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A critique on spiritual states and insights

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So in this forum (and not just this forum, but the majority of new age circles) there is a lot of discussion about spiritual states when they have them. Some people even go as far as to call them spiritual insights.

The people who discuss them, are usually super excited, because the state has moved them emotionally in some way, and the people who listen to the states, are also super excited, because what is being said sounds super interesting. Some listeners (and speakers) may even feel that they are now somehow elevated above humanity just that little bit more. A spiritual ego (subconsciously of course, but if you listen to your mind close enough, you can feel it developing) may also start to be created.

I don't know why I'm compelled to write this post, but for whatever reason I am and will to keep the peace with my emotions.

Spiritual experiences, in my experience, are largely traps. They are not to be taken seriously, emphasised or to be appraised by the listeners. This is because, no matter how amazing this spiritual state may feel to you, it isn't what it seems. Just like thoughts and delusion. I am not saying that there is no reality to them (usually there is) and I am not saying that it wont radically change your life for the better (it usually will) but if you think, remember or interpret your spiritual state in any way, you will fall into a trap and get deluded. 

This has been said a million times, but what is in front of you right now, is the only thing that is real. When you have a spiritual experience, like time stops or doesn't exist, or you can feel a 'really real' energy in one of your chakras, or you feel an emptiness in your 3rd eye, or your head starts to feel like an empty shell when the ego disappears, or your mouth and body starts moving without anyone in the drivers seat or whatever else you experience, these experiences are not what they seem. You do not understand them and never will. And these are not states or spiritual experiences actually. These aren't states at all. These are not 'what you have always been' either. What is it? Its your mind interpreting stuff that's it. 

It is a very well trotten path to take these experiences seriously, and then to try and 'obtain' it again. To try and chase it. You cannot chase it because these spiritual experiences are not real (yes, they are not real, they are in your imagination). The point of meditation is to see what is in front of you right now and that's it. You are not there to get a spiritual experience. You are there to rest in what's already there.

I need to remember this personally, as its a trap I always fall into. But its important for everyone here to follow this advice as well. Leo is an amazing teacher, but the biggest problems with his highly conceptual teachings is its very easy to fall into the above trap if you're not careful. Keep meditating and always remember this.

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Spiritual states and insights are extremely important. Just don't cling to them.

What most people lack is higher states of consciousness.

They can worry about letting them go AFTER they have some. Without these states the mind will never understand the depth of this work.

You cannot escape states. A state is at work in you at all times. It's just usually a very low egoic state. Talking about spirituality to someone who has only ever been in a low egoic state is almost useless.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I needed to hear/read this, thank you. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Spiritual states and insights are extremely important. Just don't cling to them.

What most people lack is higher states of consciousness.

They can worry about letting them go AFTER they have some. Without these states the mind will never understand the depth of this work.

You cannot escape states. A state is at work in you at all times. It's just usually a very low egoic state. Talking about spirituality to someone who has only ever been in a low egoic state is almost useless.

yes Leo, but I think its time to acknowledge that the people on your forum are no longer in 'low egoic states'. These people are having really profound experiences, and when they get to this stage, they need to let their experiences go.

When you first began, the userbase were orange stage personal dev junkies. Those times have changed.

Edited by electroBeam

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

yes Leo, but I think its time to acknowledge that the people on your forum are no longer in 'low egoic states'. These people are having really profound experiences, and when they get to this stage, they need to let their experiences go.

When you first began, the userbase were orange stage personal dev junkies. Those times have changed.


I m still an angry junkie

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