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Lost interest in all my hobbies

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Over the last few months I have been going through what is most likely the dark night of the soul. I used to love film photography, 16mm film movie making, electronics and engineering. All interest in these things has been completely lost and I am in the process of selling nearly everything as it's all just clutter and too much hassle to me now. All these things I have accumulated only gave temporary happiness at best. All that matters to me now is getting on with spirituality as I can't see any way out of the wage slavery I'm in. Getting out of that would be yet more hassle.

Does spirituality normally have this effect?

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Yup. Its kinda inevitable due to the death/rebirth process.

You'll lose hobbies, ideas, fantasies, love for people and things, family, even for yourself,  your own self image, even thoughts you entertained last week or yesterday.

When the onion is peeled back layer after later, the onion tends to lose its shape and it tends to induce tears.

You expected anything else? ;)

Edited by Preetom

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PLEASE...Not this...''

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Yes that's all dream stuff and you're beginning to wake up out of the dream of self. Congratulations on making it out of that prison! 

I will say though if you're still working and in the world with "ordinary" people, it's very easy to get pulled back into unconscious patterns and habits, or fall back to sleep as it were.  It's also very normal to feel estranged in society and want to limit your involvement within it.

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13 minutes ago, Preetom said:

Yup. Its kinda inevitable due to the death/rebirth process.

You'll lose hobbies, ideas, fantasies, love for people and things, family, even for yourself,  your own self image, even thoughts you entertained last week or yesterday.

When the onion is peeled layer after later, the onion tends to lose its shape and it tends to induce tears.

You expected anything else? ;)

I kind of expected spirituality to bring back the joy of life which I experienced when I was a child plus greater consciousness but now I am seeing that it's not like that at all. Spirituality is the most terrifying thing you can do. It's like I don't see the point in creating anything because I am all there is. The only perspective is mine here and now typing these words.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Hi Shaun,

If I were you, which I am not of course, i would reflect on the responses here but also make sure you have some other input from people not from this forum. Perhaps you are doing this already. It might help maintain an openmind on some of your issues. Someone else might spot something that we don't know about or we have not considered.


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Just now, Shaun said:

I kind of expected spirituality to bring back the joy of life which I experienced when I was a child plus greater consciousness but now I am seeing that it's not like that at all. It's like I don't see the point in creating anything because I am all there is. The only perspective is mine here and now typing these words.

You are going through a phase. Its inevitable. The old has to die for the new to come.

Dont worry, you'll get your peace, bliss, love and all that good shit when you make it to other side.

Spirituality is serious business. If these ideas are entertained seriously, your 'insides' are literally being rearranged and processed. So expect some(or massive) hiccups. One cant stay the same.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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3 minutes ago, Bill W said:

Hi Shaun,

If I were you, which I am not of course, i would reflect on the responses here but also make sure you have some other input from people not from this forum. Perhaps you are doing this already. It might help maintain an openmind on some of your issues. Someone else might spot something that we don't know about or we have not considered.


Many sources confirm this. Only thing left is to have a breakthrough and see for myself.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Lol. At some point you'll even lose interest in that thing you call 'yourself'. That whole package with all its historical built and the narrative of where its going ?


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Have you studied the law of attraction at all? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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10 hours ago, Maya_0 said:

Yes that's all dream stuff and you're beginning to wake up out of the dream of self. Congratulations on making it out of that prison! 

I will say though if you're still working and in the world with "ordinary" people, it's very easy to get pulled back into unconscious patterns and habits, or fall back to sleep as it were.  It's also very normal to feel estranged in society and want to limit your involvement within it.

Ok. This dream stuff you all like to talk about is metaphor.You can't really explain to someone who didn't become Formlesness what his life is "made" out of. 

@ShaunEverything around you including your Toughts is made from Infinite ephemeral/empty/spirit Love. It is absolute too. Since there is no separation. You are Reality every second all of it. Not a person chasing enlightenment.Seeker and seeking gets destroyed. 

But Yes loss of all egoic desires Will happen before and post "enlightenment experience". Find someone who you can talk about this stuff. Let it out allow your egoic mind to heal reintegrate and it Will be your Best servant and not a master anymore. 

Just do not take dream /illusion /life literally do not fuck up your mind. They are Just good pointers/concepts. 

Right here right now only thing there is, is Truth and Love. 


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56 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Ok. This dream stuff you all like to talk about is metaphor.You can't really explain to someone who didn't become Formlesness what his life is "made" out of. 

@ShaunEverything around you including your Toughts is made from Infinite ephemeral/empty/spirit Love. It is absolute too. Since there is no separation. You are Reality every second all of it. Not a person chasing enlightenment.Seeker and seeking gets destroyed. 

But Yes loss of all egoic desires Will happen before and post "enlightenment experience". Find someone who you can talk about this stuff. Let it out allow your egoic mind to heal reintegrate and it Will be your Best servant and not a master anymore. 

Just do not take dream /illusion /life literally do not fuck up your mind. They are Just good pointers/concepts. 

Right here right now only thing there is, is Truth and Love. 


I wish I could find someone to speak to in person about this. I am in a place full of people who have no idea about this stuff and I kind of wish I could be like them. It is so difficult living this life knowing that in future lives I could very well be getting my throat ripped out or something else much worse. The torture goes on infinitely, there is no escape.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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19 minutes ago, Shaun said:

I wish I could find someone to speak to in person about this. I am in a place full of people who have no idea about this stuff and I kind of wish I could be like them. It is so difficult living this life knowing that in future lives I could very well be getting my throat ripped out or something else much worse. The torture goes on infinitely, there is no escape.

Again you took ideas/imagination of "future" as Reality. What future lives? 

You still indentify yourself with a body. 

Look around right here right now. Feel present moment fully forget Toughts and intenpretations. It is you. 


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Weird how people live mostly their life by others standards.

I have been since my 6 a 'Fuck schooling me'

Before awakening music. After : music and take back drawing

I changed but not what I do. How I do


Always true

Edited by Aeris

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16 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Again you took ideas/imagination of "future" as Reality. What future lives? 

You still indentify yourself with a body. 

Look around right here right now. Feel present moment fully forget Toughts and intenpretations. It is you. 


Have you watched the video called the radical implications of oneness? If not, go and watch it and you will see what I'm on about.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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I don't think you have.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Do you see how these deluded fantasies are creating a lifetime of suffering?

What's so bad with your throat being slit?

After all, IMO getting my throat slit and dying within seconds sounds 1000x more fulfilling than fantasizing a life  long delusion about how many millions of times i will come back to get my throat slit and consequestly suffering from that thought lol

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Yes I did. Scariest video of them all. I agree made your mind nuts. Ego gets totally exposed. Love you Leo, you are one smart mdfka. 

@Shaun JOKE is that you are teaching yourself. 

Where that video happens? 

Where body happens? 

Where your hobby happens? 

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14 minutes ago, Preetom said:


Do you see how these deluded fantasies are creating a lifetime of suffering?

What's so bad with your throat being slit?

After all, IMO getting my throat slit and dying within seconds sounds 1000x more fulfilling than fantasizing a life  long delusion about how many millions of times i will come back to get my throat slit and consequestly suffering from that thought lol

The thing is, it's not delusion, it will happen and you will live through some shit you can't possibly imagine.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Just now, Shaun said:

The thing is, it's not delusion, it will happen and you will live through some shit you can't possibly imagine.

You will live it through if you want to be ?. Apparent reality Will reflect back to "You" Your Very own lack of ❤️. 

Practises are now important, are they? ?

Trying to grasp Reality using egoic mind is stupid, your ❤️ has all answers, it is all answers already. 

Lets say God Will beat shit out of you for your desire to be separated. 

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