
MDMA can reveal our true nature

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I have used MDMA a handful of times, and have to say I always come out inspired by the teachings of this chemical.

For me, It makes me more aware of my own ego, and others ego's too. It seems like I am above thought, like having my head above the water.

It makes me love myself, and shows me to do what I want to do, without worrying about other peoples thoughts.

It shows me how to love everyone, to look beyond their personality and see them as a soul.

The state I feel is very similar to when I come out of a 10 day vipassana retreat. More open, aware, and compassionate.

Do you use this tool? Would love to hear others experience of MDMA. :D 

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It's a drug that can seriously harm the brain and cause serious mental health problems. 

Just a warning. 

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I have a gram of it, hopefully will be good

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Would you consider it a psychedelic?

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I’ve taken mushrooms, MDMA, weed and 10 day Vipassana retreat. No doubts, MDMA was the most beautiful experience.  It’s  pure bliss and love. Couldn’t imagine what 5meo reveals.

But saying that, the biggest impact on everyday life is after 10 day Vipassana retreat.

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Yep Mdma is pure love but not that good for your health... I took 5 6 pills every week 2 yers ago and it burns your brain main it leads you to depression. Dmt, lsd etc do them for spiritual work i think Mdma i just nicr high nothing special

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2 hours ago, SriBhagwanYogi said:

Yep Mdma is pure love but not that good for your health... I took 5 6 pills every week 2 yers ago and it burns your brain main it leads you to depression. Dmt, lsd etc do them for spiritual work i think Mdma i just nicr high nothing special

Yeah that's too much for sure. I've seen a few people burnout from taking too much MDMA like that.

I think it does have some valuable lessons, and obviously some huge therapeutic potential (see MAPS), but in my opinion MDMA use should be restricted to like once or twice a year or less. And make sure it's actually pure, there's a lot of potentially more harmful shit out there being pawned off as MDMA.

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MDMA can be a beautiful experience that can develop your love for all aspects of your self; your true self and all the different aspects of your ego. I found that it can put you back into perspective and can help you embrace your own uniqueness. It collapses all petty judgement of yourself and others or what you should or shouldn't say. 

However, definitely should be restricted to special occasions as it can fuck up your brain quite a bit haha. 

Definitely worth doing though! A decent dosage (tested ofc) in a loving environment with your friends or spouse and some good music. 

Enjoy it man!!!!!! 

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I use to love taking MDMA. Some of the best times in my life are from taking it. So much love and clarity. But the comedown was brutal. I tried everything suggested, like taking 5-HTP after. Soon the hangover was lasting for days, then weeks. It got bad. To where the bad greatly outweighed the positive. So I had to swear off ever taking it again. I will probably integrate it back in at some point. Making sure it is pure, to reduce any side effects. 

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At most once every 3 months. 

But yes mdma is an incredibly therapeutic and beautiful substance. For those who dare, mixing it with lsd not only is very insightful it's like a fucking lightshow. It was an eyegasm for hours. 

Mdma helped me heal some trauma so I'm eternally grateful for that. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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When Having my first Mdma Trip all my social fears were just gone. I could embrace everyone and everything. It was incredible. It has also shown me what is truly important is love and human relationships. So I want to cultivate that in my life through gratefulness or maybe metta meditation. 

Do you think doing it after 5 weeks again will be ok?

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On 27/5/2019 at 4:05 AM, EvilAngel said:

It's a drug that can seriously harm the brain and cause serious mental health problems. 

Just a warning

With responsible use, on a healthy brain, there's no evidence still of neurotoxicity (or at least, significant neurotoxicity, alcohol can be neurotoxic too but everything is in about moderation)


Although if you refer to drugs in general, yes, probably almost ant drug **can** harm the brain and cause serious mental problems

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On 28/5/2019 at 4:01 AM, Jed Vassallo said:

I use to love taking MDMA. Some of the best times in my life are from taking it. So much love and clarity. But the comedown was brutal. I tried everything suggested, like taking 5-HTP after. Soon the hangover was lasting for days, then weeks. It got bad. To where the bad greatly outweighed the positive. So I had to swear off ever taking it again. I will probably integrate it back in at some point. Making sure it is pure, to reduce any side effects. 

There is an research chemical similar to Mdma, not sure if you would find it as helpful as mdma, but having only tried this one myself, I find depending on the "set and setting" there's almost no hangover/crash the day after. 

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On 27/5/2019 at 4:47 PM, SriBhagwanYogi said:

Yep Mdma is pure love but not that good for your health... I took 5 6 pills every week 2 yers ago and it burns your brain main it leads you to depression. Dmt, lsd etc do them for spiritual work i think Mdma i just nicr high nothing special

 If you use it following a minimum of safety use (3, 4 times a year ideally maximum) it won't cause you depression. But you used it WEEKLY for 2 years and now it results it's the drugs fault lmao

Although I agree with you in the effects, it's probably not as special nor profound as psychedelics. However you have to take in mind that when use almost anything very regularly, it stops working they way it should. Like if you do acid each week too it won't give you insighful trips for ever.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

There is an research chemical similar to Mdma, not sure if you would find it as helpful as mdma, but having only tried this one myself, I find depending on the "set and setting" there's almost no hangover/crash the day after. 

What's it called?

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