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Meditation Experience

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I started meditating 9 months ago using nadi shuddi, and guided meditations from Sadhguru.  In late October I started getting these strange experiences.

It started with a walking mindfulness meditation, where 20-30 minutes in I started to really feel everything around me, the hardness of the concrete, the heat of the sun, the noise of the passing trucks.  It all became overwhelming.  

I had to take a break from it all and ended up in a park.  Deeper meditation made the colors vivid, and I could feel the plants, hear the bugs, people walking by were moving in slow motion.

The weird thing is that it felt like it had been 15 minutes, but an alarm in my phone indicated it had been almost 3 hours.

Although it is inaccurate the only experience that is similar was the psychadelic I had in college.   But it wasnt quite like that either.  

I dont know what this experience is and would appreciate some insight.

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