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Ibn Sina

A video about the Metaphysical nature of music

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What are Leo's view on Music? What is the metaphysical purpose of music ? I think there is some deeper reality to music. Hinduism says that the world generated from 'Om'. Christianity says the world came to be when God spoke the words 'Let there be light'. I find music to be something mystical, that gives life meaning, true meaning. As Neitzsche said "If there was no music, life would be a mistake." 


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YES , music is divine?


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Music is created by men, theres no metaphysical pupose. The purpose is given by its creator, some music can heal, some can cherish, some can enslave, and some can produce fear like in horror movies. 

In my country theres a popular saying: music tame the beasts. Teh meaning is governments, kings, and elites used music as a tool to avoid population making revolutions against them, making them unconscious.

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Leo told it's a sectary activity loved by chimps,

> it's all for sex that we likes music anyway - freud-nisme,

we don't in fact like music, we do it for survival and amplify emotion like drug addicts

grouping in a bunch of monkeys :D

 ( he doesn't really told this, it's just one perspective remixed of his perspective, or better, find for yourself )


I think he pretty nailed it :D ..

I still love music for the pleasure, my fav addiction


Music is not how the universe is made, cause waves are maybe like thoughts, so in fact, music is the biggest delusion of all, in fact you only hear noises, but no one knows why the mind is creating sense out of pure nothingness wave frequency, pattern of nothingness


but in reality, sure things, human music is maybe only for humans because your ears are in a certain range of frequency reach.

there is perspective or metaperspective on what is music tho, but the best way is experience, listening tons of different kinds of song + noise + asmr + all audio, and you'll nail the question for yourself, what is music ?


but anyway, I'll keep being a musician



Edited by Aeris

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I do think music has mystical/spiritual value.

The unique & beautiful feelings music can give you led me to believe “there’s something deeper” than the concepts/feelings of everyday life.

And since music is all about beauty, and spirituality is in part about realizing infinite beauty, how can they not be related?

Edited by PlayTheGame

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

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