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Attended "Orange" Master Mind - Still Useful?

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I attended a Master Mind group yesterday and it was quite fun! It's a pretty orange Master Mind though and most of the teachings were centred around money and getting rich... and I also feel that most of the literature is concentrated on orange thinking.. one of the books mentioned was "rich dad, poor dad" and the main discussion was about "think and grow rich". Did any of you happen to read either of the books? 

I think even though I am more interested in alternative, holistic topics and many of the people were way too success-focused for me.. it could still be very useful for me. I haven't really developed stage orange ever. I am a naturally non-competitive, but collaborative and non-materialistic person. So this is new thinking for me and the literature is also "new". Even though I feel like I can see through some of the limitations of this mind set and it's clear to me that ultimately that's not the way for me to go.. but I think I can integrate some of the knowledge. It was very practical and I want to combine the efficiency with more holistic topics.. more in the sense of a social entrepreneur. But if I want to achieve something I also have to look at the monetary side of things.. otherwise it's just going to stay a dream. So I think it's very useful for me, even though a lot of the thinking is not totally aligned with my values. And at times it feels like a "step back".. because I can see through the limitation and I know that there is a deeper truth underneath. But overall, I still need to integrate orange.. so it's not really a step back, but just a catch up of something I skipped over. What do you guys think? 

(Sometimes I got triggered to hint at something that lies underneath.. but I realised it doesn't make any sense. You can't really see through the limitation if that's the mind set you're at. It will just sound like gibberish and non-sense.. and the people will think "wow she's so naive, I got it figured out and she has no idea. Intuition is so woo-woo, what could you achieve with it. It's numbers over gut instinct." Or something along these lines.. so it's a total waste of effort to try to make someone understand something, he or she is not open to. So that could be difficult, to be able to see through some of it and not say a word.. because ultimately everyone has to find out for themselves and you can't convince someone into understanding.) 

So many learnings ^_^

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@Pilgrim Sounds interesting, thank you for sharing.

What were some of the values that you agreed with?

What were some of the values that you didn't agree with?

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Interesting question! Well for me it seemed like most people were very oriented on the goal "achieve a certain amount of money by time x through putting in service/effort", a totally reasonable SMART (=Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable, Time Bound) goal. And that's a good way to go, but I felt like they want to "force" it to happen and all their attention lies on achieving this specific goal.. for me there is an underlying truth of "attracting" things, success and people when you are acting out of your Authentic Self and you don't need to force things to happen. They happen naturally.. but it takes a lot of trust and especially authenticity. It's a sort of detachment of the outcome.. it does not necessarily need to happen this specific way and I might adapt my plan on the way.. I am just going to put genuine effort in it, plant a seed and see how big it grows (total detachment of the outcome). Also, for what do they want to achieve this money? Ultimately they want happiness and think they can buy that with money. Money definitely plays a role in your happiness (at least in mine) cause it gives you security and the resources to devote time on the things you love.. however, when you're stuck in the mind set of wanting to be "rich".. it's never going to be enough. They are so attached to the money and being successful, they will just ache for more, more and more. And ultimately this attachment to money will make them very miserable. 

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