely difficult to do so. Your mind will be thinking about them sugar walls all the time .

Even the most hardcore monks have said it that if you are super serious about this you can't mess around fking women. I can't find a quote now but i even think Dalai Lama said " i don't know anyone who becomes liberated through these sexual practices".

Anyways i guess it is possible but since i have tasted sugar walls before i know how much attached i become.

Obviously noone wants give up sex because they are chimps so they are trying to find spiritual ways to have their sexual apetites fullfilled. 

With your logic all these monks who are celibate they just can't form relationships with women so this is why they become celibate lol.

Edited by SQAAD

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