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LSD Notes

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I had LSD trip few weeks ago. Not sure about dosage, I supposed to have a microdose, but, I think, I had around 100ug. Here are the notes that I wrote on the next day after the trip. Few days before the trip I finished reading the "theory of everything" book and watching Leo's dualities videos.

Hi. Hi there. To whom am I speaking? Ah, yeah, it's you, me-me-me, you, whatever.

1 of May 2019, amazing day, amazing life. I am grateful for.

What I wanted to say? Just "I am" or "Consciousness". Yeah, I am Done. Done-Done. Bye.

Few spiritual bullshit to the end.

* All is Consciousness. 

* I am you, I am my friend. My friend is going to fuck her girlfriend (or myself). Myself is going to fuck myself and I talk to myself. What a bullshit. But here we are. What can we do here? Except to love, share, enjoy live.

* I am creating myself, everything, all the time, forever, no time, whatever.

* Dima (yeah, my actor in this big game, or yours, hello) does not experience anything directly. Eat apple, what do you experience? Apple? No, fucking no. It's perception of apple. Apple is not perception of apple. But perceptions are great. That's the best what you can get, direct fucking experience.

* I can find you.. Oh, no, this is a song or perception of Truth in Dima's ears. 

* Dima is duality. Everything is duality. These words are duality. Duality grounds Dima in this unTruth world. Okey, I am talking lies, all the time, actually. There is one thing which is not duality, call it Consciousness. 
But you have to experience it through your fucking perceptions otherwise it's duality.

* If you do it there will be sadness. You can't run away from yourself. You can't call your mother (or yourself) or your friend (or yourself). What's the point? Except maybe there is no point in anything. Maybe, just for grounding, he-he.

* Also, there will be freedom. You know it's plastic life, it's amazing. I love you. Love. Just love. Amazing. Thank you (me) for reading this lie which points to Truth if any

* No free will, listen your body, your heart. 

* Anyway. This is just small realization. This is everything and nothing. Love you. Go home, relax, enjoy. What you can do. Whatever.

Okay, after re-reading this bullshit so far, I really don't know how you can experience It. Except through yourself, can we call it super perception, zoom out, stillness? I really don't know. I am confused? Isn't it a good thing? Question is the answer. Answer is the question.

My spiritual theory bullshit tells me this is unTruth unRealization. When you go this path and do it for everything you will understand that you are confused while writing it. No-thing. Love. I am.

Hope you enjoyed reading it, have a good day.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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