
Is This Forum An Egoic Playground?

17 posts in this topic

As the titles suggests, there's endless opinions, beliefs, ideas, models, concepts, thoughts, words, wordswords, words.

can we be doing more harm than good?

Edited by Kenya

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@Kenya In The Matrix, the red pill, which gets you OUTSIDE of the simulation, is still sitting INSIDE the simulation. It's a fake pill.

But it can definitely get you out of it anyway.

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@Kenya The entire world is an egoic playground everywhere you go

the only difference is this place is more aware about it than others

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Yeah.. but you could also consider it a place to go for people who are really lost and need some guidance.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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Doesn't matter either it is yes or no.

But Leo must come inside the matrix to help people out. (I mean Keanu Reeves :D )

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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@Kenya Yes it is. It would be less if there were no rankings, no votes, no reputation m i think is entertainmente for the ego but it doesnt make me sad, anxious, mad or happy....just something to think about for a while.

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@Electron @Philip @Saarah @Truth @7oo13ad

I understand, trust me I do, but for the people just coming into this kind of awareness could all of our collective knowledge on the matter just be sending a person through more and more loops?

I read post day to day and some of the advice, information & opinions are honestly stupid, while the rest only the minority on here can actually experientially understand. It's almost like Leo should make a disclaimer explaining the traps one can fall into with this forum.


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6 hours ago, 7oo13ad said:

Doesn't matter either it is yes or no.

But Leo must come inside the matrix to help people out. (I mean Keanu Reeves :D )

my question to you is , what is the matrix in your mind.

When you say Leo must come inside the matrix to help people out,  how do you know that? where did this idea come from?

You are stuck in the matrix right now, so how do you know what it would be like outside the matrix? if you are in the matrix how do you know he would have to come into the matrix with you to help people?

If you are honest with me and yourself, you cant answer these questions, because you are still in the matrix, right ? :)

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5 minutes ago, Kenya said:

@Electron @Philip @Saarah @Truth @7oo13ad

I understand, trust me I do, but for the people just coming into this kind of awareness could all of our collective knowledge on the matter just be sending a person through more and more loops?

I read post day to day and some of the advice, information & opinions are honestly stupid, while the rest only the minority on here can actually experientially understand. It's almost like Leo should make a disclaimer explaining the traps one can fall into with this forum.


if you watch his videos he has shown you more traps than you can deal with now.  As for the forum, the consciousness of those here are awakening or still believe they are the identity, if they believe they are the identity, its going to be difficult for them to hear someone who isn't so there is no harm in what goes on here, you are ready for it or you ain't, now if you function solely from the identity, with programing and false belief, you can only give out what you believe, and that will be more programing and false belief,  so in the final conclusion those who are awakening are growing, those who function as the identity are still trapped but hopefully somewhere in all of this that it affects the consciousness of many for the greater good.

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47 minutes ago, Kenya said:

@Electron @Philip @Saarah @Truth @7oo13ad

I understand, trust me I do, but for the people just coming into this kind of awareness could all of our collective knowledge on the matter just be sending a person through more and more loops?

I read post day to day and some of the advice, information & opinions are honestly stupid, while the rest only the minority on here can actually experientially understand. It's almost like Leo should make a disclaimer explaining the traps one can fall into with this forum.


And that's the struggle. Failing and messing up or "falling into traps" are just a part of life, but you learn a lot from it, failure is the best teacher. We're all gonna fall into a lot of traps, even when we're being aware of the traps and that's okay. Your fear of falling into traps is actually trapping you paradoxically, so be mindful of that, there's actually no traps in the reality, this is what people are really getting "stuck" on, we're all gonna stumble a lot, but as long as we persevere we'll find our way eventually.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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1 hour ago, Kenya said:

@Electron @Philip @Saarah @Truth @7oo13ad

I understand, trust me I do, but for the people just coming into this kind of awareness could all of our collective knowledge on the matter just be sending a person through more and more loops?

I read post day to day and some of the advice, information & opinions are honestly stupid, while the rest only the minority on here can actually experientially understand. It's almost like Leo should make a disclaimer explaining the traps one can fall into with this forum.


The way to understand it all is through more and more exposure of the material, sometimes there are gaps and you're confused and then you watch another few videos and certain concepts start coming together and fitting an overall theme and pattern of understanding

Ive been watching the videos for 2 years and I'm a long way from understanding everything but just watching the videos weekly without jumping to conclusions, I start finding out the basic level of the pathway to go so that when a model or belief or idea is presented I can pick apart and analyse the components of it to see if it's elements are congruent with what I've learnt through constant exposure of the channel

And yes all these models and beliefs are just all conceptions of the mind but it's the way we work and the tools we use to communicate within this matrix of traps to get out of it

But it doesn't make a difference if we stopped being on this forum because all those things those beliefs and models will still be stuck with you because they're all in your mind already

so it's good to have a place to discuss them and acknowledge them more directly, gives a sort of empowering effect to move beyond then with time and work 

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@Truth @Saarah @charlie2dogs

I appreciate the advice, but this thread was my concern for newcomers & if they're serious about this work they can ride the waves of their own journey and sort through the jargon presented here.

In the end I believe the value we present being her outweighes the negatives.


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I see it like this. On one hand there is clear water(awareness) and on the other hand there is sand(thoughts, symbols). When water and sand mix you get muddy water. The awareness is being confused with the thoughts and symbols, the result is an ego that tries to build a huge wall around itself for self defense because it thinks that when the thoughts stop, the awareness stops with it. But the awareness is eternal whereas the thoughts are just a temporary reflection of reality. Of course, this ego defense causes a huge confusion in life with disastrous results.

What we all want is to clean up our water, we want a nice layer of sand on the bottom of a glass with clear water. The realization that the thoughts are not the water - even though the thoughts are IN the water. Talking about it, like in this forum, indeed only stirs up the water. You can only clear it up by leaving it alone. But stirring up the water is very helpful in the way that you can come to the realization that stirring it up is not helping in improving your life. Life is great in the sense that you always get feedback in the way you approach things. If you have a big ego, life will throw things at you which will question it's validity.


RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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13 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

my question to you is , what is the matrix in your mind.

When you say Leo must come inside the matrix to help people out,  how do you know that? where did this idea come from?

You are stuck in the matrix right now, so how do you know what it would be like outside the matrix? if you are in the matrix how do you know he would have to come into the matrix with you to help people?

If you are honest with me and yourself, you cant answer these questions, because you are still in the matrix, right ? :)

I know Leo has to come inside the matrix to help people out because I watched the movie.
I have no idea what it would be like outside the matrix man and yes I'm still inside but not 'stuck', keep moving forward man :D 

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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22 minutes ago, 7oo13ad said:

I know Leo has to come inside the matrix to help people out because I watched the movie.
I have no idea what it would be like outside the matrix man and yes I'm still inside but not 'stuck', keep moving forward man :D 

i understand you watched the movie, but its not knowing until you have the experience of it yourself :)

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