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Growing up under different stages - Spiral Dynamics

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If we imagine a child growing up in a blue household, neighborhood and society; this child's friends, parents and teachers are all stage blue, then this child will probably end up at stage blue. (Obviously there are many exceptions, but you get my point). In this scenario, the parents and institutions will teach blue values to the child. So, I would assume that this child will take the beliefs of its peers and parents as absolute truths since there is an agreements about blue values with every person this individual interacts with - The child will believe in typical stage blue values in an absolutist stage blue manner.

If we assume that to be the case, a few questions arise:

1. When the child was exposed to blue since early childhood, how did it ever integrate purple and red?

But the more interesting questions are what happens if we play the same scenario with a different stage:

2. A green household, neighborhood and society where the child gets taught green values since it was born etc. Will the child end up at stage green? Or will it be stage blue about green values; for example the child will value harmony, but will be very absolutist about this typically green value - an individual that from the outside might appear to be green, but is actually blue and never been to orange?

3. Orange?

4. Yellow and above? I assume here the child will receive active help to move up the spiral and not get stuck at blue.

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Just a couple thoughts. I think most households are a mixture of colors, yet may be centered at a color. Also, with the internet, households aren’t insulated like they were in previous generations. In the U.S., the young generation is flooded with Orange level media online. Even if they grew up in a traditional blue home, there would be a strong internet influence. 

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@Serotoninluv  Very true!

But let's assume that the example I described is not as realistic, but more simplistic. Not to understand what actually goes on, but as a thought experiment to learn about what happens when you are exposed to only a single stage; will you reach that stage or where would one get stuck? My intention is to better understand the mechanisms of moving up the spiral in relation to social conditioning of the different stages.

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